Chapter 538: What Are They?

Irish retracted her eyes and smiled bitterly, playing with the powder bag, "What is the use? At least I don't have the courage to put magnesium powder in it. "

"It's magnesium powder." Leo soothed the atmosphere, reached out, and pulled, "There are so many disorderly tools that I can't name them."

"Indoor climbing tools don't need much, but the outdoors has many." Irish smiled lightly.

"Really? I thought it was the same." 

"These are just personal equipment, security belts, landing gear, safety cables, sling, climbing shoes, magnesium powder, and safety helmets. But in outdoor climbing, you need the most professional climbing equipment because you can only rely on yourself in the event of danger outside, and the tools are important." Irish blurted out casually.

"What are they?" Leo smiled at her.