Chapter 562: Are You Coming Here For Isabel?

Irish shook her head slightly since she was so exhausted and didn't want to move at all.

Joseph said nothing but embraced her tightly, and her buttocks clung to his hip. His cock was resting after the great passionate moment, but it still looked so big, which made her have a lingering fear.

"Do you get mad with me?" He had to admit that he was rude just now. Though the love bites served as a stimulus for him during their sex, he still felt sorrowful for her after that. He raised her wrist and kissed gently, "You are so sexy."

"I am not angry," Irish mumbled since she also knew that his abnormal behavior tonight may have something to do with her nude pictures.

But she didn't want to mention it in front of him.

"Is there any other woman wearing this sexy lingerie in front of you?" She asked him.

Instead of being angry, he turned her around and smiled softly, "I never bring such a woman back home."