Chapter 563: You Can’t Be So Disgraceful

Mary replied directly, hearing this, since she was not here to talk about the old days with him. "Where is Irish?"

Mary couldn't get through her phone and couldn't find her at her house, so she could only come here to ask Joseph.

"She is living with me. She is safe." Joseph calmly announced.

"Safe?" Mary sneered and retorted, "Do you think I don't know what happened that day? The administrator of the residence community had told me. Irish has become the main issue because of you. Are you satisfied now? Do you still think she is safe with you? There is only one way to ensure her safety. You have to leave her."

Instead of being irritated, Joseph said indifferently, "What is done cannot be undone. We can't change anything even if I break up with her. Then why do I have to leave her in this way?"

Mary was speechless about his words, but soon she frowned and said, "Joseph, what do you think about this situation?"