Chapter 686: You Are Clever

Perhaps the owner wanted to put some basic tools such as a knife and fish pole so as to get some food from the sea. Another smaller raft was lying beside the bigger one, but it was just a coarse semi-finished product.

Two rafts became wooden boats stranded in the desert and looked bleak under the old trees. The twine of the made-up raft had been cut off, and the entire frame was slanted and scrapped. It could not be used anymore.

Slowly, Joseph walked over and stopped in front of the rafts.

Taking a glance at the rafts, Joseph turned to Irish, calm yet dangerous. Compared with Irish's indignation, Joseph looked reserved and explicit while his eyes were full of sarcasm.

"Irish, it seems that you didn't study hard in manual class when you were in primary school. You made two rafts so roughly. I really can't figure out if you want to take it to escape or commit suicide," Joseph sounded sarcastic.