Chapter 687: You Are A Crafty Rabbit

When she made the second raft, however, it was out of her expectation that Joseph had come to the island. The plan couldn't catch up with changes. When she wanted him to come, he did not appear, and when she wanted to escape before he found it, he appeared again. 

"You are so smart." Joseph let go of her face, and his arm was still holding her. Pointing to the nearest ancient tree, he said, "To get the raft you hid in the tree, the gardener almost broke his leg, and one of his arms was injured. Irish, I belittled your strength. You could even get the raft to the tree, and you are a real rock climber."

Joseph had never told Irish that the island and its villa had 17,000 cameras. He could see what was happening on the island as long as they were turned on. Of course, he was not bored enough to turn on every camera to check. Usually, he made a direct phone call to ask about her.

After he came to the island, he found something weird.