Chapter 688: You Can’t Leave Me At All

The sea at night was like the devil, dark and appalling. Not to mention being thrown into the sea.

Irish was full of fear and nervousness. She tried to reach for Joseph's arm or the corner of his clothes, but she couldn't reach it.

She felt that she was about to be washed away by the sea and then completely disappear into the world.

The seawater rushed into her eyes and mouth and choked into her nasal cavity, and she felt that the next second she would die.

The figure of the man in front of her became increasingly blurred, and she reached out to him with all her energy and cried in horror.

Joseph pulled her hands.

Irish tried her best to hold on to him as if she had caught the straw, but he kept her from moving forward.

"Help me." Out of desire and instinct for life, Irish finally could not help but send out a distress signal.