Chapter 766: Do Not Call Me Or Meet Me

Irish was frank, and it was usual for her to behave sharply. Of course, she tended to be impatient with some people or something unimportant to her. This call was just an example. The requests put forward by Anthony made Irish more and more unhappy, so she just behaved less politely.

Anthony figured out her impatience, so he explained immediately and emphasized that he was not malicious. He was afraid that she would hang it up impatiently, so he just told her the truth.

"Irish, it's my fault to cheat you regarding the fake name. I decided to change my name one year ago after knowing you had returned from abroad."

"Why?" Irish was very cold.

"I have liked you since a long time ago," Anthony said hilariously, toning up his voice.

Irish was in a daze for the time being.