Chapter 767: You Born To Be A Leader

Joseph was busy with the decision on the Spring-Autumn new arrivals after returning, and the corporation had been in turmoil from the end of the year to the beginning. Adjustments had been made within and out of the corporation, and the board of directors went through great changes. The Key Group also bumped into the Runestone Group many times, so winning the battle in the Spring-Autumn finally made it easier for the Runestone Group.

According to the feedback from the market, the volume of the Runestone Group's Spring-Autumn new arrivals exceeded that of the Key Group by 2%, which proved that the Runestone Group won the battle. The Key Group also admitted that it had been settled in the Bright Mall. Joseph figured out Leo's ambition through it.

Later he knew why Leo had been in close connection with Rosy. It was possible for him to make use of Rosy so that the Key Group could be settled in the Bright Mall one day and equal to the Runestone Group in the global market.