Chapter 793: Blaming His Brother

Joseph was doubtful about it.

Irish looked back to Jordan and asked lightly, "Am I right?" She was clear about Jordan's personality.

Dare he grabs her with his brother? Irish could be certain that Jordan dared not to do it.

Having been along with Jordan for a long time, she could clearly feel that Jordan cared for Joseph very much. He respected his brother and also complained about him. She could understand this kind of state of mind. The more he cared for him, the more he valued everything related to them.

Per Jordan's personality, he was the kind of person who would just give up silently while knowing that they both fell in love with the same girl if there was no contradiction.

However, Jordan hated Joseph now, so it was true that he dared not to grab Irish, but it didn't mean that he wouldn't say something to make Joseph furious.