Chapter 794: Things Were Getting Worse

So, what on earth was it?

Irish only felt puzzled, and it might not be clear to find the clues.

The consequences of the matter could only be seen in the quarrel, and it was not possible to know the cause.

Joseph's face was unpleasant. From Irish's point of view, she did not know whether it was the light or something, his face was almost iron green, and his thin lips tightly closed into a sharp line.

The pressure in the room was too low for Irish to breathe.

She looked into Joseph's eyes while Joseph stared at Jordan, whose eyes were vaguely unhappy, cold, and depressed as if they were floating clouds above the wide sea, which were about to rain.

At this time, Irish instead hoped that Joseph could say something and retort Jordan's words because once he refuted, he would explain so that she could at least know a corner of the situation.