Chapter 829: Joseph, Don’t Go Away

Although Joseph was a little absent-minded, he was still at work, in a meeting, and waiting for the answers. His men did not dare to guess his mind, so they said their views individually. A moment later, Joseph sat back in his chair, and his subordinates were reporting, and he was listening.

After the people in the marketing department finished reporting, he said lightly. "As far as I know, this main diamond has been collected by Lily Club for nearly a decade. Although Leo has announced it to the public at present, the most important thing to focus on is their design and marketing departments."

The director of the marketing department immediately reported, "After the news, I also asked the people under my department to keep an eye on it, but there was no movement in the marketing department of their company."

"Well." Joseph seems seriously thinking.

"General Manager, maybe it's just a piece of fake news from him?" The other subordinate said.