Chapter 830: You Can’t Marry Rosy

The elevator in the morning had always been busy, and the hotel was no exception. However, at this time, the hotel guests took the elevator downstairs for breakfast, so Irish did not wait for the elevator and directly ran to the 17th floor by the stairs.

It was just that when she opened the conference room door, she did not expect so many people to sit there, except for an old man dressed in traditional style, and all the others were dressed in suits.

However, her words could not be stopped the moment after pushing the door.

"Joseph, I don't want you to marry Rosy!"

The sound was loud, and the word was clear.

Everyone in the conference room looked at each other.

What they saw was a woman in a sleeping dress who had just pushed the door in. Her eyes are red and swollen, her face is pale, her shawl draped at her shoulders, and she is barefoot.