Chapter 834: Do You Think Our Wedding Is Too Hasty?

Mary walked them out of the inpatient building. They could see many patients taking a walk in the garden of the hospital while others were basking in the sun in a wheelchair. They all looked pale and were in blues. Irish could feel the smell of death when she passed by.

Irish stopped Mary and gave her a hug. The doctor told them to wait and observe Steven's condition.

Mary looked up at Joseph, who stayed calm. A moment later, she then said, "The doctor said that perhaps Steven could accept an operation. But Joseph invited some famous experts to have a consultation. But they all thought that Steven had lost the chance to accept the operation since the cancer cell was transferred into another lung. The only way was to accept chemotherapy as well as some traditional Chinese treatment. However, the expert also told them that it was impossible for him to heal up. They could only try to reduce his pain." Mary wiped her tears as she said.