Chapter 835: You Beat A Woman?

Irish didn't know why he selected this day to hold their wedding. "Aunt Mary is right. Now that we have decided to get married, then it makes no difference which day to hold the wedding," Joseph's soft voice came.

"But Aunt said that after you told her the wedding date," Irish responded anxiously.

Joseph was amused by Irish's reaction and then continued, "Irish, I also want to get married as soon as possible." He said and then glimpsed at her, adding, "Although it is a little bit hasty. It is the weekend, and it is convenient, so don't worry. I will prepare everything. Just do what you ought to do. Leave all these to me. I can handle it."

After hearing this, Irish pouted her mouth and said, "But I can't just sit back and leave all these to you."

Joseph kept silent for a while since he knew what she was worried about. "Don't think too much. Let nature take its course," comforted Joseph.