Chapter 836: Why Are You Stealing My Birth Certificate?

Irish was a little frightened, and she got up to open the door and found that it was Daisy.

"Mr. Dover told me to deliver you a meal." Daisy shook the box in her hand, exquisite and very delicate. It was takeout, but she had thought she had come to visit her with two boxes of gifts.

"He was afraid that you would lose your appetite and specially ordered for you in the Neo-classic restaurant," Daisy added When she entered the room.

Irish looked at the beautifully packed box and sighed gently. "The arrangement is too extravagant."

She knew the Neo-classic restaurant and had the privilege of going to it once. The word "Privilege" was used because the restaurant was only allowing people to enter after a special booking process, and nine out of ten diners at the restaurant were diplomats or multinational executives, and ordinary people may not have heard of it. The location of the restaurant was not too far from her uncle's house.