Chapter 881: You Are Such A Gossip Girl

Cassie was shocked by her words, "You are so cruel."

"It's proper protection." She pouted her lips. 

"As far as I am concerned, you need to be faced with Becky before Rosy." Cassie ate her beef.

Irish laughed, "I don't care about her at all. By the way, she has been involved in the rumors, so she has no time to pay attention to Joseph."

Cassie was surprised, "Haven't you checked social media before having the meal with me?"

Irish couldn't understand, "Isn't the rumor that she has been rejected?"

Cassie despised her. "You haven't paid attention to the internet now since you've been Mrs. Dover. You only mentioned the result, but now people are talking about the reason. It's known to the whole world, but you are still unaware of it."

Irish got her, "You mean I know nothing at all?" She pointed to herself, "Really?"