Chapter 882: Intruder

Joseph pulled her closer. She hadn't thought Joseph would hold her in his bosom in public. He just put a wisp of hair behind her ear. His behavior was so natural.

"Okay, do not be angry. Enjoy your meal and call me after finishing your task. Let's go back home together." He released her.

Irish's heart beat quickly again, and she just nodded lightly.

Joseph looked at her. He couldn't help massaging her head. Then, as he was to go, Irish remembered Cassie's words, and she thought about Becky and pulled his arms.

He stopped and turned to look at Irish, who approached him and asked by her, lowering her voice, "Do you know something about Becky?" 

Joseph just looked at her. He didn't speak.

She raised her eyes and looked at him while he smiled lightly, caressing and patting her head. "Do not focus on the rumors outside. Now you are Mrs. Dover, so you should focus on me. Okay?"