Chapter 960: Do Not Cry

After they left, Irish changed her clothes and drove to the Runestone Group immediately, regardless, without wearing makeup. On the way, Irish called Daisy, but it didn't get through.

She just left a message for Daisy. As her car entered the garage, Irish nearly bumped the car into the wall.

The garage was full of reporters with whom securities were negotiating. They all just occupied the original parking lots.

Irish felt nervous.

Maybe they were here to dig the news about the Runestone Group? She thought.

Thinking of that, she just found an empty lot and stopped there. She then found a pair of sunglasses. As she wore it, someone saw her and shouted, and soon a crowd of reporters rushed to her carrying cameras.

Irish was totally surprised.

Today she drove Joseph's car. It could be imagined that these reporters could even recognize Joseph's car easily.

The situation was terrible for the time being.