Chapter 961: Investigation Process

Irish called his name again and again.

Please empower me with great energy. She thought.

Otherwise, she wasn't sure if she possessed the courage to step into the meeting room and face the potential scolding from those shareholders.

Gazing at the imposing facade of the Runestone Group, Irish drew in a deep breath and whispered to herself, "Just step inside, Irish."


Due to the gravity of Ruby's death case, the police had assembled a specialized team for investigation, with Chalmers leading the charge. Upon learning that his subordinates had taken Joseph to the police station, Chalmers made the decision to interrogate Joseph personally.

Before leaving his office, Chalmers reached for the phone on his desk, answering a call from Tanner, the prosecutor assigned to Joseph's business crime case. Tanner was known for his strict adherence to principles and unwavering integrity, earning him the nickname "Poker Face".