Chapter 962: The Interrogation Process

Joseph responded calmly, "I had a shareholders' meeting in my company, and Ruby was required to attend as one of the shareholders."

"During the meeting, it is reported that Ruby was constantly opposing you," Chalmers continued.

"Quarrels and disagreements among shareholders are not uncommon," Joseph replied calmly.

Chalmers pondered for a moment before asking, "Why did she have disagreements with you?"

"It was related to the matter of new arrivals," Joseph responded.

"Did she suspect that you had betrayed the company?" Chalmers inquired.

Joseph smiled softly, "Perhaps."

Curious, Chalmers pressed further, asking, "What actions did you take?"

Joseph's tone remained light as he replied, "Chalmers, you are overstepping your authority. It is Tanner who should be asking these questions."

Chalmers blinked, maintaining eye contact with Joseph for a moment. "Mr. Dover, I am simply conducting the interrogation," he clarified.