Chapter 990: The Bank Card Is Mind

In fact, Joseph knew nothing about music, let alone playing the violin. He even didn't know how to put the violin well on his shoulder.

His hands were born for diamonds, actually. From knowing each other to getting married, most of the time, when she woke up, he had left already. Whenever it was, he got up earlier than her.

But this morning, when she opened her eyes, she seemed to live in joy.

It was so good that she could see him as soon as she opened her eyes.

Their love was never Platonic. He was no longer a boy, while she was not a girl. In their process of knowing each other, they were not young and naïve anymore. Most of the time, they just show their strong feelings by body touch directly.

However, this morning, Irish thought that their love was pure and white.

It was just like love in that small town.

She raised her hands to touch his hair.

His face was still nestled into her neck. His breath made her feel uncomfortable.