Chapter 991: It Is Not My Fault

In the morning, she just exclaimed to be a good wife, and her passion touched him. However, after breakfast, she changed. It turned out not to be the case, and she just took out a list, passing it on to him, "Look, let's finish the list."

Joseph took a glance at it. God, they were all crowded areas.

"The initial task for being a good wife is to make her husband relaxed. I have thought about it. In New York, visiting places of historical interest may be the best choice." Irish said sincerely.

Looking outside, Joseph squinted at the shining sun and said hastily, "I think I have enjoyed a relaxed morning."

Irish pouted and continued, "I am your boss now, and you should be at my beck and call. Don't declare yourself."

"Yes, sir!" said Joseph with a smile.