Chapter 1009: The Body Is Totally Burned

As the words reached Cassie's ears, an intense surge of betrayal seemed to pierce her heart. Breathing became arduous, and the physical symptoms of her pregnancy intensified. Overwhelmed, she hastily went to the bathroom, where she vomited while trembling uncontrollably. Tears refused to flow due to the sheer terror gripping her. Only one thought echoed relentlessly in her mind, "The body does not belong to Roy... He is not dead..."

And then her underbelly ached. She just held her underbelly and quivered. Shirley finished making breakfast, and as she entered the bathroom, she saw Cassie squatting on the floor. She thought that there was a problem with Cassie's baby, and she just screamed and asked whether Cassie felt comfortable.

Cassie's mind went blank. She even lost consciousness. She just spoke absent-mindedly, " dead... The police asked us to identify the body...."