Chapter 1010: Uncertain Evidence

The outline of the face could only be judged basically. It was so frightening.

Chalmers looked at them three and sighed heavily. Only Joseph just stood there firmly. He was extremely serious and just gnawed his teeth tightly.

"Continue?" Chalmers could only ask Joseph now.

Joseph nodded.

Chalmers opened the whole bedsheet.

It was a destroyed body. From the appearance, it couldn't be identified. However, it had the same height as Roy.

The skeleton was still there, though the skin and flesh were burned completely.

Shirley screamed, terrified, and then cried loudly.

Cassie's eye socket was dry. With sorrow and pain, she pushed Irish away and came closer to the body. She was faced with it now. Irish wanted to vomit, and her heart ached. She wanted to pull Cassie away, but she couldn't do anything.