Chapter 22

The sun was setting, and the guards at some cave entrance were taking the fee from whoever entered. Raoh and his group were on the line. 

"What's with this new outfit," Zuko asked once Raoh came back. 

"Don't question it," Raoh said as he lifted his bamboo hat. 

Currently, he was wearing a yellow bamboo hat that covered his head, white robes, and loose pants under it, with a black belt tying it.  

He lowered his hat and entered. After paying a fee, extra money, he said, "We're here to fight." 

"Do you have a bender?" Asked the guard.

"We have." Raoh pointed behind him to Fong, who lifted his hand, and a large rock flew from the earth. The guards nodded and let them in. 

Soon, the people split into two groups. A group went to the spectators' seats, and the others went where the fighters are. 

Roah lifted his hand and greeted a man, who happened to be the one Raoh gambled with earlier. He was the owner of this underground arena, and he is the one who pays the fighters. After sharing some words, Raoh introduced his fighter. 

Raoh turned his head to Fong and whispered. "Listen, once you meet that little girl, tell her to join us, okay." 

"I'll test her first," Fong said. 

Soon, the fights started, and benders were getting in. Given their aura, Raoh could determine the power level of everyone here, and they seemed to be powerful. 

Fong cracked his fists, seeming to be excited to fight some of these men… some women too. 

The fighters were fighting, and all of them seemed to be powerful. 

Raoh picked up his sack to bet on the fights. 

With his Haki, he could sense how strong every fighter's fighting spirit was, and thus, he could feel their power level. His winning rate was 90 per cent… the other 10% was up to luck. 

After some 6 fights and so, came a blind girl to the scene. 

Zuko turned to Raoh and said. "She came…." 

Zuko's face then twitched. Raoh was having many sacks full of silver. 

It's remarkable how all of this wealth started with some money he lent to Raoh. 

Now, the guy is rich. 

How can someone be so lucky, even when picking up fighters? No… how can someone be sure of his luck… unless it was no luck at all? 

"Just let me make this last bet." Raoh said as he placed his money and said, "On the girl, please." 

He then walked to observe the fight. 

"You seem to know how to pick your fighters. Maybe we should have chosen someone like you to pick up talent for our case." Zuko said. 

"Don't trust me too much," Raoh said. "It's a game… now, let's see… Damn, Toph is really pretty at this age." 

Raoh stared at the girl who came to the stage. She was of average height for a woman, had blue eyes, and silk black hair. Her skin was so white too. 

Soon, the battle started in the arena. 

The first fighter made his move and was about to step on the ground. Toph, here known as Blind Bandit, tapped the ground with her barefoot. A sharp rock came beneath the man's foot, and he screamed loudly. Toph sent a little rock in his way, and he was knocked out instantly. 

"She is powerful, I admit," Zuko said. "Is she really blind?" 

"She sees better than everyone," Raoh said as he sat down. 

The fights kept going, and the Blind Bandit was still in the arena, looking for more challenges, but all failed. 

The bets rate changed. If you bet on her, you can only win 1/10 more of your bet. If you bet on her foe, you can win 10 times. 

"Okay, I admit, she is not half bad." Fong felt excited. 

Raoh held him by his arm, and he said. "For your best, don't play too aggressive." 

"Tsk. Don't fear about your little girl." Fong said before he leapt to the arena. 

Raoh sighed. If he has to compare the fighting spirits of the two, Fong's spirit was so little compared to his foe. Of course, Fong's bending was very strong. 

Soon, the two started fighting. 

"Blind Bandit, we've been looking for you," Fong said. "I'll ask you for a talk, and to join us." 

Blind Bandit who was staring at the ground, didn't even reply to his words. 

Fong furrowed his eyebrows and started bending the Earth. 

But, in instant, Toph hit the ground with her palms. 

Rocks got out of the earth and wrapped Fong's hands, tying them to the ground. 

Her aiming was impressive, as she just predicted not where his hands were, but where they were going. 

"Fong! Give up!" Raoh yelled. 

Fong was very proud as it appears. He didn't give up, causing him to get sandwiched by two Earth walls that appeared beside him. 

"Ooo…." Raoh's lips made o shape. Unlike him, Fong doesn't have a healing factor. So it's easy to say that he will need a long time to recover. 

Fong crawled out of the arena, and Zuko went to pick him up. 

"Any more challenges." The Blind Bandit opened her arms widely and turned to everyone. "Come on, this is supposed to be fun, you weaklings. You call yourselves men, come over… you can't be afraid of a little blind woman." Her tone was mocking and provoking. Raoh could sense that people were offended, but not smart to go. 

"I'll teach her a lesson," Zuko said, reaching his back for his dual sword.

Zuko, in the canon, was shown to break a metal chain with a kick, and when it comes to bending, he was powerful. Now, he is supposed to be 19 years old, so he should have gotten more powerful. But if he went there, he will just hurt himself, in case he didn't want to show his identity. 

"I'll Go!" Raoh jumped to the arena in one huge leap and landed. 

Toph smirked. "You think yourself tough boy… what are you going to do, using that sword to slice this little girl. How can you call yourself a ma—" 

"Shut up," Raoh said in a stern voice. "You're a bender, I'm not… but If you are afraid, you can just give up." 

"Me, afraid? Hahaha… Did your mom drop you on your head when you were a baby?" Toph laughed and pointed her hand at Raoh. 

Sounds like herself, she is good with harsh words and provoking people. 

She sounds just like your Online edge lord. Raoh smiled. They are fun to troll and waste time. He used to play with them when he was locked in home. 

"Did you use your last two brain cells to come to this conclusion? I'm impressed. I wonder what you may find out if you had more?" He said with sarcasm. Raoh put his finger on the guard of his Katana and pushed it up. "Okay… let's dance."