Chapter 23

"Okay… Let's dance." Said Raoh while facing Toph. 

"I'll dance at your funeral." 

She smirked at him as if waiting for him to make the first move. Raoh lifted his leg, just to make a step. Toph stomped, and Raoh stopped his movement. The earth in front of him raised so fast that it would have thrown him if he stepped there. 

"Not so bad… But I'm not planning to die." Raoh smirked. "I'm planning to make a better world with you." 

"Only in your dreams." 

Toph lifted her hands and started moving them. Huge rocks started dancing from the arena, and they surrounded Raoh. 

Raoh had to admit. She is stronger than she was shown in the canon. That was a natural result of her growing older by three years. 

Unsheathing his sword and holding the grip with two hands, Raoh slashed, before turning and vertically waving his sword. The rocks were cut in half. 

Toph moved her fingers, and the separated rocks surrounded Raoh and attacked him from his blind spots. 

It shouldn't be possible for him to predict them, after all, not everyone like Toph can see everything with their bending. 

Raoh span and chopped quickly in different directions. 

The rocks were cut into little pieces. 

"Okay, I'm impressed, Mr Swordsman." Toph smiled. "You may not be boring like the others. But I can predict every movement you can make." 

"That makes things tough… Your name sounds so." Raoh said, hinting to Toph. 

Of course, no one knew her real name here as Toph. Everyone knows her as the Blind Bandit. 

Upon hearing his words, her eyelids shook and then she squatted. "I don't know what you are talking about." 

She lifted her hands, and a huge shockwave headed toward him, splitting the ground in half in front of Raoh, who flipped to the side. 

Unfortunately, his movement was already predicted by the blind girl. She changed her stance, and the ground became soft where Raoh's legs landed. 

Raoh had an awkward smile when he saw Toph lifting her hands, and a very large rock got out of the ground. 

"You shouldn't have hinted to my name. It's tough for you." She then slammed over, and the rock headed at him. Raoh tried to break free, but he didn't have time. Another layer of rocks came from the earth and shackled his hands. 

He then made an action that didn't make sense to Toph. 

"Why aren't you afraid?" She wondered once the rock hit him. 

The rock cracked once it hit Raoh. 

Everyone predicted that he will die from this attack. 

Even Zuko and Fong. 

Instead, the Rock continued cracking. Raoh's hands appeared in the middle, splitting it with his raw power. 

Toph blinked twice, even though she couldn't see. 

But she could see everything, far better than anyone.

And she was shocked. 

Raoh was standing in front of her, in front of everyone, blood on his clothes. 

"Great…" he said, frustrated. "I just bought these today, and they got dirty. I'll make you wash them, after joining me." 

"Why would I join you." Toph took a deep breath. She was the only one who saw what happened. Raoh's injuries were healed in instant, and he could use raw strength to break free. And his body was so hard that it cracked the rocks. 

"Also, I'm not your maid to wash your clothes!" She said, lifting her hand. The cracked rock floated, in no time, it fixed, and it fell again on Raoh. 

"Playtime is over." Raoh appeared on the top of the rock, standing. 

Everyone from the crowd couldn't believe their eyes once they saw the speed of Raoh. 

"So fast!" She exclaimed. As she was about to do her next movement, Raoh dashed at an inhuman speed at her. Toph made a few Earth Walls between them, but Raoh's blade cut them clean. 

Confused and afraid, Toph moved her hands randomly once Raoh was in front of her. 

"Stop." Raoh put the blade on her neck. 

Toph didn't believe her blind eyes. 

She was defeated, and by a non-Bender. 

She who has always been believed to be the strongest Earthbender was defeated by him. 

"How can this be possible…" Blind Bandit said… 

"I'm older than you, so it's natural." Raoh took his sword back and sheathed it. 

"Why didn't you kill me…" Toph lifted her head. "I was about to kill you… If it were anyone else, they would die. Yet you stopped here." 

"It's okay, I understand. You got a bit too excited. I bet your life is boring outside, and it got boring here with the foes you have." Raoh put his hand on her shoulder. "But it would be a waste for someone special like you to die." 

Toph lowered her head. "So, you too were having fun… but how could you heal in instant…" 

Toph knew that Raoh had some special physical power. It made her wonder. "Are you a spirit…" 

"You can say… Now, Toph, do you want to join us on an adventure." 

"What kind of adventure?" She asked. 

Raoh turned his head to see that the people were looking at them, jaw dropped. He looked at her and said in a low voice. "I'll tell you later. But if you come, you can become a legend. Now, see ya later." 

Raoh turned and walked off the arena. He could still stay to face more challengers, but he chose not to. He saw that the owner of the arena was very happy as Toph had lost. 

Raoh stood in front of Zuko and Fong, who was covered in bondages. 

"So, what do you think?" He asked Fong. There is no way he would miss putting the salt on this guy's injuries. After all his annoying talk about how mighty he is, Raoh felt some pleasure seeing that. It's not like he is sadistic. But Won't you feel happy when it appears you are right about something when everyone is against you. 

"I guess she's acceptable." Fong struggled to say this. 

Zuko looked at Roah. "What was that?" 

"What do you mean?" Raoh asked. 

"You just took that rock straight to your body, broke them with your bare hands, and you cut through many walls, not to mention your speed. I couldn't see you for a moment." Zuko was talking with a more respectful tone now. 

Raoh appeared to be powerful enough to win over a very powerful Earth Bender. Even Fong here was believing that Blind Bandit was the strongest Earth Bender he met. 

"Didn't Tsu tell what I broke with my bare hands… besides, I'm The Ripper for a reason?" Roah sighed. "Anyway, my clothes are dirty… I need to change." 

"We need to treat you," Zuko said as he gave attention to the blood and dirt. 

"No need. I'm good." Raoh said. He then patted his stomach. "Let's go and eat first."