18. One Day This Month


Noontime at GKND H.Q., assuming space had a time. The alien operatives were enjoying their lunch break, with Makava, Tronta, and Arianna sharing a table. Makava slurped a bowl of squid pudding, Ari had some lovely Floran Carrots, and Tronta had some lime-jelly and toast. "So where d'you think S'preme Leader w'nt off to?" Tronta asked through chews.

"To meet Cheren, I would think." Arianna replied. "He's the only one who knew about this 'Apocalypse.'"

"She has to let 'im have it, eventually, after keeping it a secret." Makava figured.

"We gonna be seein' a shrunken Cheren serving her again?" Tron snickered.

"I hope, 'cause my mom really liked it when-"

"WHAT UP, FELLAAAAAAS?" exclaimed the excited tiny alien, Vweeb as he leaped onto their table.

"HEEEEEY, VWEEEEEEB." They waved half-ecstatically.

"Wazzat?? You wonderin' wah Ah look so DIFFEREEEEENT? Well, CHECK IT!" He flexed his right arm. "Vweeby's been BULGIN' muscles!"

"Awwwwww!" Makava cooed. "It's so TEENY and squeezablllllle!"

"Oh, ha ha. But the fact is, this teeny Kateeny's been workin' out and the results are noticeable. Or could I not do THIS!" He leaped to the edge of Arianna's seat, what little room there was, and squeezed his way under her rear.

"Oh! V-Vweeb…" Her purple cheeks flushed red. This was feeling awfully awkward…

But just then, Arianna was lifted an inch over her seat, for Vweeb held her up with both hands as he leaped to the floor. "WHADDYA MAKE OF THAT?!"

"Oooooohh!" The watching kids gaped in astonishment as applause rang.

"Great goin', Vweeb!" Makava cheered.

"Little shrimp's been hittin' the weights!" a blue cat alien said.

Arianna remained curled and with an awkward expression as Vweeb kept her raised. "And check THIS!"

"Waaa-a-a-a-a-a-ah-h-h!" Arianna grew dizzy as Vweeb twirled her like a basketball.

"'Round and 'round she goes, when she stops, when I get bored!" And just like that, he stopped her and tossed her high directly above. He leaped, grabbed her right heel with one hand, and flipped her in a loop before setting her down on both feet. "Voila!" The lunchroom erupted with applause. "Wait until Anthony's big feet get a LOAD of these, and that goes DOUBLE for Kimaya's bum! Pretty soon, my mom won't be scolding little Vweeby ever again!" He then leaped onto Ari's shoulder and told her quietly with a smooth smirk, "Sorry to throw ya around, but keep it between us, I c'n only lift up light weights."

"Uh… okay."


After lunch, Tron was casually walking down the hall with hands in his pockets. Vweeb and Makava went to go ask Jerome for missions, so he was wandering around, looking for something to do. He looked as Arianna hurried up to him, panting. "Hey, Tronta!"


"Ummm, huff, huff… Would you help me train?"


Gym Room

Both siblings were later in the training room, barefoot and fists raised. "Just keep an eye on your opponent and don't let down your guard." Tron explained. "Basic fighting techniques. You learn as you go. Ready?"

"Mm…" She gave a very light nod.

"'kay… let's go!" Tron began jabbing his fists as Arianna dodged, but quickly took some punches to the abs. "Come on, gotta move quicker."

"O-Okay." Arianna side-stepped to avoid and threw punches back, but slow and soft, easy for Tron to block as he crouched, spun, and kicked Arianna off her feet.

"You have to be quicker than THAT." Tron said, still eager to fight.

She got up shakily, "Mm- I'm trying." She still hesitated to dodge as she took quick jabs to her chest, and Tron soon kept her from raising her arms. "AAAAUGH!" With more spirit and fierceness, she flew her fist at Tron's nose and pushed him back. She looked nervously as Tron regained himself and rubbed his nose. …He wasn't bleeding. But Ari, on the other hand, felt an odd feeling course through her knuckles. "…Ooooowww!"

"Alright, enough with fists. Try with kicks." He approached her again and began jabbing kicks at her stomach, Arianna too slow to raise her legs to block those kicks.

"MMM!" Finally, Arianna threw a forceful kick at his stomach, but barely backed him far at all.

"Your feet feel like they can't even squish a water bug." He threw a forceful kick and-

"GAAAAH!" Knocked her on her back.

"I can crush a Stone Buzzy. …Would recommend wearing shoes first."

Arianna stood up, her face swamped with hopelessness, "Oh, what's the point?! I could never fight to save my life, let alone be any stronger than a plant." She turned away.

Tron lowered his guard and walked closer. "What's wrong, Arianna? Why do you wanna fight so bad all of a sudden?"

"It's…It's Vweeb." She turned back. "He's improved so much… so much that… he doesn't need me anymore. Back then…"

"My name's Vweeb!!" exclaimed the bite-size alien to all the kids on the playground. "I may be small, but I'm gonna stomp every ONE of ya!!"

"Ahhhh! Hey-hey, lemme go!" Shortly after, he was snatched by a blue cat alien and scratched against his backside with his teeth, while other kids watched and laughed.

"Sorry, Shrimp, but my claws feel a little dull today, you'll have to do."

"Hey, leave him alone!" Arianna yelled, stomping toward him.

"Or what, Purply? You'll shoot your deathglare? Well, take him!"

"Aaaaahhh!" He tossed Vweeb several meters over her head.

"Vweeb!" She ran to catch him.

On one of their regular visits to Earth, Vweeb's head was drenched in snot from Anthony's nose. "I tell ya, Vweeb, I'm glad you drop by 'cause no one gets them boogers out like you."

"Leave him ALONE, Anthony!" Arianna snatched him away, glaring hatefully.

"Awwww wook at Vweeby's girlfriend coming to save hiiiiim."

With a light blush, Arianna summoned a swarm of hornets from a nearby hive to teach Anthony a lesson. "W-W-Wait, I-I was just kidding, I- GYAAAAAAHHH!" He was then running for his life.

"Phew… thank you, Arianna."

"It's always my pleasure, Vweeb." She smiled warmly.

"Grrrrrrr, rrrrrrr!" Vweeb was trapped under Kimaya's finger, much too small and weak to push it off.

"Awwwww come on, Little Dude, i's just one itty-bitty finger, you ain't gonna let it smoosh ya, are ya?" She smirked witfully.

"Nnnnnn in your dreams, Bobble Head!"

Arianna wore a look of worry when she found them. "Vweeb! Do you need some help?"

"Nah, 't's okay, Arianna, I just need another minute or two to show this brat what for. THIS ALL you can do, Kimaya, my MOM stomps harder!" He smirked with great enthusiasm.

"Yo' mom ain't got jip over my ma, and if she ain't never move, I stayin' put."

"Your mom ain't got the brains to KNOW how ta move, so GIMME your best!" Arianna simply walked away, surprised at Vweeb's sudden increase in attitude.

Weeks later, she was watching Vweeb and Minksman train with Makava and Liaziana. The yellow-skinned Glomourian had Vweeb pinned under her foot, but he pushed her straight off with his own strength. And that was shortly after Vweeb told Ari what he did.

"I was wondering… if… you and I could do something together. Just the two of us. Like… a restaurant." Arianna became more red with each word.

"Heheh, I know what you're trying to say. And… to tell the truth, I kinda felt the same way."


"But… the thing is… I might've only felt that way because you were pretty. No offense, but… you're kind of weak-willed."

"Oh?…" She frowned.

"I mean, I still like you the way you are, just… as a friend. But, I think, my ideal girl is… someone with more tenacity. You know?"

"Well… I can see why you'd like a girl like that. But… who did you have in mind?"

"Oh, no one in particular. But, see you at Wisp!" And he went to hop on Nebula's shoulder.

That was just it, wasn't it. Vweeb changed so much… and she, so little. Just like that, he seemed to grow hundreds of times his size… and she remained small and feeble. It felt so long since she saw Vweeb held against his will. While Ari was under the control of a goddess of plants. She couldn't defend herself then… but Vweeb supported himself just fine. While he became strong and sturdy like the little caterpillar to a butterfly, enduring the hardships of it all, she remained the little flower, trapped to the ground and watching everything happen, while she could only move as the wind blew her. …She hadn't the strength to move far at all.

"…The truth is… I've always admired Vweeb for his courage. He was so small and… so weak… but he always acted so strong. In a way… I saw myself in him. I loved him… for his fighting spirit. And the truth is… I thought he would love me, too. Because both of us were so weak in different ways. That's why I thought… he would never get any stronger than he was then."

Tron's eyes widened in surprise.

"At his size, he looked far weaker than I am. When we first met… it was nice to know someone else had a lack in strength. And I thought he would see it that way, too… and we would be together because we had that in common. But… he got so much stronger. In what feels so short a time. His size doesn't seem relevant to his fighting skill anymore. He's gotten so strong that…that I'm the weak one. Even in his eyes. And it made him realize…" her eyes began to bawl, "that he deserves better than me! That I'm just not strong enough to be next to him! That I…" She buried her eyes in her hands, "Why am I so weak?!" The sobs that followed were painful for her brother to hear.

"Hey hey, don't feel that way, Arianna." He took her hands and tried to move them away. "Why do you care what Vweeb thinks, anyway? You should like you for you, be happy you have what you have."

"But I just can't. Sniff. It isn't just about Vweeb, it's everyone. Nebula commanding the Nexus, the way Cheren took down Viridi… everyone's getting so much stronger, and I… sniff." She wiped some tears, "I'm still the same Arianna. Even you modified those discs of yours."

"Sigh…" Tron put a hand on her shoulder. "I dunno what to tell you, Ari. But maybe being insanely powerful… just isn't meant for some people. And if everyone had a strong upper-body, this whole universe would be a lame Kung-Fu movie. Vweeb just had the fighter inside him, aside from his snotty Kateenian attitude, he was half-Glomourian, and Arceus knows they only eat the manliest grub out there. But we're… hmm… well, I guess I don't know much about Pumparian or Harnitan culture. Or what the exact difference is between us. Just don't worry about matching up with Vweeb's level and work on what you can do. Talking to animals and stuff. And um, Vweeb also challenged me to a few rounds in the Flight Simulator, like now, so… You gonna be okay?"

"Mm-hm." She nodded.

"Great!" Patted her back (she stumbled forward then). "Later!" And he ran off eagerly.

Arianna wiped the last of her tears and stood there for a few minutes. "I…I will." A new passion suddenly burned in her eyes, "I won't rest until Vweeb respects me again!!"


"Hey Numbuh 250 Trillion, there's a ship requesting permission to land." A glowing green fishlike alien with an angler's antenna called. "Says they're Sector IC of Planet Earth."

"Granted." Jerome approved.

Sector IC's S.C.A.M.P.E.R. landed in GKND H.Q. at long last. "Wheeeee!" Suki Crystal joyously skied onto the gray metal floor and froze a trail, tripping all aliens that used legs. A big pink slug alien came by and mocked, "Ha ha hah," before slithering over the ice and freezing on contact. "Uh-oh."

"SOMEBODY catch that girl." Jerome called, floating to land before the five operatives. "Sector IC, welcome to our headquarters. We did not receive an announcement you would be coming, nor that you were… bringing a friend."

"Wheeeee!" Some Wisps were chasing Suki, who was skiing across the wall.

"I don't wanna stay too long, something weird is happening on Earth, I think it has to do with Cheren." Miyuki told them.

"I thought something was happening." Jerome said. "Just a few hours ago, I suddenly remembered him again."

"Come to think of it, me too." Terry replied, rubbing his head. "And like, I didn't remember him before."

"That isn't why we came here to begin with." George said. "One of our operatives was kidnapped; where's your sister?"

"Numbuh Eternal was called home by our mother some time ago, she promised to return as soon as possible. Let us adjourn to the mess hall while you explain your dilemma, you must be weary from travels."

"Hell yeah, we are." Lola agreed as the five followed him. "Ah'll take anything what you aliens pass for grub."

"We appease to the planetary opinion. But please, bring a crate if you can't control her."

"Come and GET meeeee!" Suki swiftly dodged between two Wisps, who consequently crashed into each other.

Sector W7 Treehouse

It was probably an overstatement to say Sector W7 was worried about the Apocalypse. Well, they weren't. Ever since hearing about it, they were all kind of laid back like they always were. It's not like they knew anything about Seven Lights or Darknesses. They would just wait for something to happen.

The five girls and rabbit were one member short, but April Goldenweek showed up through the balcony door, just when Chimney brought up a query. "'ey, any of you girls just think about Cheren-chan outta nowhere?"

"Kind of. This morning, I had the weird feeling we were a leaderless Kids Next Door, but I got in for some reason." Mocha rubbed her head. "But it was Cheren that approved me, right?"

"Yeah, and now I think, APRIL-CHAN, you were s'posed to be decommissioned a few days ago!!"

"Yeah, but Cheren gave me a pardon." April responded. "I'm free from decommissioning."

"Just no try anything, smelly teenager!"

"So where've you been, April?" Apis asked, reading her holy book.

"Helping my dad make room in the house. My cousin, Mary is coming from Germany to stay with us for a few days. You wanna go down to the station and greet her?"

"Nnnnnn? April, you never told us you had a cousin!" Chimney stated. "What else are you hidin'??"

"I'm sure you have a few mermaid cousins you dunno, Chimney." Apis remarked.

"Are you part-German, April?" Aisa asked curiously.

"I guess so. We both lived in Germany before I graduated CND Training and got picked for Sector GD. So my dad and I moved to the desert."

"So you were separated. That's too bad, were you close?"

"Yeah, actually." April smiled. "Mary's really fun; we both loved to make crayon art and play together. She's 3 years younger than me, so she always kind of thought of me like a big sister. We've been writing to each other—she still writes in crayon—I'm actually really looking forward to seeing her. I wonder if she's changed at all."

"Well, let's go down and meet her!" Aeincha beamed, braiding Chimney's hair at the time. "It'll be great to have a new friend!"

"Aye, it would! 'Long as she ain't crazy like you on'nanokos." Chimney said. ("Gyom, gyom.")

Blue Station

The Puffing Tom was returning to the station, the children of Sector W7 waiting eagerly. When it came to a screeching halt, the doors opened and passengers stepped out. April looked around for her expected guest, but wasn't immediately visible among the crowds. When almost everyone had cleared away, she was there in the doorway before them: a beautiful girl of about nine, golden unkempt hair and pretty blue eyes. She wore a long dark-green dress that ended below her knees, a white collar and blue neckerchief on its middle. She wore green slip-on school shoes and long black socks, and held a suitcase in her hands that were folded on her lap.

She smiled casually and walked forward, stopping a few feet before April. She was a few inches taller than Chimney, Aisa, or Apis, but shorter than April. She and April stared at each other, a smile and frown respectively, until the latter spoke, "Hello, Mary."

"Cousin April—!" Mary threw her arms open to hug, dropping the suitcase on her toes. "OW!"

"Deeeh." The seven friends stared and sweatdropped.

Mary was sitting on the ground, weeping and rubbing her shoes. "Ow ow ow. I just finished coloring my nails, now they're gonna be ruined."

"Hmhm." April smiled, holding a hand down to her. "You haven't changed, Mary."

Mary beamed, springing up to embrace her cousin, who hugged back. "April, I missed you so much! I thought I would never see you again, why did you leave, I thought you would stay with me forever!!"

"Mary, you're overreacting." April would blush if her cheeks weren't already in that position. "My family had to move, so it's been a real difficult time scheduling a visit. I'm glad you finally came, though, I wanna show you to my friends."

"Ohhh!" Mary looked around April, finally seeing the five other girls and rabbit. "So these are the 'friends' you wrote me about! Hi, April's friends, I'm Mary, and April's my cousin!" She squeezed April tighter, earning weird looks from them.

"Heheh, we were informed." Aisa grinned.

"I'm Maaaaary, she's Aaaaapril, we're cousins, but we're kinda like sisters!"

"Yeah, 'cause April's a month, and it's before May, which your name kinda sounds like." Apis noticed.

"I'm Mary, she's April, we're sister-cousins, and we love to color!"

"April, you sure this girl ain't spend the last couple years in Loony Asylum?" questioned Chimney. ("Gyom gyom." agreed Gonbe.)

Mary perked, looking at Chimney. "WOW!" She zipped over, poking the standing pigtails. "Your hair is yellow, just like mine!" she tugged her hair. "My name is Goldenweek, too. I like yellow, but I really like blue, it's very pretty, like the sea. Do you guys live by the sea all the time?"

"Yes, pretty much." Aeincha replied. "You should try crossing it on a little boat."

Mary just now noticed the tiny on Apis's head. She gasped, "A dolly!" and she grabbed Aeincha and hugged her to her cheek. "Oh, I love dolls! I have lots of dolls, we should play dolls sometime."

"I'm not a doll, I'm a Lilliputian!!" Aeincha shook.

"Wow, you talk! My dolls talk, too. I talk with them all the time. I love your blue coat, I love blue things." She looked at Apis. "Your dress is yellow! Like my hair, only darker. And those are weird circles."

"Hehe, it's the fashion." Apis grinned. "Hey Mary, have you ever read the Book of Arceus?" She presented said book.

"Oh, Apis, don't get someone hooked on-" Chimney began.

"I've seen this book in a museum!" Mary took the book and flipped pages. "There were also pretty paintings about Arceus and some angel lady."

"An angel lady? Did she have green hair, like Palutena?" Apis asked.

"Nuh-uh, it was orange."

"Could just be a Nimbi." Aisa shrugged. "Nimbi are one of the closest races to the gods."

Mary stared at her next. "Wow… you have beautiful…" Aisa turned to give Mary a better view of her angel wings, but the girl's eyes directed down, "feet!"

"BLEEEH!" Chimney mimicked barfing.

"Why, thank you!" Aisa beamed. "I'm trying to spread the faction of barefoot pride, and I think it's working."

"Do you wanna see my feet? I paint my nails and they're pretty! I can paint your nails, too."

"I would love that!"

Chimney inched up to April, scowling, "April-chan, your cousin is acting way too clingy to us. She loves all the things that's wrong with these on'nanokos."

"Except for your big mouth." April noticed.

Mary's gaze then flew up to Mocha. "Whooooaa!" She stood directly under Mocha's face, her own head tilted back 90 degrees. "You're really big! I bet your boogers are the size of boulders!"

"I get that." Mocha sweatdropped. "Although that is an idea."

"Here's an idea! You can make wax sculptures with your boogers! You would have plenty to use."

"I don't know."

Last but not least, she looked at Gonbe. "Oooohhh! This rabbit is blue!" ("Gyom gyom?") Mary came over to pick him up. "I love blue things! Did you all know that?"

"YES." they chorused.

"Mary, do you want to see our treehouse?" April asked. "I'll show you all the paintings I created."

"I made paintings, too! Crayon paintings. A lot of them are at my home, though."

"We'll visit your place sometime, too. Come, we'll lead you." April began the walk back.

"Mary, I'll let you ride on my head if you want." Mocha offered, placing her hands palms-up on the ground.

"April, do you want to ride with me?" Mary beamed.

"Um… okay." Figuring she'll do with a rest of her legs, she stepped on and let Mocha put them on her bushy hair.

"And Dolly, you can ride on me!" Mary put Aeincha on her own messy golden hair. "Now it's like I'm giant, but I'm really normal size, except on this girl's head, it's like we're the tiny dolls."

"Um, thank you. But I'm not a doll, just to clarify that." Aein reasoned, the group swaying on Mocha's head while she walked.

"How long are you staying, Mary?" Mocha asked.

"Only a few days, but I hope I stay forever, and we can all be friends forever!"

"Take it from me, 'forever' with these girls is a long time." Chimney sighed. ("Gyoooom gyom.")

Uno Household

"AAAAAAHHH! Whoooaaaa MAN!" Sheila screamed with utmost shock; the only one of her frozen-faced friends kind enough to point it out.

Chris stood with disbelief and annoyance, his forehead exposed for all. "Is it really so unnatural?"

"Like holy fuck, Man, you're a combustionbender and you never told us?" Dillon asked. "D'you know how many times that coulda been useful?"

"My dad said it was dangerous, and it kind of is. If I was hit in the head…"

"Still, dude. If Maddy thought you were a freak before.." Mason said.

"I'm going to show her too, but it ain't gonna look good in public. 'Oh hey, I have a flammable eyeball on my forehead, stay clear o' me.' My headband has a chi-blocker in it so I don't use it accidentally."

Melody and Danny walked out of the kitchen eating sea-cucumbers; as they were coming behind Chris, Artie jumped to cup his hands over his forehead, "No-Chris-doesn't-have-a-combustion-eye, what're-you-talking-about?"

"It's okay, I knew about it a long time ago." Melody said, sitting on the couch.

"YOU DID??" all but Chris screamed, even Danny.

"When I was five, but Mom ordered me not to tell anyone. She said some things are better left unreported. 'You can tell people about Chris's Rainbow Monkey underwear, but not something that will make him a social pariah.'"

"Chris wears what now?" Aurora perked.

"No, Cheren does. Sigh, but I guess it's not funny anymore." Melody lied down and flipped the TV on.

Very little activity went on here; all of the guests were in negative moods, especially Sector V, who were upset for Cheren and his siblings. Panini and Francis later arrived after their mother told them the news, and the Uno kids told them about Cheren and the Toy Curse. Panini felt terrible for her friend, so she went upstairs to do what she could. Grim and Rachel were talking a few feet from his room. "…De Octogan isn't mentioned in very many texts, if any at all. Only Clockwork knew about it, but he was afraid to think or speak of it, because he could barely see it even with his power. He confided in me to see if I could sense death befalling because of it. It's baffled me as well. Even Dialga is afraid when I bring it up."

"But this Octogan isn't what happened to Cheren at all." Rachel realized. "It was that girl's weird power. Nigel…Nigel thought differently and went up there to fight it. He…He risked his life for nothing."

"But truthfully, I know now the Octogan exists because of his sacrifice. The Reapers keep track of everyone's death and the events that led to it. I, of course, stole and burned all the kids' records, but Nigel's record left very large chunks missing. One of the Octogan's many special powers is to hide itself from history."

"But if the World Government has such a thing, how can anyone beat them?"

"I don't know. Anyway… I went halfway up Mariejoa to find de Sacred Casket Cheren dropped." He snapped his fingers and made his Trunk appear, reaching in to pull out the larger casket. "I was afraid to go to the top because of that Octogan… but to recover Nigel's body, I'll try."

"Thank you, Grim." The reaper turned to go downstairs. Rachel looked at Panini as she followed. "He's in his room."

Cheren still lay there, sobbing. There were plenty of hours left in the day, the gray clouds were making room for sunlight, but he had no reason to look or get up. "Um… Chereeen?" sang a familiar Irish voice from his doorway. "It's Nini! But, um, Ay guess yer use to me by now." She spoke with a quiet, but spirited tone.

Cheren didn't look up.

"Um, Ay'm not sure what ta say ta get yer blood pumped—after hearin' news like that, Ay'm not sure Ay would like to get up either. But it doesn't hurt ta try, ya know. So why don't we get our DS's and rack up those Pokémon points! A'iiight?"

"No. It doesn't matter, Panini, don't you get it, NONE of it matters! Our silly rivalries, playing videogames, doing ANYTHING, none of it will protect us from the Apocalypse and nothing will help us STOP it. I kept saying, OVER and over, we were gonna stop it!, but I was lying to myself, we're all just too weak, and we'll never get stronger in time to even have a CHANCE at stopping it. We were all just simple fools, WASTING our time, even if I announced the Apocalypse on the day of our births, we STILL wouldn't be strong enough to stop it! There's just not enough time, Panini… there couldn't be. There was never anything we can do…"

"Yah, but… when ye think about it, Dimentia was hours from destroying the universe before yer dad suspected, but he still won in the end. Then Malladus showed up outta nowhere, the Brotherhood almost froze everybody… but our parents had tons of friends, they beat the Brotherhood, they beat Gnaa and Arceus… ya went Fierce Deity and wasted Majora and Viridi. Yer bein' too hard on yerself, Cheren, you have your power, and people like Sheila, Nebula, or Yours Truly, on yer side. Pit the three of us against Aunt Morgan, we'll wipe the floor with her."

"But Dad had experience. I heard what they were saying about that 'Octogan'… there's no way we can beat something like that. I'd rather not waste all of our lives trying to fight it. It's pointless. Plus, they had a problem with me mentioning the Apocalypse. They don't want us to find the Keys, I bet. They'll try to stop us from doing it, and I bet they'll win. Just forget about it."

Panini sighed. If she knew Cheren… he made up his mind when he did. She turned and was about to close the door, but first spoke. "Remember all those kids that lined up to get yer autograph? My mom's always sayin' our Kids Next Door's different from hers. But we never forgot what we were really about: defending kids everywhere from adult tyranny. …It's only lately we learned what real adult tyranny is, huh?" Then she left.

Cheren closed his eyes. Wanting to sleep, wanting to drown in eternal silence. Panini didn't understand… they really didn't have the strength or knowledge to pull through, not with Grim reviving them over and over again. He didn't understand if he was already dead, if the Apocalypse came 10 times already and Grim was restarting them, to try and fail, over and over, to learn new skills and stop it. Cheren's goals were fruitless, Zanifr was laughing at him now, laughing at the utter true fact he was right. If Cheren could start that laughbox up again in Zanifr's toneless voice, at least he woulda done something.

A familiar, otherworldly jingle sounded. His room darkened as Fi floated in his room. "Master Cheren: I regret to inform you that your image in my memory banks was foggy for a small time. After Master Rachel and Grim informed me of the dilemma, I sincerely apologize for not being there to aid you."

"Don' worry, Fi… I don't need anymore help."

"After observing your current emotional state, I calculate you in 97% need of comfort. Recommended actions are speaking of your emotional troubles with friends or family, holding someone's hand for an indefinite time period, or perhaps less morally acceptable, the promise that the ones who caused your sadness are deceased, or asking a timebender to see into the future to confirm what fate lies for you."

"I think all I need is to be alone for now. I'll work on my emotional state on my own."

"If that is your request. Master, I highly recommend you take Panini's words into your memory. I await the time you draw your sword again." She vanished.

G.U.N. H.Q.

Sugar sat by herself in a small, ventilated cell, her hands still concealed inside huge cuffs. She no longer desired the nourishing flavor of grapes on her tongue. She had had enough. She looked up when the cell door opened and a GUN agent walked in. "We apologize for our measures, but considering the crimes you took part in, we can't take chances. As evidenced by numerous missing soldiers over the years, and our responses from the Doflamingo Inc. employees, we are given to understand you are a metahuman with the ability to, not only turn people into toys, but erase the memories of all who knew your victims."

"Yep." Sugar replied simply.

"Were you doing this under your own free will or based on Doflamingo, aka your father's orders?"

"Orders. Sometimes free will."

"Is this power initiated upon contact of your hands to the victim?"

"I touch them and turn 'em, yep."

"Is it only your hands or are there other ways to transform them?"

"Nope, just my hands."

"Can your power affect inanimate objects?"

"If it could, I'd be out of these cuffs. Except as per the Devil Fruit, clothes they're wearing can be transformed."

"So primarily living creatures?"


"Do you automatically transform them on touch or can you choose not to?"

"Anyone I touch immediately transforms, no control."

"But you can choose to change them back, or if you're knocked unconscious."

"No, only unconscious. Since the toys become inanimate objects, I couldn't affect them again."

"If we were to release you, would you continue to transform people?"

"Unless I had these cuffs on all the time, I probly would. Unless I go my whole life without touching anyone."

The soldier scribbled the answers on a notepad. "Since you're only a child, the commander would like me to ask… what course of action would you recommend for yourself?"

"Cut off my hands."

"Excuse me?"

"If you cut off my hands and replace them with prosthetic ones, I could go without transforming people. Better than wearing these heavy cuffs or staying in a cell forever."

"…I'll… speak to the commander." He closed her cell and returned to the commander, informing him of the responses.

"Cut off her hands?" Gunkan said, baffled. "That's insane! She's only a child…"

"But our Metahuman Antidote hasn't been shown to work on Caesar's Devil Fruits, and it might take years of research until we find a way. Not that I'm for the idea, but we can easily give her prosthetic hands with our technology."

"Sigh." Gunkan pinched his nasal bridge. "Amputating a child. The whole idea is… barbaric."

"Her power is dangerous, regardless. Of course, we could keep her here, but…"

Which would ruin a childhood more, Gunkan thought. Being locked in a military prison for who-knows-how-long, or being robbed of their hands for artificial ones. She may be branded a freak… but Gunkan himself was long beyond that ideology. And Sugar's powers, the power to wipe people from memory, could drastically affect anyone. She wondered why Sugar herself suggested this, unless she wanted to be rid of her powers, live a normal life regardless of a minor handicap. "…Very well then. If she's truly sure of herself, we'll cut off her hands."

Midway Peak

Morgan Uno stood in the dark of her office. Her back was facing him. She couldn't bear to look at him right now. "You're awfully distracted, it seems."

"He was still my cousin, you know. My family. You didn't have to…"

"I regret it, too." The King walked in slowly, his armor clanking. "I never would have. But he attacked us. I had no choice. It was for his son that he did so, it did not feel just to take his memories." He touched Morgan's shoulder. "I know you will forgive me. You admitted that, for our cause, the less annoyances, the better."

"…You're right." Morgan bowed her head. "But I went too far with my nephew last night. I forgot that they… just don't understand. The world is doomed, and a bunch of children don't have the brains to stop it. …We're the only hope this world has."

"Yes. But you will be able to see your cousin again. At the end of this month, all of our souls will be lifted to someplace better. We will erase the atrocities caused by the Fusion and live happily with our loved ones. You will also have everything you desired, Morgan. For all you have done for us, you will earn the respect and admiration you deserve."


"You do not still have mixed feelings for harming the Kids Next Door, your old friends' legacy, do you?"

She shook her head, "No. I'm still upset about Doflamingo. It only shows that they've gone too far."

"Indeed they have. I regret what they are now, too… and I never wished to make them enemies. This is a matter of justice and righteousness, however. We will make the world right again." His cape fluttered as he turned and walked out the door. "Forgive my incursion as well. I felt liable to tell you. I knew him better than you did. The pain is wholly my own."

Dressrosa; Sugar's room

Team Rupert remained in the deserted room with no real idea where to go. When the soldiers barged in and shocked Sugar, the Music Pikmin were scared off of her, so they were back in Team Rupert's possession. "It'll take us years to get home." Timmy sighed hopelessly.

"I don't even remember why we came with those Minish." Rupert said. "I wish we could ask them."

"Why don't we use our communicators!" Hikari held the wooden device up. "Hellooooo? Mr. Chipmuuuuunk? Where are you guuuuuys?"

"Hikari, those things are wood, they won't-" Rupert began.

"Hello? Is this the humans?" Cone's voice responded.

"You forget that these're Kids Next Door!" Timmy retorted.

"Hello?" Rupert called into it. "Hey, we're in some kinda toy room. Can you come get us?"

"Gonna need clearer instructions, man."

Within the next half hour, thankfully, the Minish found their way back to where they split up, followed the route Team Rupert took, and found them in the toy room. "Coulda took longer." Acro said. "Boy, this mission could NOT have worked better. All of the guards got scrambled when the toys suddenly turned into humans or animals, next thing we know, a firebender and poisonbender human broke into the factory we were gonna investigate and totally wrecked the place! I wonder if Hundred Acres will still reward us for this?"

"He oughta. The toys only turned back 'cause we choked that girl earlier." Rupert replied sheepishly. "It was sort of an accident, but it happened. Ah ha hah."

"Say what now?" Acro asked. Team Rupert proceeded to explain the ordeal.

"Then THAT'S where all the living toys came from." Pine realized. "Then this totally busted Doflamingo's company; his kids LOVED to capture Minish and abuse them."

"We sure are glad we brought you along." Acro said. "For humans, you sound like you really know your Pikmin antenna-to-toe. …You wouldn't make bad operatives."

"I was kinda thinkin' of joinin' the Kids Next Door," Timmy replied, "but my dad always said-"

"Well, I mean the Minish Kids Next Door. Not gonna lie, we never considered having humans join, but that's 'cause they're too big for any Minish traditions. …But since you guys, aren't, big… Like, you could alternate sizes with some Minish Dust we'd give you, just come on down when… y-you don't have to, it'd be too complicated, saying it out loud."

"Nah, I already get picked on by big kids, it's just worse when they're bigger." Timmy said.

"And I want my Jessie to be able to HUG me without squeezing me to death." Hikari proclaimed dreamily.

"…" Timmy saw Rupert's thoughtful face and suspected his answer. "Well, it wouldn't be bad to go through training."

"Rupert, I just wanna go back to normal size and go HOME." Timmy whined.

"But come on, guys, think about it. We totally took out that girl, even if we almost died. I bet with some decent training, we could beat up other big kids, too! Not just with Pikmin, but when we're normal size, this could really help us. You guys could help Jessie beat Shelly, and totally whale on her! Right?"

"Siiiigh." Timmy was stumped this time. He really did want to help Jessie out, teach the big kids a lesson. He certainly wouldn't fight them at this teeny size, but the general evasive and planning measures were… "Well, I guess we'll try it."

"Me too! For Jessie, I will!" cheered Hikari.

"Then it's settled!" Rupert beamed excitedly. "Sign us up for MCND Training!"


"Sooo to recap:" Jerome spoke, eating toast with an alien butter none of the humans wanted to ask about. "One of your operatives, Maddy Murphy was kidnapped by a 'Dr. Nefarious' for undisclosed reasons, but on your way to get our assistance, you got sidetracked to Planet Glacia where you helped a crying ghost princess unfreeze her sister and end a blizzard. Also that Suki has dyslexia as she read a magic glowing rock. Well, minor details aside, the GKND hasn't detected any unidentified vessels. There is a chance Maddy's kidnappers have gone to another galaxy. We will work our hardest to track her down and I will inform Nebula when she returns, but we have been terribly busy with other matters, so we cannot guarantee an early rescue."

"May I have everyone's attention, please." Everyone jumped to attention when the Supreme Leader herself appeared on all screens. "This is Numbuh Eternal with breaking news. I have received a call from my mother, who is now on a visit to Earth: Nigel Uno, Numbuh One, the legendary Earth operative of the original GKND… has passed away today."

There were quiet murmurs from everyone, but Sector IC, Miyuki especially, were awestruck. "I have not received all the details, but he was slain by the leaders of that world. Cheren Uno, Earth KND's current leader and a member of my council, is in deep grief for his loss. Let us all share a moment of silence and remember Numbuh One's accomplishments, for kidkind and for our universe. …" She shut her eyes.

"Cheren's father… died?" Miyuki spoke hoarsely.

"Isn't he friends with the Grim Reaper?" Terry asked. "Why don't he bring him back?"

"That goes against the balance." MaKayla replied.

"If I followed that moral, you and Terry would be dead." George reminded.

"I…I have to go to Earth." Miyuki stood. "I have to comfort Cheren. If he's really hurt, then… he needs me."

MaKayla stood, "I'll go, too. George?"

"Can't." He shook his head. "I vowed I would bring Maddy back for Chris. …Unless Terry's willing to die for me."

"I'll hang out here, too, to kill George." Terry snarled.

"I will warp you two if you wish." Jerome replied. "I will return for you if your teammates desire you."

"Okay. Get us there now." Miyuki nodded. Jerome snapped his fingers, and they were-

Uno Household

-in the Unos' front yard in a second. The adults outside were startled by their entrance. The clouds had blown away, the sky slowly fading to pink as the sun was about to touch the earth. After Sector V recapped the story to the two girls, Miyuki told MaKayla, "Let me go talk to him."

Cheren wasn't asleep, but he sure felt dead. He felt nothing in his limbs, no inspiration to move them. It was almost bliss to not have to move, not have to fight, get injured, nearly break his legs while running. A slower, easier way to await demise.

"Cheren? Hello?" He glanced to the doorway. His visitor was shaded, but he recognized that hoarse voice. "It's me." Miyuki Crystal walked in. "They told me what happened. How upset you are. You look a lot like I did."

"…" His eyes were half open. They read that he would hear Miyuki's words, but take little attention.

"Remember when you tried to make me happy? You were doing it the wrong way. And it didn't work. I sort of learned on my own, how to treasure life. What it means to live for your friends. But I'm a timebender. I can see death approaching. And you, Cheren… are going to die."

He sat up a little with furrowed, curious eyes.

"One day, this month, you are going to die. Maybe it's by the Apocalypse, maybe you're killed trying to stop the Apocalypse. My question for you is… how would you like to go out."

He sat and listened.

"Would you rather sulk here in depression, and wait for the Apocalypse, or would you rather do your best to try and stop it, then die. My timebending does not make it clear, how exactly you will die. Nor does it say if your death will have an effect on anything. It's up to you, how you wish to die, and how you wish to find out. But I'll say this… if you don't take a chance, if you don't try to stop it, your soul can never pass on to the Spirit World. You will be tethered to the Earth forever, eternally wondering how things could've gone if you fought, and that without your strength, the world truly won't have a chance. True… you did keep dying and dying, and only by Grim's power did you proceed. Maybe this will happen again. If you had so many chances at life, it's only better that you learn from these chances. Take all of that experience you gathered… and try your very hardest… never to die again."

Cheren stared blankly. The tears had dried by now, but his pillow was still damp. He took his glasses, his jacket, slipped on his shoes, and slowly walked past Miyuki out the door.

Rachel stood beside Grim outside, their other friends on the sidewalk as they stared at the horizon. They turned when the door creaked open, and Cheren Uno stepped out. "Grim." He calmly approached the reaper. Grim turned fully around as Cheren stretched his left hand. "I want you to make… an Unbreakable Vow."

"…" Grim clutched Cheren's left hand with his own, and planted a magic spark with his scythe that made energy chains connect them.

"Do you swear you will NOT watch over my friends and I during our adventures, anymore?"

"…I do."

"Do you promise to never bring us back from the dead again?"

"…I promise."

"And… will you… go to everyone you've watched over, inform them of your assistance, and get their honest word that they will keep fighting, learn from all their experience, and promise Cheren Uno they will continue to try and stop the Apocalypse, with everything they have."

"… … … ..I will."

"Then I consider this contract…" they released, "established."

And so with that, Grim whooshed his staff, and warped off to fulfill his duty. "Cheren.." With a proud, teary smile, Rachel bent down and hugged her son. "After all this… you make both of us proud."

Cheren pushed her off. "I'm not doing this for you, OR dad. He's done his part. This is OUR time now. OUR time to hog the spotlight, go on crazy adventures, with CRAZY powers, fighting CRAZIER enemies, until everything is EXACTLY the way I want it be. I'm going up to Moonbase to tell everyone… the Kids Next Door is at WAR with the World Government. Whatever their beef is, we'll stop them, we'll destroy ANYONE who tries to keep us from finding the 20 Keys! And you parents… stay home and have dinner ready for us." He winked.

Rachel wiped the tears away and stood. Her son had nothing more he could learn from her. "And who are YA to give us ORDERS, STOOPID BOY?!" screamed Fanny Drilovsky, her face still streaming with tears. "IF YOU THINK yer gonna be like that stoopid boy, givin' ME orders, WELL I DIDN'T LISTEN TO HIM EITHER! Hogging ALL O' the spotlight like he OWNS the place, WELL AY'M STILL GONNA HELP YA, JUST LIKE I HELPED HIM, 'CAUSE HE WOULDA DIED IF I WASN'T AROUND!!!" She couldn't keep herself from crying, so Patton was there to smirk and pat her shoulder.

"She is right, Cheren." Rachel informed. "We are all still going to help. But all the teaching stuff is done, the rest is up to you." She winked.

"Yeah. …And I know the very first thing I'm gonna do." With a confident, serious look, Cheren marched off.

Seeing him like this, feeling the power to do anything, made Miyuki happy they had someone like him. She was not even lying about her prediction. It was so strange… she saw Cheren dying, one day this month… and she saw him become more powerful than they could possibly imagine.