19. The Ninth Firstborn

G.U.N. H.Q.

The soldiers brought Sugar to a round room with many security cameras. They carefully unlocked Sugar's cuffs and let them drop, the child keeping her arms stationary while soldiers were careful to stay void of her hands. Her arms were stretched straight forward as she lay her hands on a center pedestal. A soldier held a darksaber and looked with very mixed feelings. "Are you certain this is what you want?" Gunkan asked.

"Mm-hm. I'm sure I can live through it." Sugar replied with no detectable emotion. "It shouldn't even be painful with the numbing medicine, right?"

"No. …We'll fix the prosthetics on quickly, we promise."

The soldier released a sigh and raised the energy blade behind him. He would swing forward in a second and rid Sugar of her curse once and for all. She closed her eyes and awaited peace.

"STOP!" The dark blade was instantly blocked by Cheren's Master Sword. His eyes burned with passion and desperation, and that was poured into blocking this blade. He turned to face Sugar, and was struck speechless: in the brief second the sword would've taken to come down, she had ducked her head onto the stand so that the sword would've sliced her neck. "Sugar? …What're you-.."

For the first time, there was emotion on her face. Her purple eyes were almost melting with tears. "I just wanna di-i-ie…"

Cheren walked around and softly touched her left hand. "Sugar-"

"DON'T TOUCH ME!!" She jumped away and ran against the wall, the soldiers nearby backing away.

"Huh? He didn't transform." one noticed.

"I thought it was automatic." another followed.

Sugar planted her hands against the wall, shut her eyes tight, and started bashing her forehead against it. "I wanna DIE, I wanna DIE, I wanna DIE, I wanna-"

"Get a GRIP on yourself!" Cheren grabbed the neck of her hood and swung her around. "I'm sorry about your father, but I'm not-"

"I don't CARE, I just wanna die and FORGET everything, I can't go on knowing-!" A soldier stuck her in the neck with a syringe, and Sugar fainted.

"So that's why… she persuaded us with this 'hand' thing to kill herself. Well, we can't very much release her if she's suicidal." Gunkan said.

"No, let me take her out of here." Cheren told him. "I think… it's kinda my fault she was driven to this."

"How is it your fault? Sandman was the one who…"

Indeed, Nolan took the credit for Doflamingo's death. "Yeah, but I was really angry at her. I just… I'm really sure I can help her, just let me."

"Very well. Her mind should be calm when she awakens."

They waited half an hour before Sugar awakened. She was on a bed in a quiet room. Cheren was standing near her. "You calmed down, yet?"


"Then I would like to say… I forgive you."

Cleveland; Nugget River

"The truth is, I'm actually 22 years old." Sugar began as she and Cheren walked parallel to the river. The land glowed golden in the sunset. "Born around when your parents were in action. My dad was trying to establish his company, but he was already rich, so Caesar's Bang Gas business was set thanks to his money. By the time I was 10, Caesar created the Devil Fruit that would bring his friend's company to life: the Hobby-Hobby Fruit. Dad gave it to me so I could make his dream a reality, and with the extra benefit of giving me eternal youth, I would never grow old and keep the company alive forever. But if something were to happen to me, it would all be over. Dad kept me on tight guard at all times. Only very few occasions would he trust me with someone else. He knew I would be useful in going to rescue Caesar, that's why he wanted me to join KND. And also, for the chance that an operative would've discovered the Apocalypse… I could dispose of him, and no one would remember. That was his role in the Corporate Presidents. It was… my role."

"And it wasn't your choice to make." Cheren deduced.

"Not at first… the pain grew on me over the years. Everyone else forgot those people… except me. But I tried to conceal that pain. Tried to be like my father. Cruel and heartless, showing no care for my victims. I took delight in removing their existence… took delight in removing innocent souls from the face of the earth. That way, I could keep living, happily, as an innocent little girl who eats grapes, and plays with toys."

"But after all that, you were lying to yourself." They stopped walking as Cheren stepped into the river to pick up some nuggets. "Even if you weren't an adult inside, you'd never be able to embrace this pain." He came back to give her a nugget.

"I really couldn't. Then I choked on that grape… and everything went wrong. I actually hoped Dad would kill me… but after that failed, I had to think of some other way… I could finally be done with it all. My soul severed from my body, as it leaves my severed head. My heart and brain, containing all the burdens of ages… finally dead." She ate the nugget.

"Sometimes… it would seem like the perfect escape… but it's just too hard. But the pain you caused everyone is over, they all remember now. So yours can be over, too. It's finally your chance to move on." They took a seat by the river and rested their feet in the gentle current.

"Another thing about the curse… take a look." She pulled back her hood, exposing the hair that ended at her neck. "To test if the fruit would work, my dad cut my hair this short to see if it'd grow back. It didn't. And also," she held her hands and feet to Cheren, "my finger and toenails stopped growing, too. Never had to cut 'em." Cheren observed the pink spots on her fingers and toes and how impossibly short the nails were. "Not having to worry about styling hair and smoothing nails would give me more time to make toys. But I heard the growing of your hair and nails symbolizes your own growth, and when they're eventually cut, new growth can commence, so so can yours."

"And you'd like it if yours can grow again…"

"Mm…" She nodded.

"…I… really wish I could help you out."

Sugar turned back to the river to soak her feet. They stared quietly at the sparkling ripples.

"You know… you actually saved me back there."

"Mmm?" Sugar queried, eating another nugget.

"Aunt Morgan would've smoked me if you hadn't intervened. She's gotten so powerful… since my parents' stories. I've never seen anything like it. And… hearing what the Government did to my dad… there's still so much I have to do. And there's so little time to do it…"

Sugar bit the nugget and savored its taste once more. "So what will you do?"

"…Sugar: you did me a favor. Me wanting to save Aunt Morgan was on an impulse. And I jumped into a battle too soon with someone who was way over my league. You saved me… from a terrible fate. The fact that I got outta there alive… means that I have to keep trying. I have to get stronger… and keep working to save everyone. I'm gonna keep my promise to Zanifr and stop this Apocalypse!"

She swallowed the last of that nugget. "But what does the future have for me?"

"I dunno. I guess we'll just… have to try and grow as we move."

"…" Even as an eternal child, Sugar knew she could grow inside… it was just hard to.

"It's funny… you're an eternal child that wants to grow… but do you know what I wish?"


"…" The sun grew low enough to make his face seem incredibly dark, his eyes invisible, only a bright sparkle in his glasses. "To feel like an actual kid."

"…" She listened patiently.

"To only pretend that… all of this chaos is going on, not actually have to worry about it, to go on make-believe adventures with friends and have fun because it's not actually real. Not feel burdened by the weight of the world, not needing to worry about impending doom. I want…I want for all my friends to have that kind of normal life. We go to school, do some homework, play with each other, then become teenagers, look for dates, try to get married, get a job, start a family, and let our kids enjoy the cycle… without having to worry about all of this chaos and destruction. But you know what… that's the life we chose. This Kids Next Door… it isn't about stopping adults from feeding kids broccoli, brushing their teeth, or sending them to bed early… it's about giving kids, and everybody, peace of mind. Trying to protect them from all of this chaos, so that they can live average, normal, happy lives. So that their responsibilities… are only so minor… that they can live in peace. I'd like… to have that kind of life, too. But if I don't protect the lives that everyone wishes to live… then I can't live in peace. It's a duty that… I need to carry… or no one else will."

"Hmmm…" Swallowed a piece. "That's a very heavy burden to carry… and a great sacrifice…"

He didn't say anything.

"…But you can still find happiness in what you do."

"I know, I do. Sheila taught me that. To just… live in the moment, and act like this is some giant pretend game. And then we could do… anything. We'd always win. And we'd always feel free." He looked up to let what little light remain warm his face.

"Mm…" A thin smile. "I wish I could feel that way." Sugar looked back at the river.

Cheren turned to her and gave a warm smile. "I'll help you." He stood up, "Come on, let's hit the town. River nuggets get boring. I hear there's this-" He was about to take her hand.

"Nnnn!" She hurriedly got up and backed away. "I-I don't… feel well about touching."

"Oh… well, we don't need to. Otherwise it'll look like we're dating, heh he. Let's go." Cheren began the walk to the city as the sun was gone, and the sky glittered with stars. Sugar stared at her hands with worry before following him, slipping her hood back on.

Downtown Cleveland

The streets were bustling with people and the building and streetlights seemed awfully brighter. Blending in with hundreds of people going to hundreds of destinations, they were no different. No one would look in that crowd and point out that they had so much more going on. It seemed like a carnival was taking place downtown, for what, they didn't know, they didn't care. Lights of all colors filled the streets, everyone had a peculiar tone, no one their natural color. Cheren paid for a game where Sugar had to shoot targets moving along the wall. After getting enough decent shots, she got to keep a teddybear.

Cheren got her some cotton candy, strawberry, tasty. Still, the carnival was too crowded, Sugar kept freaking whenever somebody bumped into her, Cheren calmed her down and led her out. They decided to go to the Fancy Cuisine restaurant, got the special discount for kids, and the first decent meal Sugar got all day.

With their bellies full, they returned to wandering mindlessly, though reflectively, through town. They passed a bar where it sounded like someone was singing inside. Sugar peeked into the window to see a couple singing a duet.

Don't go breakin' mah heart!

Couldn't if IIII tried.

Oh HONEY, you-

"Oh, that reminds me, you probably read Ella Enchanted, huh?" Cheren guessed.

"I did. Saw the movie. Hated it. I wished the producers would die."

"They wouldn't be the only ones… Sugar, I know you aren't proud of what you did, but you shouldn't just think about dying all the time. Now that you're free, isn't there something you've always wanted to do?"

"Actually… there is one thing. I've always been in love with… music."

"Music? …Well yeah, I mean everyone has their own type, I guess."

"Well, part of me; if I could, wanted to become a singer when I got older. Just hearing… notes and pretty sounds in perfect rhythm… I dunno why, I just do."

"…" Cheren saw the couple was almost finished singing, "Wanna give it a go?"


"Just this once." Cheren smirked.

Sugar blushed. "No, no, I couldn't, I…"

Minutes later

The bar was ringing with a Bollywood soundtrack and shining rainbow spotlights as Cheren and Sugar danced on either end. "Like the wild elephant, I am trumpeting my love for yooou!" Cheren sang with a charming deep voice, twirling, sinking to one knee, and holding his arms open at Sugar.

"Like a hidden flower, my sweet fragrance comes intoooo view!" Sugar twirled on the tip of her toes, grinned, and winked at Cheren perkily.

They did an Egyptian moon-walk toward each other, then moved away. Cheren caught a rose in his teeth someone threw from the audience.

"MY heart burns for YOU like the sun at noon." Cheren gestured toward himself, then at Sugar.

"My desert welcomes YOU, like the rainy moooonsoon!" She perkily tapped her finger to her cheek, then at Cheren.

"You are myyyy heaaaart (hey!)." Cheren pulled off his jacket and rubbed it against his back like a towel, wiggling forward.

"MY univeeeerrrse!" Sugar spun, bent forward, and winked.

"You are myyyy HEART." Cheren rolled forward and held his arms open with more fire in his eyes.

"MY univeeeeerse!" Sugar joyfully approached him with open arms.

"MY UNIVEEEERRSE!" They almost linked—Sugar whipped her arms behind her, flinching, their voices cracked, confusing the audience. They recomposed and started dancing in circles with flexible fashions and complex animation.

"You are my HEART! MYYY UNIVEEEERSE, you are my HEART. MYYY univeeeeerse, MYYYY UNIVERRRRRSE." They stood upright on tiptoes, their faces inches from touching.

"Ahhh, that was fun." Cheren sighed, hands folded behind his head as he and Sugar continued downtown.

"Yeah, that was!" Sugar smiled. "It's weird, singing like that, I felt… a strange energy in my throat. A beautiful energy, but really weird!"

"Maybe your heart is telling you that this is what you wanna do."

"It's better than making toys, but…but I can't. Not as long as… the Apocalypse is coming. There has to be something more…"

Cheren stopped before an alley, looking in. A torchlight brimmed around the corner. "I have an idea where we could look."

Dr. Facilier's Voodoo Emporium

"The cards…the cards… The cards will tell. The past, present, and the future as well." Dr. Facilier slipped the cards onto his table, and swiped them back. "The cards…the cards!… Just take three. Take a little trip to your future with me."

So with that, Sugar took three cards, as did Cheren. Facilier took Sugar's first card, "You dear child, born in the golden ages!" His eyes alit with wonder, showing a picture of 2-year-old Sugar. "In those days when all mah favorite kids were still kids! Heheheh. In those days, you were a simple young'un, loved to play with them toys and eat them grapes." The card became a flipbook, slowly showing Sugar grow older, a smile on her face 'til she became a 10-year-old. "But alas, you don't get much taller than this." The pages kept flipping, but she grew no taller and her smile became a frown. "And 'tis when the present, just ain't go away." The second card was of Sugar holding her hand to a transformed toy. "Naw, but that ain't the life you chose, and you ain't wantin' ta keep all them feelings bottled up in there, naw what you wanted was to be free, let your voice be heard and give your soul that everlasting peace you so desperately craved for. 'Short, all you wanna do… is sing…"

And Sugar stared with wonder as Facilier raised the third card. An image of her singing her heart out, mouth open, curved in a smile, eyes closed, as notes flew everywhere. Above her was a strange childlike being with a slim brown body, and long green hair like a note sheet. "IT'S THE SING, IT'S THE SING, IT'S THE SINGING YOU NEEEEED! And lookin' to your future, it's the singing I see."

He then turned to Cheren and took his first card, "And you Little Man, I ain't wasting much time. You look up to your mother, 'came Supreme Leader, NOW you freakin' overpowered." The image was of young Cheren, his face serious, thrusting a wooden sword up and down. "And comin' to the present here, you a wimpy little crybaby after gettin' beat by yo' aunt." The next card was of Cheren crying on the ground, and Morgan's fist stretched out. "'Course that ain't the end of you, Little Man, where yo' daddy failed, you still got a shot, and yo' destiny has yet to be carved in stone. But all's Ah can give of yo' destiny, is drawn on this little card, this little card that-" Facilier raised the third card-


Cheren could only catch the brief image of two flashing 8's before he was forced to shut his eyes from intense brightness. "WHOA! …Hehe… you got a lot goin' on in yo' life, Kid." Facilier tucked the card away.

Cheren got back on his seat, brushing his disheveled hair. "Hey, Uncle Facilier… can you… Do you think you can do something about Sugar's curse?"

"Hmmm, that's a big thang to ask me, Kid. But them Devil Fruits, they made of both natural and Underworld energy, magic can't work miracles, Kid. But what mortals can't do, that's why we have gods. 'sumin' they want to help. All I'm sayin' is, just keep an open mind, and yo' troubles may be dealt with, yet."

"…Well then… how do I know where to go next?"

"Hmmmm that's a good question. And for all good questions, we must look deep into the soul. And nothin' peers into the soul more like crystal balls." He reached under the table and grabbed a crystal ball, placing in the center. "Now please… take my hands." He rested his hands on the ball.

Sugar looked hesitantly. Her fear of touching people. "Come on, Girl. Won't you take… a poor sinner's hands?"

"Not the way you say it." Cheren remarked.

"Just touch 'em, Girl."

She stared for a few more seconds, then looked at her own hands. Very slowly, she raised them and reached to touch Facilier's. Her hands just inches from his, the two wondered if she would even make it. Finally, they made contact.

Sugar's body became swallowed with gooey magic energy before she transformed into a puppet of herself. "Hhhhhhahahahahahahahaha!" Facilier cracked up. "Boy, that always gets 'em!" He cast a spell to change her back, her pupils shrunken as she shuddered.

"Why'd you do that?!" Cheren yelled.

"Kid, Kid," he raised hands in defense, "these hands be clean, I ain't do that! But see, ol' Sugy ain't gonna be able to see her future without first being free of her past. She needs to acknowledge what happened, happened, and's gotta learn to move on with it. And there ain't no harm with touchin' people, right? …"

Cheren turned to her with a smile, "Take my hands, Sugar." She looked nervously at his open hands. "Come on… you can hold a close friend's hands."

That warm smile, his assuring eyes… she's never seen it on him before. It was funny how he could offer his hands… as if what happened before, didn't happen. He wasn't afraid… so maybe she shouldn't be. She slowly reached her hands over… and lay them on his.

Their fingers locked, thumbs curled around the other's. Sugar never placed her hands on another's for so long. She never knew… how warm it was. How their very hearts could connect. How all the worry in their minds could slowly sink away…

Sugar pulled her hands away and moved them to Facilier's. Her mind now clear, their eyes closed, they saw into the crystal orb. (Play "Dreams" from Spyro: The Eternal Night.)

Dream Realm

Sugar was awash in fog, which cleared up in seconds to find herself on an asteroid within a vast, peaceful space, where many blue asteroids drifted. "Huh. …Where am I?"

"Don Quixote Sugar… So nice to have company."

"Whuh? Who said that?"

"Child… I am… The Chronicler. Spirit who watches peoples' dreams."

"You sound like a stalker. Go away."

"Ah… how I missed that. Please… step into the light." A bunch of asteroids lined up to make a path. Sugar rushed across it, coat blowing behind her as she made it to an altar with a glowing white circle, tiny faint music notes in its light. She calmly stepped inside, and found herself in a mystical, colorful dimension of dancing notes.

"So many years… has the music in your soul been contained. But now, it is ready to be released. Music… is the Element of Voice. When someone is in deep tune with their emotions… their sorrows… their soul… and wish to let them out… they can control the very flow of that sound. And can bend… Music."

"So I'm a musicbender?"

"Yes… and after 22 years, your chi can finally take form. Your voice… will know light."

Sugar closed her eyes and opened only her mouth, letting the sounds come out. "Ooooaaaaaaaaa…" With a rise of her own voice, the notes blew away.

She was taken back to the space realm as the gate opened, letting her progress to a huge glass wall. "There will be barriers that shield your voice. Let those barriers… know it first."

So with a strong inhale, "OOOO-oo-oo-oo-oo-AAAAAAAAAAA!" the glass came tumbling to pieces. The shards crunched beneath her sandals as she continued, stopping at a vast chasm. "When physical bodies are unavailable, let the music guide your way. Sing a song, and flow along with the rhythm."

Flow with the rhythm… there was a song Sugar always liked dancing to. And it may work in this case. "SPREAD your tiny wings and fly awaaaay…" Singing "Snowbird" by Gene MacLellan, a vertical, colorful trail in the form of note lines stretched to the other side. "If I could, you know that I would fly away with yooouu." Sugar surfed across this path and hit the notes as she went with the rhythm, alternating levels to do so. However, the next path was higher than this Note Road, so- "Aa-aa-aa-aa-aaaaaa!" She sang a stairway to slide up and make it. "Away with yoooouu!"

She landed on a small field with giant horns on the other side. "Some sound, to put it simply, gets annoying, and no work gets done. Put a stopper to it."

"I don't hear any-"


The horns blasted music too painful and annoying, Sugar couldn't go any further. She couldn't clamp her ears tight enough, so she thrusted her hands toward the horns—a blurry, semi-visible barrier appeared that muted the sound entirely. She kept this barrier up and progressed into a larger field where dozens of Stone Demons stood guard. "The evil ones wish to silence your voice. Show the-"


"S-Sorry, my speaker is- dammit-"


"Ugh, just fight them."

The Stone Demons ran at Sugar, who unleashed streams of notes from her lungs and cracked their heads into pieces. She danced and nimbly avoided their grabs, her movements generating colorful notesheets that flew around and made the monsters dizzy, so Sugar could send soundwaves to knock them down. Sugar began to clap her hands forcefully, increasing the volume of the claps to make the ground crack, the Stone Demons following suit. It wasn't long before hundreds more began rising from the gravel.

Hundreds of sounds were generated from the crumbling of stone. Sugar could hear them all. "When your soul is at its purest… your voice speaks the loudest."

"Sorry, I didn't catch that, say again?"

"I said, when your soul is at its-"

"STILL can't hear you, speak a LITTLE loud-"


"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO…!" Sugar's high-pitch wail was the only sound that could enter anybody's ears. The heads popped on all the stone men, until Sugar was the only one standing.

"Huuuurr… very good. My throat hurts a little, but… at least you understand. But remember the rhythm and volume of your voice. Control it, lest those nearest you hear no more. Especially your neighbors."

"You still creep me out. Go away."

"It still brings a tear to my eye. Step into the light."

A stairway brought Sugar to a floating temple, where she passed a colorful gate of notes. "Wow, I only learned about musicbending 5 minutes ago, and I actually have a pretty good grasp." She smiled.

"It's easier when you have a creepy spirit being, whose realm flows with mystical spirit energy, to teach you. With your voice now awakened, your destiny calls. At last, she can finally have a Guardian."


"Look inside the pool."

Sugar stood over the small, round, golden pool in the center. She dove her face inside. (End song.)

In a galaxy far far away, a great dome station floated within the stars. Hundreds of aliens partied, the flashy lights, music, and fun was endless. On a stage, aliens in black suits danced, mimicking the rhythm of a short fairy-like imp with blue-and-black hair. They cried when robot sentries burst in and started shooting everywhere. "In the Solana Galaxy, the Music Spirit, Meloetta hides undercover. Go to the Electrodrome and save her."

Facilier's Emporium

Sugar gasped awake, her drool on the table curtain. "That can sometimes happen." Facilier said. "Getting so bored, you fall asleep. So did ya learn anything, Sugar?"

She wiped her mouth. "I'm a musicbender." Cheren's mouth dropped like an anvil.

"I thought as much. Then do ya know where ya need to go?"

"…I…I need to go to the Solana Galaxy to save Meloetta, the Music Spirit."

"Wow, Facilier. Why isn't this a bustling business?" Cheren asked.

"Oh, I ring in more customers than you think. I may just relocate shop if I weren't so close to mah customers."

Just then, the front door flew open, and a familiar blue-haired child rushed in with a winged white cat by her side. "Mr. Facilier! I'm back from-!" She immediately halted upon the sight of the visitors. "Oh… I didn't realize you had company over, I'm sorry."

Cheren gasped. "Hey, you're that girl I saw while I was driving!"

"Oh!" She sparked in remembrance. "I didn't expect to see you again! My name's Wendy." She held a hand out.

"Nice to meet ya again, Wendy!" He shook. "I'm Cheren, this is my friend, Sugar."

"Hi, Sugar." Wendy held a hand to her. "You have pretty hair."

". . . Um. . ." Sugar stared at her hand nervously.

"Suuugaaaaar. Whaddid I teach you about manners?" Cheren asked scoldingly.

". . ." Sweating, Sugar shook Wendy's hand. "Hi, Wendy. Pretty cat."

"Thanks. She's my friend, Carla. We're trying to-"

"GREAT, y'all are crossover buddies, and I'm sure you'd love to fill each other of your respective story arcs, but we gotta get movin'!" Facilier hurriedly gestured Cheren and Sugar out of the shop. "Good luck, kids! Bring home the good news!" Slammed the door.

"…Huh. Extremely curious." said Cheren.


"So, the Solana Galaxy. Where in cosmos could that be. Did Chronicler tell you?"

"How did you know-"


"No, he didn't."

"Well, that stinks. There must be someone who… oh? Fi." The spirit jumped out of his sword.

"Master, I possess information that may be of service. The Solana Galaxy is a region of space named by the Sun God, Solaris. It is a region of great significance as it holds the planet which serves as the Realm of Music, Symphonia, meant to be Music Spirit, Meloetta's home. According to legend, the planet itself is invisible to the eyes of mortals, and can only be found with Meloetta's guidance."

"Then do you know where Solana is?"

"I would be happy to guide a path, Master. Whenever you are ready, please, let us find the most available ship and take flight."

Cheren didn't need to think long. "No other sector is closer."

Sector V Treehouse


Sector V was lazily lounging around the living room. "No offense, Cheren, but we had a hard day." Aurora said, laying on the couch. "We're just not up for any missions right now."

"But you guys barely did anything since this quest began, and don't you agree we gotta get as much done as we can??"

"First of all, I have mixed feelings about traveling with her." Chris pointed at Sugar. "Even if she is reformed, it still doesn't get past it. And second, when exactly did the quest 'begin', we haven't found any of the Lights or Darknesses, or any hints. Third, ask Sector W or W7 how much THEY accomplished in this quest."

"Plus, if we're going to another galaxy, we have a query:" Haylee informed nonchalantly. "Our C.O.O.L.-B.U.S. that had a Warpdrive Key was destroyed by Tachyon way back when, and we neglected to get another one while we were sailing the Seven Seas. We only got back to Earth on Sector W7's train."

"Alright, then we're asking Sector W7." Cheren shrugged. "Maybe they'll enjoy saving Meloetta from killer robots."

"Hold on, whadabout robots?" Dillon asked.

"I dunno, Sugar saw 'em."

"In my vision, Meloetta was attacked by robots." She explained. "They had green glass domes, no feet, and electric claws."

"They sound like the robots who kidnapped Maddy."

"Say what?!" Chris jumped. "Then we have to go! If that's where they took her."

"Chris, when are you gonna suck Maddy's face and start dating, already." Haruka remarked.

"'Soon as you smooch Lee."

"Are you gonna come or what?" Cheren asked.

"I guess we should." Aurora sighed, getting up. "But we're sleeping on their train."

"With Chimney driving, good luck." Mason noted as everyone else followed suit.

"Glad we could convince you." Cheren replied. "Hey, wasn't there a skeleton with you?"

"Django went back home to check with his crew." Dillon said. "Hopefully they'll bring Midna back, but I doubt it. Honestly, our sector's gonna explode if we welcome anymore members."

Sector W7 Treehouse

"Hnnnnnnn-nnnnn." Chimney scanned the Sector V members and Sugar curiously while they gathered before the R.O.C.K.E.T.-T.R.A.I.N. in the hangar. Her teeth clenched the lower lip of her big mouth. "So you ferōzu think you're worthy to ride the Rocket-san, ah? On what grounds does this bold claim lie?"

"We rode it before, you dumb beaver." Chris stated.

"When lives were on the line and you begged and pleaded me!! But it's nighttime, so the on'nanokos are a wee bit sleepy after playin' with our new, uh, 'guest.'"

"Heh, you have a wannabe operative, too?" Dillon chuckled.

"Oh God, don't put the idea in 'er head. She's a nutcase!" In the background, April walked in and was watching them. "She colored Aisa's toenails with crayon and she's drawing Arceus all over the walls! UGH, what I wouldn't give ta… 'ey, if we go into space, can we chuck her out the airlock??"

"I would hold you liable." Cheren told her.

"Chimney, I think it would be great if we went and took Mary with us." April smiled, walking over. "If she saw the kind of missions we go on, she could become an operative; not in our sector maybe, it'd just be cool if she joined."

"Okay, fine, for the Kids Next Door's dignity, and my desire to show off my awesome train, we'll go to Solala or whatever you call it. 'EEEEEYYY ON'NANOKOOOOS, getchor asses down here, we're goin' to spaaaaaace!!"

"Good luck, Sugar." Cheren was about to walk away.

"Wait! Why aren't you coming?"

"I've been away from my operatives one day too many. I have to keep them organized. And I have to find a way to get stronger so I can save Aunt Morgan and beat the World Government."

"Okay… I understand. …Can you promise me something, then?"


Sugar smiled and held a pinky out. "Let me have a swing at the Government, too. As soon as I master my musicbending, I wanna put it to good use."

Cheren locked his pinky with hers. "The more, the merrier." He then drew his sword and said, "Fi, you'll show them the way, right?"

Fi came out. "As you request, I will indicate the direction Sectors V and W7 must take to Solana Galaxy. I hope that you will fair well without my guidance for this period."

"I'll survive." He nodded.

"April, what's going on?" Mary asked when the other W7 members arrived.

"We're going on a mission, Mary." April replied brightly. "Wanna come with? It'll be really fun."

"A…A mission? A Kids Next Door mission? Won't that be dangerous?"

"The most dangerous part is Chimney driving, but we always survive that. Plus, we…we promised Cheren we would all help him as best as we could. You don't have to."

"No, I'll go! I don't wanna be left alone here. I wanna spend this vacation with you, April!"

"Hm hm hm, okay then!" They headed for the train. "If you join Kids Next Door, you'd be able to see us a lot more-"

"NOOOOO!" screamed Chimney.

Everyone was onboard and the train was roaring to life. They were forced back against their seats when the craft zipped off to the stars. Once out of Earth's atmosphere, Fi appeared in front of the windshield. She floated to their left, so Chimney turned the train to face her. "The Solana Galaxy is 5 million light-years this direction. I advise you on Cheren's behalf to exercise caution."

"5 MILLION LIGHT-YEARS WE GOOOOO!" Chimney stomped a pedal, activated the Warpdrive function, their target set, and zipped into infinity.

Solana Galaxy

"You cannot look at that girl and tell me with a straight face, she fuckin' looks like Carol??" Dillon stated, pointing in Mary's direction aggressively.

"Dillon, I told you if you kept hanging out with her, you'd go crazy." Mason said with a trolling smile. "Now you see every girl like her."

"BUT SHE DOES LOOK LIKE CAROL, blonde hair, blue eyes, green dress, and she's nuts!"

"The apple of your eye, I see. If anything, she looks like Alice from Wonderland."


April and Mary were one seat over from them, looking weirdly. "What are they talking about, April?"

"Boy stuff, Mary. Boys are stupid."

"I'll say." Sugar was eating grapes in the seat in front of them.

"So you were in Sector DR, right?" Mocha asked, taking the whole of the seat behind the cousins. "You were in training with me!"

"Oh, yeah. You almost stepped on me. I wanted you to die."

Mocha shrunk (as much as she could) in her seat. "I'm sorry."

"And you're a musicbender, too? You and I could make great friends, Sugar!" April said. "Music's a kind of art, after all."

"Yeah, I guess we could."

"'ey, V-chans, what exactly are we lookin' for in this dead space??" yelled Chimney. "We been flyin' for hours!"

"A space station-dome of some sorts." Sugar walked up to the pilot's deck. "That was where Meloetta was said to be."

"Nnn? Is that a place?"

Chimney pointed at a huge, dome-topped structure floating just a few miles away, many ships going to and from it. "Yes, that's it." Sugar confirmed. "Let's land."

"There ain't any train stations." Chimney said.

"Park right here, we'll make it."

Chimney did so, and the operatives assumed they would be floating to the barrier entrance, which couldn't even be entered by people alone. They put on space helmets, and Sugar stood at the edge of the train door. She sang majestic vocals that created a colorful Song Road, in which all V and W7 members surfed up and around the station. "Guard the ship, Mochan!" Chimney told the giant, who sadly didn't have a helmet her size, and Aeincha was stuffed into Chimney's helmet. They alternated lines as Sugar did to hit the notes, stay with the rhythm, until the toymaker found a sealed hatch for electricians to climb in and out. Sugar stopped the road so they could float beside it, and Chris burned the keyhole with a blowtorch finger. All operatives climbed inside, the last one, Kirie closing the hatch, and crawled through the stuffy tunnel until they found the other end and entered the Electrodrome.

They were hit with flashing colorful lights and techno music that would make little conversation possible. Aliens of all types were dancing on the beeping tiles. "Naaaaaahh! I can't imagine anything more loud!" Chimney whined. ("Gyom-gyom!")

"Still hear you just fine." April said. "Stay close, Mary, it'll be easy to get lost… Mary?"

"Ha ha ha ha! LOOK, April!" The 13-year-old's eyes widened. Mary was in-between some slug aliens with sunglasses, wiggling in a vertical spineless fashion like them. "It's like my bones are made of jelly! The music is really hypnotizing! Wanna do it with me?"

"Get a grip on yourself," Apis said, "we have to find this Meloetta spirit- oh?"

April and Mary now joined some skinny stick aliens, positioning their straight arms at many angles and shifting their feet left-and-right, then crossed their arms like an 'X' and jumping. "Now is NOT the time!!" Chris shouted.

"I remember seeing Meloetta on a stage with some dancers." Sugar said. "Maybe we'll ask around; I'm sure at least somebody knows her."

"Mallllles and femalllllles!" Steam erupted from a stage across this dance floor as the slim, fembot popstar, Courtney Gears rose up. "Everybody CLEAR the dance floor, 'cause we're having a special competition: a race around Electrodrome to win the honor of meeting our very own fairy legend, Unovaaaaa!" The large screens projected the smiling, winking blue-haired fairy from Sugar's vision. "The winner of the race will not only meet her, but have the glory of dancing on the same stage as Unova! So pick up a kart and the Electrodrome Raceway will be open!"

"A kart race inside a dancing studio?" Chris questioned.

"Unova looks like Meloetta." Sugar noticed. "He did say she was undercover. …I'm going to enter this race."

"You know how to drive?" Harry asked.

"When I was little, my dad let me drive our Junior Raceway. Shouldn't be much different, right?"

Sub-game: Electrodrome Raceway

Coincidentally, the station had a Kiddie Wagon in stock, a colorful car with parts designed like toys, but were still efficient. Sugar was in 5th place in this race of 8 racers as Courtney Gears floated on a platform to wave the flags. Three… two… one… GOOO! (Play "Electrodrome" from Mario Kart 8!)

The cars took off at the same time, Sugar already passing 4th and 3rd place after getting a good start-boost. They raced past a doorway and around the clear track of the following room, the pink posh road reflecting the many lights, string-like black lines going along it in perfect parallel form. The cars made careful use of drifts while sliding around this zigzaggy road, where Sugar lost control and bumped into a corner, watching other cars zip by while she regained herself. She kept going in 7th place, passing the first row of ? Blocks that gave her a Boost Shroom. She waited 'til they were clear of this zigzag, so upon entering the next room, where the road sloped down over an electric pool and would go up, curve left, and turn vertical along a wall. Sugar slid down the slope, increasing her own speed, and before going up the hill, she hit the boost and shot up, bumping 6th place and quickly drifting to go vertical.

She was thankful the gravity shifted, but Sugar was careful to maneuver around the obstacles on the road, passing 5th place on the way. They turned horizontal again and drove around a right corner, racing across a road of scattered roads over the room where the race started. A left, middle, or right door they could take, so Sugar chose middle. The hallway was barely wide as the width of her kart, a sudden increase in speed when Sugar zipped down the steep slope, catching a ? Block before she entered a great, vast chamber that was black with sparkles in every direction. The other roads were above her at different levels, she saw the racers, she was 4th place for the time being. She picked up a Power Star from that block and switched it on, becoming neon and invincible.

It presented a fast-pace jingle, so Sugar hummed along with the jingle and created a Song Road just partway down this track, driving up in her kart to get onto one of the higher roads. This surprised the racer in front of her, so she rammed him with her rainbow kart and scored 3rd place. Just when the Power Star wore off, KZZZZZHHHH, the racers were struck by lightning and shrunk to toy size. 4th place restored and passed her while she was mini, but she grew back and kept going. They had passed a new hallway and entered another giant room, pink and bubbly flashes along the exteriors with the road mimicking this design. The roads circled around pipes of Disco Piranhas that threatened to snap them should they drive near, and 3rd place was so fortunate as Sugar passed him.

The end of this room had the road curve straight up the wall, got a ? Block, loop upside-down, and when Sugar drove off the end, she flipped right-side-up and extracted her kart's glider. She soared over the roads she just crossed, flew to the right of the sloped road that brought her down there, and into a passage within the wall over the energy pool. She drove through a barren hall that brought her to the starting room, where 2nd place was about to cross the finish line. Sugar blasted the Red Shell she acquired and crossed first, starting Lap 2. She followed the zigzag path again, keeping careful with the drifts and narrowing in on 1st. She grabbed the ? Block and landed Green Shell, then released in a desperate attempt to hit 1st. But the shell missed, and bouncing around the zigzag road, Sugar was hit.

3rd, 4th, and 5th passed her by the time Sugar was at normal speed. They whooshed down the 'U' path and up the other end, turning vertical and racing to the 2nd floor of the starting room. Sugar was hit by a Green Shell, so 6th and 7th place passed her, but 8th was still behind. After maneuvering the scattered road road, she entered the right hallway, which didn't slope, kept flat, only curved zigzag, and grabbed the ? Block before entering the vast, sparkly room. She was on the highest route, so Sugar deduced she took what would've been the left route via that Song Road. She got a Boomerang and shot it to 5th and 6th, hitting them both and stealing the places. She drifted around the curving road before entering the hall that sloped up. She threw the boomerang behind her when she saw the two racers catching up.

The resulting room was almost blinding, where the vertical track would bring them onto the gigantic disco ball. Sugar shut her right eye, for her left was protected by the pink glass eyepatch. She drove along the ball in the direction it rotated, ? Blocks scattered and spinning with it, but with Sugar's superior speed, she got one. It landed on Bullet Bill, let her kart take the shape, and zipped around the planet-like disco before a ray of light shone directly down from its bottom. Sugar flew in, flew down, flew across the flat road into the starting room, and rammed 4th place aside before reverting to normal and crossing the line.

Lap 3 began, so Sugar was determined to catch up. She drifted the zigzag path, grabbed the ? Block, and activated her Power Star. She hit 3rd place and stole it, and when she began the 'U' track, she hummed the tune, created a Song Road on her right, which looped upside-down, back to normal, and passed the vertical road entirely to land Sugar on the scattered floor, in 2nd place. She barely caught up to 1st before the star wore off, and she chased him into the middle hall. She slid doooown, and followed this lower path all the way until the end sent them directly down into the sparkly sea. As Sugar predicted, it was more blinding, pink, and bright, for this room had electricity surging everywhere.

This road was a matter of driving around electrical generators, while evading electric waves that surfed over the road between them. Sugar had to slow down a lot, afraid of being struck, but 1st place only got farther. Despite her caution, Sugar was hit by an electric wave and shrunk to toy size—but another racer used a Lightning Bolt, so with Sugar already mini, the effects were not only countered, but she grew to twice her normal size. This gave her an enhance in speed, she easily caught up to 1st place and crushed him.

She shrunk to normal by the time she entered a doorway, where gravity shifted and she drove straight up. She shifted back to normal and crossed the finish line before anymore racers appeared. The studio flashed furiously as her cheering, waving image appeared onscreen. (End song.)

The other racers were zooming up, so Sugar braced for possible revenge-impact. But they haphazardly crashed into the wall or beacons, their karts squished. The robots and helmeted apes flew out, dizzy. Sugar stared with utter confusion, as did Sector V when they came. "You were racing against monkeys and robots?" Chris asked.

"Made me think, though." Sugar said. "I hope they die."

"Congratulations!" Courtney Gears walked up, swaying her hips. "For a twerp in kiddie gear, you know the way of the road. And I'm guessing these are all your friends. Well, we'll see if Unova has time for extra autographs. This way, kids."

The operatives shrugged and followed Courtney across the room, on stage, and into a small room with a smaller stage. "Hear she is, Goddess of Music, Meloetta!" The kids gasped, for the fairy spirit they had sought was trapped within an electric cage. She was lain down, but she cracked an eye open and tried to stand to see her visitors. "Eeeh-!" Her leg touched a bar, zapping her.

When all sectormates were inside, the room sealed, and robots and apes locked on with guns from their points on walkways atop the walls. "Gotchaaaaa!" sang Pink Monkey, appearing onstage. "Bet you didn't expect an ambush."

"What's going on here?!" Aurora said.

"After much soul-searching thought, me and Courtney have finally come to an agreement, and I consider her my musical equal!" Pink Monkey happily hugged the robo woman's legs. "For now."

"That's not what we were wondering." Mason said.

"Our boss thought you kids would be after the Firstborn, so when we confirmed 'Unova' here to be Meloetta, well it was our best shot." explained Courtney. "Now wouldn't you know it, we have one of the Lights he described for us."

The 11 kids froze and viewed each other in total wonder and confusion. Sugar shook back to reality, "What do you have against us?"

"We're not 'against' you, it just so happens you're in our way, and you probly won't listen to us, so we have to keep you kiddies in line. Now as you see, the Music Spirit is in our custody. Be good little twerps and surrender quietly, or her pretty little voice is gonna go soft."

"Uuuh!" Meloetta was shocked again. The robots and apes had weapons locked on the operatives, but they were afraid to fight back, worried for Meloetta's fate.

"Rotom on the scene!" A sudden electrical current traveled along the chain to the cage, blowing it open as Meloetta fell out.

"Milady!" Humanoid dancers with blue, green, or yellow skin, with black hair, sunglasses, and clothes, burst in, with a muscular male one catching Meloetta. The others agilely flipped onto the walkways to break the robot's domes and bash the monkeys unconscious. The male dancer jumped offstage beside the kids as the others joined. "She's okay."

"My dancers!" Meloetta perked up. "You're here to save me?"

"We knew you were Meloetta all along." a female said. "You're a goddess to all singers, that's why we wanted to protect you."

"'Kept it quiet, 'cause you don't know how many're out there." A male said with a deep voice.

"You guys!" Meloetta began tearing. "You really are my friends! I'm so glad I have you! Wah ha haaaah!"

"What a drama queen." Artie remarked.

"Go on and take care of her." Sugar told them, facing Courtney and Pink determinedly. "I'll give payback to these two."

"Not without me, you won't." Harry walked up beside her. "A duet's no good without a second."

"You're a musicbender, too?"

"No. But you don't need to be to control Music Chi."

"Don't worry, Milady, we'll protect you!" Rotom appeared over the weakened spirit.

"Yeah. Give 'em heck for us, you two." Dillon told them before they all escaped.

"You kids have a lot of nerve to go against Dr. Nefarious." Courtney scolded, a catchy techno tune playing. "If you're here looking for that Maddy girl, too bad she already escaped us."

"So you kidnapped her." Harry said firmly. "After we wipe the dancefloor with you, we'll pass the message to Nefarious."

"Oh, no you won't!" Pink swayed. "Because he has Specy on his side, and no one can beat him. Anyhoo, Courtney and I have a concert later, so this really bites into our time. But hey, we'll be delighted to give you a taste of our teamwork."

Sugar flinched when Harry gripped her small hand in his larger one. "Kids Next Door put 'teamwork' in the dictionary. We're just a small taste. Aren't we, Sug'?"

"…Um… yeah." Sugar put her fears aside and faced the enemies with passionate eyes. "Let's do it!"

"Hm hm hm!" Pink laughed. "They asked for it, Courtney, we warned them. There's no escape!" (Play Courtney Gears' Theme from Ratchet: Up Your Arsenal.)


Boss fight: Courtney Gears and Pink Monkey

"We see the future, and what do we seeee?" sang Courtney.

"'bots and apes rulin', the galaxyyyyy!" sang Pink.

"So much destruction, such little time."

"But soon, the day when we taste, clementiiiiine!"

The spotlights flew up-and-down in the background as the ladies shook their hips and performed cartwheels that mirrored the other. They spun back beside each other as Courtney sang:

"We have seen a world far beyond our OWN, wow!"

"Now we wish to go there, and we won't be ALONE, now!"

"We have many friends, great guys in high places!"

"A certain special one has the prettiest of faces!" Pink winked, thinking of Specter.

The music did some rapid-fast notes, the lights flashing furiously as the girls shook their bodies, swayed their shoulders, shook, clapped hands over and swayed their heads, then shook again. "My Nefarious wants us metal husks to have power!"

"My Sweet Specter wants no more apes to cower!" Pink's eyes sparkled.

"Many others, though, want to have this world, however."

"I know a special place, though, where one never could say never!"

"Do you mean?" "I do, girl!" "IT'S A: a New Worlllld!" They locked arms and twirled.

"Where we can aaaaalways sing!" cheered Courtney.

"A New Worrrrrld-" They broke away and tap-danced back.

"Do that ba-NAAAA-na thing!"

"A New World! Where we all can be happy!" They took hands and spun again. "So come down everybody! Don't go be sappy!"

And with another invigorating twirl, the ladies unleashed a stream of musical notes and pummeled Harry and Sugar. "Ah! They really sing well."

"Don't lose your cool." Harry threw on his sunglasses. "We have a song, too."

"You wanna take the world and run it all da way you like? Well, you gonna learn the hard way girls, life just ain't an easy hike- tell 'em, Sug'!"

Sugar stood upright and jumped left-and-right with the rhythm, performing a twirl and sinking to a squat with both hands on the floor. "My world is my home, you better be prepared." Harry grabbed the wrist of Sugar's right arm and swung her around. "Like it, I can spin around, faster than you ever dared!"

And Sugar was thrown above the enemies as she fired a beam of notes from her lungs, blasting them apart. She landed as Harry joined her on stage. "Sexy 'bot and slutty monkey, going up a tree." Sugar continued, mimicking movements with Harry. "Falling down and up and down, until they had to pee."

The remark angered Courtney and Pink, so both ran back up to head-bash the brats, only for them to jump off and trick the ape and 'bot into ramming each other. They recomposed and growled at the synchronized Harry and Sugar. "You got your thing too, well: well, do we got ours. A big, blue world, granted by the powers."

"It's not perfect, it's not great." Sugar smiled and sang fast. "There's plenty things we love to hate."

"But you see." "That's just it." "IT'S… OUR OLD WORRRRLD-"

"(Old World!)" Harry and Sugar locked both hands and shifted their feet left-and-right in mirrored fashion. "It's got the Seeeeeven Seas-" sang Sugar.

"(Old World!) It's got bacon and peas!"

"(OLD World!) It's ALL for weee- SO YOU." stomped toward Court and Pink, "WILL. NOT TAKE IT FROM MEEEEE." They spun, threw their arms open at the ladies, and washed a wave of notes over them.

The duo recovered once more with teeth clenched tight. "You kids are REALLY annoying!" Courtney yelled.

"Hah! Our voiceboxes are still fresh!" Harry taunted.

"Not for long! I've been singing baby-talk 'til now!" Pink proclaimed. "Let's teach them, Court!"

"WE! WILL. Spend-the-rest-of-our-lives, fighting-with-you!" Their fast singing blasted notes like bullets at the kids. "We. Will. Spend-the-rest-of-our-days, toying with you! YOU. WILL. Go down like hives, STABBED WITH KNIVES!" A string of knives flew at them outta nowhere, the kids narrowly dodging. "You'll know pain for the REST OF YOUR LIVES, right noooooooowwwwwwww!"

Spikes popped up from the floor, knives rained, Harry and Sugar bolted everywhere to avoid every one that came. "Where are these coming from?!"

"Music Chi can create illusions based on what the bender sings." Harry informed, panting. "'Course, we can do it, too. Get ready!"

Sugar slid to a halt, threw her arm back, and sent a wave of chi to blow the bladed illusions away. She and Harry began to dance again. "Wanna try ta crush us, with a spike and knife monsoon? We'll go all ape on you: like a hammerhead cartoon."

When Harry sang, his head transformed into a giant hammer, Courtney and Pink running frantically, but Harry smashed them both flat. He changed back as Sugar sang. "My passion burns just like the sun. Let's see it now and have some fun!" She threw her arms up and became a burning sun that blinded the villains. Harry rolled forward (protected by his sunglasses), grabbed Pink, and chucked her at Courtney.

The sun faded, and the two were up again. "You guys have no class, no, you kids just don't see." sang Courtney.

"We will be the LAST: standing, on our very knees!"

"We all have a dream, you know, it will come on TO show."

"Mine for now is to crush you. I hope you scream it when I do." Pink winked.

"You can crush our bones, yeah, you ain't crush our soul." countered Harry. "In the end, I think one of us, just may get our goal."

Courtney: 'Goal is that?

Harry: You know, you prat.

Sugar: Should we say?

Pink: Only way.

"IT'S. UH. New Worrrrrld-"

"For sweet Specyyy!" winked Pink.

"New Worrrrrrld-"

"For OUR Cherryyyy!" sang Sugar.

"New Worrrrld-"

"Can't you two see?" Harry asked.

"OUR FAITH, LIES WITH, HEEEEEE!" Another stream of notes flew from Harry and Sugar, knocking Court and Pink down.

"Grrrrrrr THAT'S IT!!" Pink's eyes were demonic when she recovered. The room turned dark as she hovered in midair.

"Pink! Nooo!" cried Courtney.

"I have had ENOUGH of you! It's time to DIIIIIIEEEEE!" Notes flew everywhere aimlessly, Harry and Sugar taking hits, Courtney couldn't even stand when her partner was this mad. "YOU SCUM. YOU JERKS! I AM THE QUEEN OF THIS STAGE! I won't lose my spotlights to a COUPLE OF RUNTS!"

I can spend the rest-of-my-life

I can spend an eternity CRYING!

Sugar listened to the rhythm, fast and uncontrollable it was, she swiftly memorized and evaded, steadily dancing her way to Pink.

I can spend the rest-of-my-life

Making you spend the rest of your life LYING!

So I'll spend the rest-of-my-life

I will spend my ENTIRE LIFE chasing YOOOOOOOUUUU!

A soundwave that could expand for light-years erupted from her lungs. Sugar blocked the sound with all of her might, kept the space around her mute while she shoved toward Pink, but the shield was cracking, little voice-cracks popped through, they were annoying. The entire station was shaking from Pink's voice, it might just explode any time. Through sheer force of will, Sugar made it to Pink and enclosed the Silence Shield over her. The shaking stopped, only the music sounded, nothing to threaten their eardrums. Her shield was easily giving in—within seconds, it exploded.

Harry helped Sugar up as both faced the crazy monkey. Pink Monkey was senseless, her throat extremely numb, worn. She fell on top of Courtney, who already had smoke leaking out of her. Harry and Sugar never needed a greater catch of breath, but with the song finally over, they could drink water and rest their lungs. (End song.)

The rest of Sector V came in with sore ears. "There goes my hearing for a month." Chris said. Kirie happily plucked the plugs out of her ears.

"Yo, yo, those were some hot moves." sang a male Unova Dancer, returning with the others.

"You said it!" Meloetta glided overhead and landed before Sugar and Harry. "I'm eternally in your debt! You probably know this already, but my name's Meloetta. The Firstborn Spirit of Music!"

"Wait… Firstborn?" Chris was baffled. "You aren't one of the Eight Firstborn."

"Nope! I'm one of the Nine Firstborn!"


"Uh-huh! I used to be in the Eight Firstborn, until Manaphy was born and we became nine. Music wasn't part of the Avatar/Negatar Cycle, so I didn't need to be added to revive Arceus."

"But THAT doesn't make sense," Artie argued, "the idea was that the Firstborn possessed the greatest amounts of Arceus's power, and Manaphy wasn't even created by Arceus, so why-"

"I dunno, the point is, there were Eight Firstborn when the universe began, so eight was enough. You wouldn't guess it from looking, but I'm actually really powerful. Sound exists in all places, you know, so I have to keep track of it all. It's a really hard job, you know!! Uh huh haaaaaaah!" She started bawling.

"You sure you aren't Mesprit?" Chris remarked.

"Lady Meloetta DOES have a hard job!" Rotom sparked. "That's why she likes to let loose steam and party!"

"Kinda would be defeating the purpose." Haylee said.

"It's true, I do love music, and I love sound, it comes in so many pretty forms!" Meloetta beamed. "Forms I created, of course, but you make so much, you forget sometimes, so it's like I'm still learning."

"So if you're a Firstborn, does that mean Sugar's your Guardian?" Haruka asked.

"Uh-huh! I've been keeping her Spirit Ball all this time. Haha!" She took a tiny hairpin off her, pushed the little ball, and made it grow to hand-size. "Here!" She tossed it to Sugar.

The moment she caught it, they were still very flabbergasted. After all the emphasis that was put on 'Eight' Firstborn in the former gen's story, the idea that a ninth one just came outta nowhere… Whatever the case, if Sugar was the Guardian, at least she was here to catch it. "Hahaha, just kidding!" Sugar froze just when she was about to throw the ball. "You still have to awaken yourself a little more. And what better way to do that than attending La Melody Extravaganza at Symphonia tomorrow!"

"Strewth!" Sheila fist-pumped. "A whole new adventure to a whole new planet! I call first on their burping-music soda!"

"Actually, it does have that." Meloetta noted.

"Should we go with you, Milady?" asked a male dancer.

"Noooo! I'm in safe hands with these kids! Stay here and defend the dome from more music-hating freaks!"

"Will do!" they all saluted.

"Milady, when will I see you again??" Rotom sparked.

"Very soon, Tommy-tom! You need to stay here and keep the Electrodrome floating. The song of destiny calls!"

"The only sound I like is the trumpet of adventure!" declared Sheila.

Before anymore enemies could show up, the R.O.C.K.E.T.-T.R.A.I.N. took off with all operatives onboard. "Who is that Rotom, anyway?" Sugar asked.

"A Pokémon I met when I came to Electrodrome. I taught him English and he was happy! I'm gonna miss him, though. Okay, fly a little lower from here, we're close to Symphonia."

"Nnn? I no see any Symphony-whatever!" Chimney shouted, viewing around.

"We're flying right to a matter storm!" Haylee said. A tremendous mass of darkness and lightning took up the space before them. "We have to fly around!"

"Hmhmhm, that would be what drives mortals away." Meloetta smiled. "I'll take care of it." She flew onto the control deck and stepped on the speaker button. She cleared her throat and let her voice be heard.

Oooo-oooooo-oo-oooaaaaaaa-ooo-oooooo-ooooaaaaaaa. Aaa-aaaaaaa-aa-aa-aaaaaaa, ooaaaaaa-aa-aa-aaaaaaa. Oo-oo-aaaaaaaaaaa.

The darkness and despair faded away. The matter storm, black, blind, a wasteland of death, became a great, colorful planet of rich landscapes, fluffy clouds, and giant notes and lines surfing across the atmosphere. "Kids Next Door operatives, welcome to Symphonia. The capital country, Fantasia's sure to be filled with intergalactic visitors for the festival."

"But Fi said you're the only one that can find Symphonia." Mason pointed out.

"That's just a lie we spread around. Symphonia reveals itself to any person that sings to the storm. I mighta let it slip to some people, though." She flushed. "Remember that if you ever wanna visit. Fantasia is that big continent right there. Let's go!"

Not too far away, a spacecraft designed like the Pokémon Raticate watched the train fly into Symphonia's atmosphere. "So that's where it was all along, huh?" Butch smirked.

"We're lucky those twerps stopped by." Cassidy said. "Now we can capture both Meloetta and her Guardian. Then we're only nine Firstborn away. When Giovanni has them all, Team Rocket will be pulling the strings of this New World."

"So-leeeet uuuus hurryyyyy!" Space Mama popped up from behind and hugged them in her armless hands. "I saw-a her there, one of thee Lights Meester Dark described, I must capture heeeeerrrr for heem."

The duo's heads were throbbing. "GET OFF OUR SHIP!"

"OOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAHH!" Space Mama was blasting off again. Twinkle.