39. Japan vs. America

KND Moonbase

"Numbuh 3621." Panini reported hurriedly to the Supreme Leader. "The ships of Sectors W7, JP, and KB are about to board the hangar. Carol is with them, too."

"Good." Cheren nodded. "Tell them to meet me up here."

The Sector Leaders of the aforementioned sectors gathered on the bridge and greeted Cheren with a salute. Numbuh 2=1, Bon Clay Jr., of Sector KB, Numbuh 12-0, Karin Kurosaki, of JP, and Numbuh W473R, Chimney, of W7. "At ease." Cheren told them. "A-…Melody, Danny, Emily?" He noticed the five extra operatives. "Why were you with Sector JP?"

"It's a very long and exhausting story." Emily's arms drooped.

"And we kinda got picked up on the way." Melody followed.

Cheren shook his head, "Tell me later. Now, my sister sent me these photos earlier," Cheren held up his phone, displaying the stadium maps, "and said they originated from Carol here. Could you tell us where you got these?"

"Gladly." Carol walked up to the front and spoke with a serious and confident aura, "Last night, don't ask why, I broke into a CIA office in Virginia. I overheard the director and one of the Corporate Presidents talk about sending Mega Footbombs to the three main KND bases. Their secret locations were marked inside NFL Stadiums, so I snapped those photos."

"There are Mega Footbombs in New Jersey; Arlen, Texas; and Colorado's NFL Stadiums." Cheren looked at his phone. "I'll mail each of you these photos, then I want you to break into these stadiums and steal the Footbombs. The best course of action would be to dispose of them, but considering their range and magnitude, it may not be the best option. I think I'll summon Nebula from GKND over to warp them into a black hole or somethin'. The Footbombs will likely have a lot of guard, which is why I want you to go as sectors."

"No worrehs, Cherry Boy!" Numbuh 2=1 smiled brightly. "We'll swipe them balls and have 'em trashed like yesterday's muffin top. Won't we, fellas?"

"YEA!" The okama operatives posed in the background.

"I have some queries first." Karin raised a finger.

"What is it, Numbuh 12-0?"

"First, our treehouse just got taken over by apes, so the longer we do this, the more they might be touching my stuff, so send backup. Second, we carried two adults with us, one of them's a water freak, the other is annoying. We need to drop them somewhere first."

"It's my mom." Melody informed.

"And our Uncle Sheldon." Sarah followed.

"We'll set up a guestroom for them here." Cheren replied. "Emily's group can stay and tell me about their adventure."

"I also have an annoying guest I'd like to leave here." Chimney raised her hand.

"Chimney, if it's that new Mary friend of yours, I don't wanna hear it." Cheren said with disbelief. "Besides, April called and told me she was helpful. Wanted to recommend her for training."

"Curse that traitorous April." Chimney fumed with anger.

"When you're ready to leave, suit up." Cheren instructed. "Sector JP, you'll go after the Footbomb in New Jersey. Sector KB, you get Colorado. Sector W7, you'll do Texas. I'll send the maps to your phones. Sector L, will you be helping JP?" Cheren asked.

Melody was looking at Danny's phone, nodding with her brother. "We think we'll stay here, too. There's something else we wanna talk about."

"So be it. Kids Next Door, battle stations!"

Cheren sent them all the bomb locations as the operatives returned to their ships. Melody walked up to Cheren and showed him Danny's phone. "Look in the top-right."

This photo depicted New Jersey's stadium. In the top-right of the flashlit camera, there was a tiny portion of a different paper on the wall. The words Mermaid Swamp were legible. "Mermaid Swamp?"

"Yes, that. Any idea what that is?"

"No, but what does it have to do with anything?"

"We're trying to find Manaphy, but Grandpa Kyogre says he's been missing for years. Carol, look that place up."

"Got it." Carol typed the swamp into her laptop. "'A legendary swamp said to be hidden within Louisiana's bayous. Home to toxic mermaids who prey on visitors.' Quite a story there."

"Louisiana, huh." Melody thought aloud. "Danny, you and I should go there."

"You shouldn't go now." Cheren told them. "We're gonna have Dad's funeral in a couple days. Can you wait 'til then?"

"Okay. We think we'll borrow a S.C.A.M.P.E.R. to take Mom home."

"Alright. See you later." Cheren's two cousins left the bridge.

"I'll head to communications." Carol said as she walked away. "I wouldn't mind trying a few experiments."

"Er- Carol, you don't have clearance!" Cheren called.

"I will in a moment!" Carol winked. Cheren sighed with disbelief.

"Yer workin' awfully hard lately." Panini mentioned. "Knowin' yer dad's funeral is comin', it's surprising you can manage all this."

"Someone has to run the organization. Zero knows you can't." He smirked lightly.

"What if something big comes up on the day?"

"Then we'll have to take care of it. That's why I wanna get these Footbombs dealt with ASAP, so-"

"Incoming transmission from Sector E." Panini rushed to the Global Station to answer this call.

"This is Numbuh 860, what is your transmission?"

Numbuh Great, Sector E's leader, appeared onscreen. He spoke with a British accent. "Ah, Numbuh 3621, good that you're here as well. I have someone that wants to speak with you." He held up his pinky finger. "He claims to be the leader of the Minish."

"The Minish Leader?" The camera zoomed in on the little Minish on the finger. It was close enough to make out Lenari's blurry form. The Minish was saying something that Cheren and Panini couldn't make out.

"He claims that he wants your help in destroying America." Numbuh Great said. Lenari panicked and shouted frantically. "M-My apologies, he wants your help in attacking America." They saw Lenari face-palm and yell in Great's ear again. "He says to let him explain slowly, he wants to get this over w- He's grunting with annoyance- He wishes to stop repeating everything he says—goodness, is this some sort of mental issue?" he asked the Minish.

"Um, tell him to wait there, Numbuh Great, I'll just come down." Cheren said, tired of this banter. "Watch the treehouse, Panini." The leader ran off.

Gallagher Elementary

It was no joke when it was said that Gallagher Elementary was surrounded by a swirling sand pool. Teen Ninjas surrounded the building, some were inside and tying up the hostage students. King Sandy tapped his foot impatiently outside the sand pit. "We're done implanting all the hooks." Nya LaMar flew overhead and reported. "The carrier crafts are gonna be here in a few minutes."

"That's all well and good." Sandy sighed. "I'm just a tad disappointed my daughter didn't show up."

"Yeah, 'cause when my school turns into a giant sandpit, I wanna rush over there ASAP." Nya remarked sarcastically.

"She's bound to show up sooner or later. Right now, at least I can make up for my mistake by bringing President Jimmy another helping of students. …Ah, here they are."

A team of Teen Ninja Carriers hovered overhead and lowered long, hooked wires down. They latched onto the hooks that the Teen Ninjas hammered into the school, and the whole of Gallagher was uplifted from the unsteady sand ground, into the sky. "This is Hoagie to Command Carrier." Hoagie Gilligan III spoke into his communicator. "Gallagher is off the ground."

"Excellent." Gideon Gleeful replied from the Command Carrier. "Father, set a course back for Washington!"

Gideon's father, a fat man in a sun hat and red button-up shirt with flower designs, was driving the craft. "Now, I'm happy to do this for you, son, but this seems like an awfully complicated construction project."

"All perfect masterpieces are complicated!" Gideon rubbed his hands evilly. "And the more pieces, the better! After Bill absorbs enough mind power from these kids, he'll become unstoppable. We will RULE America and all of its colonies! The Kids Next Door will be powerless to stop us! And once we give them a taste of our Mega Footbombs, it'll be all sugar." He blinked his eyes in a pretty fashion. "I mean, what can they possibly do at this point?"

Timothy and Hikari Gilligan were among the students tied up at Gallagher. The siblings exchanged nods before easily slipping out of their ropes. You can always count on Hoagie not to betray his family. Hikari opened her backpack to let the nine Pikmin Onions flutter out, and inside them were Rupert and his Pikmin. "Are you guys sure there aren't any bad guys?" Rupert squeaked.

"They're all watching from the outside." Timmy whispered. The building was swaying on its midair hinges. "I can see why." Timmy held his stomach, feeling ill. "You don't have to untie everyone, just go help the Kindergarteners. They can take care of the rest."

"Will do. Come on, fellas." They watched the colorful Pikmin army scamper out of the classroom.

"But even if we get untied, what're we gonna do afterwards?" Timmy asked his sister. "How are we supposed to save Rupert's mom and all the kids in Washington?"

Hikari sighed, laying her head down on her desk. Timmy brought up a good point. How would they be able to escape with all of their friends? How… "Tell me how, Jessie."

Sector JP C.O.O.L.-B.U.S.

"Um, Karin?" Ururu spoke softly, after fixing on her Tiny Devil suit.

"Yes, Ururu?"

The former directed Karin's attention to Yuzu, whose eyes had been spinning the whole trip. "I think there's something wrong with Yuzu. She's been… like that since she got hypnotized."

"She's just being silly." Karin approached her sister and waved a hand by her. "Yo, Yuzu, snap out of it. We got a job to do, I know you aren't very strong, but focus!"

Yuzu's eyes spun for a few seconds. Then they stopped, as the girl yelled, "DEATH TO THE WORLD GOVERNMENT!"

"YEAH! That's more like it!" Jinta grabbed the girl around the neck. "Fight the power!"

"Wow, you two actually have something in common." Kodama grinned sheepishly, making a sweatdrop.

"Ah, crap, she's still hypnotized." Karin sighed.

"Oppose the Government!" Yuzu raised her spoon with pride.

"Oppose the New World Order!" Jinta cheered.

"Join the Freedom Fighters on your own time!" Karin yelled. "Kodama, how close are we to the stadium?"

"10 miles and closing." The Fireworks Expert responded, piloting the bus. "We'll land a few miles away so they don't suspect anything."

"You know what we should do?" Jinta asked with a grin. "Make it a game with the other sectors to see who gets their ball first. Last place has to buy everyone snacks!"

"That does sound kinda fun." Ururu replied softly. "It would inspire us more."

"It's no fair if the other teams don't know they're playing." Karin said disagreeingly. "Besides, there's more than just money for snacks weighing on this game…"

Sector KB's S.C.A.M.P.E.R.

"O COME MAH WAY." Bon Clay shouted out of nowhere. He was sitting on the captain's seat of their pink S.C.A.M.P.E.R.. "Thou must: COME MAH WAY. Are you guys with me? Because I don't think you seem to understand what I'm saying. I'll clarify it: ah-he-hem: ooookaaaamaaaa-"

"UUUUGH!" One of the female members slammed her fists on her control deck. "Will you JUST SHUT UP already?!" She had short, brownish-red hair and a red sleeveless shirt, black shorts, and dark-red boots. She also has red skin. "You hurt my EARS!"

Numbuh One Half, GKND transfer operative from Solar Mines


"Ruby, vous êtes en train de brûler à nouveau votre-" A girl with blonde hair and a light-blue shirt was speaking in French.

Numbuh Perfect Pair, swordsgirl of Sector KB


"And YOU!" Ruby pointed at her. "SPEAK ENGLISH!"

"She was saying that you're setting your seat on fire." Sapphire replied. She was a blue-skinned girl in a blue-and-white dress, and light-blue hair that covered her eyes. Ruby saw that the pillow of her seat was engulfed in flame.

Numbuh Other Half, GKND transfer from Glacia, telepath of Sector KB


"I'm sorry for being such a loudy-mouth." Bon Clay smiled wide, but sadly. "I'm still upset over Lexi. Why did he have to leave us?! Oh ho ho ho!" He began crying.

"Who cares about Lexi, just let 'im hang out with his Teen Ninjas." Ruby folded her arms in anger. "What're we gonna do about these Mega Footbombs?"

"Sapphire will find it, of course." Libby replied, her French accent noticeable. "Her psyceek is excellent. Are ve close to ze stadium?"

"Sure, sure." The ship's pilot replied with a nonchalant smile, powdering his face with sparkly makeup. He had brownish-blonde hair and pretty blue eyes, and was wearing a pink shirt under a black sleeveless, and slim black pants. He was driving the wheel with his knees.

Numbuh Binary, 4x4 officer of Sector KB


"Hibiki?" Sapphire spoke in a low tone. "There are two things wrong with your statement."

"What is that, Sapphy?" he asked with handsome narrowed eyes.

"One… we have changed course about 80 degrees from our destination five minutes ago. Two… we are about to crash into a satellite."

"WAAAAAAAAAAAH!" They all screamed (except Sapphire) at the incoming satellite in outer space. Hibiki whipped the ship around and flew them back to Earth.

Sector W7's R.O.C.K.E.T.-T.R.A.I.N.

"Oh, wow, we're going to a football stadium?" Mary asked with a bright and cheerful face. "I've always wanted to see an American football game! I heard that they don't actually use their feet. April, how can you play football without-"

"Mary, if ONE more word comes outta your mouth, I'm gonna rip your tongue out!" Chimney shouted.

"Besides, Mary, football is boring." April replied, painting a picture of Mocha withstanding the tackles of several football-players. She won the game singlehandedly. "It's all just giant guys pushing each other while angry cowboys scream all day and paint their faces."

"But that all sounds fun!" Mary grinned. "Who doesn't like to paint their face?"

"There's Texas, girls." Chimney reported. "The map says the Footbomb is under the field, so we're gonna split in pairs and find a way down. Got it? Let's go!"

After the train took land outside Arlen's football stadium, the team split into pairs: Chimney with Mocha, Apis with Aisa, April with Mary, and Aeincha with Gonbe. The others followed routes through different floors and corridors, while Apis and Aisa headed to the vast, empty field directly. "I wish Water 7 had more grass." Aisa smiled with delight as her bare feet trekked the field ground.

"I thought you might like it." Apis giggled. "Without all the raging fans, football fields are pretty nice. Hey, do you think you can sense the Footbomb with your Mantra?"

"I'll try." Aisa closed her eyes as they kept walking. "There are a few guards and stuff here… yeah, I see it. The Footbomb is 10 meters below this field."

"It sure would be nice if there was a shortcut around here. …Oh, look!" Apis pointed. "There's someone there!"

A man with a white T-shirt, blue jeans, brown shoes, and dark-brown hair with a flat top was mowing the grass some yards away. He bore a warm smile, and his eyes behind his square glasses showed he was in daydream. He saw the girls coming and stopped his mower. "Oh, hello, girls. Couldn't wait until the Cowboys got here?" Hank Hill joked, speaking with a moderate voice.

"Nope." Apis blushed. "Did you mow this entire field? It's really pretty!"

"Ah sure did. Fresh Matrix RealGrass." Hank took a pleasant whiff. "You can't even tell they used pesticides."

"You did a great job." Aisa smiled, wiggling her toes on the grass.

"Say, would you girls like a free sample from Strickland Propane's new Deluxe Propane-Powered Grill?"

"No thanks." Apis smiled politely. "We're just looking for something we lost in the stadium. We'd like to try it later, though!" They were about to walk away.

"Oh, I can't let you leave." Hank said, still smiling. "You see, the Teen Ninjas sent us pictures of you girls, so you must be Kids Next Door operatives." The two whipped around at him with slight surprise. "I'm afraid you're gonna have to stay a while. But to pass the time," Hank climbed off his mower, "let me show you how I cut this grass." He bent down and put his finger on a grass blade. "You want to trim the blades of your mower to 60% smoothness. That way, the tops of the grass-"

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa," Aisa interrupted, "you're not gonna keep us here with boring stories, we're finding our stuff and going."

Hank sighed sadly and stood up, "Halright, I guess we'll do this the hard way. This grass is great though, isn't it?" He smiled. "It really, gets in your nostrils."

A powerful scent flowed into their noses. The girls felt dizzy and sank to all fours. "Yeah, sometimes it's recommended you wear plugs in your nose." Hank pointed at his nostrils. "The scent is too powerful sometimes. Oh well. I'll go grab the cages." Hank walked off casually, leaving Apis and Aisa to grow drowsy in the scent.

April and Mary found their way to the employee break room—they stared weirdly at the sight. A man with yellow hair, tan skin, and orange speedos with black tiger stripes was laying on a bed while several ladies cuddled up to him. "Ho ho, take-it-easy-man, dang-ol'-got-enough-room-for-every-one-o'-you, jus'-one-at-a-time, or, maybe-dang-ol'-two, man." Boomhauer was speaking very fast.

"April? What is that man doing?" Mary asked.

"I think he's a pervert, Mary."

"Uh?" Boomhauer looked up and noticed them. "Oh, hey-there, li'l-ladies, you-girls-get-lost-from-your-parents, I-tell-you-what, this-one-time-some-dang-ol'-fat-guy-left-his-li'l-baby-in-the-car, hohohoho." He shook his head. "Ain't-go-too-well, man, ain't-go-well-at-all, I-tell-ya-dang-ol'-parents-gotta-watch-their-kids-more, then-we-wouldn't-have-these-dang-ol'-Kids-Next-Door-ruining-everything, man, now I gotta dang ol'…" He stood up and put on some blue jeans and a dark-gray T-shirt. "'Scuse me, ladies, this'll only be a minute." He smiled coolly at his women, who giggled and left the room. "Oh- and your money's on the counter."

After the women left, Boomhauer faced the Goldenweek cousins with a serious glare. "Tell-ya-what, man, this-might-be-a-football-stadium, but Ah'm-a-teachin'-you-some-dang-ol'-surfin', man." Boomhauer punched a switch in the wall, and the Goldenweeks felt the floor shake and rise like an elevator.

They were lifted up to the stadium's roof, where it was so windy that April had to hold her hat down. Boomhauer went flying to the air, surfing the winds on his own air-light board. "Ah-don't-even-need-water-to-surf, man, I'm-a-teach-you-how-it's-done, dang old, enguarde, man!" Boomhauer swooped at the cousins, who dodged aside and fell, watching as Boomhauer swerved around to attack again. April dabbed some red paint on the roof and ran away to let Boomhauer crash there, but a forceful gust of wind blew the red paint away. "Real-windy-up-here, man, good-luck-tryin'-ta-dang-ol'-paint."

Aeincha rode Gonbe like a horse to a storage area inside the stadium, where cockroaches and insects crittered all around the floor and walls. "Gross! They really oughta call an exterminator or something!" Aeincha said.

"Gyom, gyom!"

Gonbe kicked open a door, stopping at the sight of a lanky man in an orange jumpsuit, orange hat, and shiny sunglasses, with a can of gas strapped to his back. "They did call an exterminator." Dale Gribble blew a cigarette. "Somethin' about a rabbit hit with spray can and some genetically animated doll."

"Aren't they more concerned about the man-size preying mantis?" Aeincha remarked.

"Not as surprisin' as the display before me. I bet no one's entered you in the Stuffolympics." His glasses twinkled. "Get ready to win First Prize."

"Eeeeek!" Aein and Gonbe panicked.

Colorado Stadium

"Hey, Sapphire?" Hibiki asked as the five operatives were in the midst of battle.

"You're going to ask what these things are." Sapphire predicted, nimbly dodging the monsters' attacks.

"Pretty much."

"They are monsters from Nightmare Enterprises." The creatures attacking were very short men with heads, arms, and legs, no central body, and each represented the mascots of football teams. "They're called Rushers."

"How do you know that?" Ruby asked, punching each Rusher using a pair of red mech gloves.

"Well, look at this, Karin." Two Teen Ninjas flew over to them. One had white hair and a big sword, the other had red hair and red eyes behind glasses. "Our Rushers found a bunch of snot-nosed kids. In case you brats are curious, we ordered those things from Nightmare Enterprises."

"That's how." Sapphire answered.

"SAY WAT?" Bon Clay looked up with a panicked smile. "Oh! For a second, I thought Karin from Sector JP turned traitor!"

"There's a million Karins in Japan!" Karin shouted hotly. "But fine, you can call me Red Eye."

"There's already a Red Eye." Suigetsu reminded.

"Then I'll be Karin U.!!" The girl steamed. "Because my last name is Uzumaki!"

"Doesn't matter WHO you are, 'cause I'll kick your ass!" Ruby balled her fists.

"Right then!" Bon Clay twirled. "Ruby and Sapphire will whoop those two! Let's go find the Football!"

"Secret elevator underneath the PA box, you'll have to cross the stadium." Sapphire informed.

"Uh, Sapphire? They're already gone." Ruby noted.

"I know. I was talking to Hibiki telepathically."

"I'm on it, Sapphire!" Hibiki yelled across the hall.

"Darn it, I was hoping to take on all of you." Suigetsu smirked. "I need a plate of fries to fill my appetite, not two small ones."

"I'll show YOU a small fry!" Ruby jumped up and socked Suigetsu in the jaw with her fist, sending him across the room.

"Ouch!" Suigetsu recovered angrily. "What the crap?! I'm a Logia, how did you punch me?"

"The knuckles of my gloves have chi-blocks!" Ruby smirked proudly. "But I can still get HOT!" She sprouted rockets from her feet and flew at the Logia, forcing her fists on him as they were gone down the hall.

"I'm SICK of that guy leaving me behind!!" Karin U. shouted. "Fine, then I'll just get you." She swung a kick at Sapphire, but said girl floated up to the ceiling.

"I'm a psychicbender who mastered Prediction." Sapphire said tonelessly. "I can predict something an hour away by weighing any and all possibilities and facts around me. Tonight, you're gonna be in bed for a long time before you go to sleep."

Karin's skin became as red as her hair. "SCREW YOU!" She flew up using jetshoes and threw a punch, Sapphire dodged down before throwing a Psycho Sphere, which Karin dodged, kicked at Sapphire, who flew left, then lunged at Karin, who flew up, kicked down, then Sapphire dodged. "But I have Observation Haki, so I already knew your elements as you were coming in!" She grinned wryly. "I don't need to predict anything, you just let me know and I'll dodge it!"

"Then I guess.." The camera zoomed on Sapphire's face, "it's a battle.." Even closer, "of dodges."

Bon Clay was dancing like a ballerina, taking terrific and graceful skips down the hallway, while Libby Belle ran ahead of him to cut Rushers with her sword. "Numbuh 2=1, I would appreciate eet if you could 'elp me fight."

"A human's body, must be reserved!" Bon spoke brightly. "Like a 'frigerator, it must be kept in perfect form, ready to serve, not wasted on little freaks! Un, deux!"

"If you aim to fight soon, garçon paresseux, do it when you find ze bomb. I'll go this way, you go up there." Libby ran past a stairway while Bon skipped up said stairs.

"Ah-haaaaa!" He was happy as a swan. "I feel no gravity because I am a bird! To be gay is to be freeeee! Come be gaaaay with meeeee! Un, deux-!" Clay kicked open a door, finding himself in the PA box.

"Oh, so the Supreme Leader sent you." A Russian voice said. "I guess it was expected."

"HUUU!" Bon Clay's features stretched wide. "Lexi…"

New Jersey Stadium

Karin Kurosaki kicked her soccerball and bounced it around a team of Rushers, Jinta smashed another group with his giant bat, Ururu sliced them with the claws of her Tiny Devil suit, and Kodama had swiftly tied other Rushers to her firecrackers, passing a salute before watching them fly away. "Like we said, team, split up." Karin ordered. "Kodama, take Yuzu with you, she shouldn't be left alone like this."

"Why can't I take her?" Jinta asked angrily.

"Because I'm afraid you'll start a war with her. Alright, team, move!" They split different directions, with Kodama pulling Yuzu along, and Jinta sighing with anger.

Karin rushed into a gym room decorated with a cyan-blue tone—the door sealed behind her. Jinta found his way to a track field on an upper floor—the door sealed. Kodama tripped on her sandals as she tumbled into a target practice room, letting go of Yuzu's hand in the process. "Yuzu!" She reached to her friend hopelessly before the door sealed. Meanwhile, Ururu wandered onto the football field, gazing up when an electrified net spawned in place of a roof above the stands.

"Bad idea to come here." Karin whipped her attention forward. An African-American boy approached her, wearing a white mechanical suit with a football helmet of the same material. "We thought the Kids Next Door would find out about our plan, so we were prepared. Where are you guys from?"

"Sector JP from Japan." Karin replied sternly. "And telling you that before hearing who you guys are is the MOST generosity you'll have from me."

"We're the Canton Rushers. I'm the leader, Ish Taylor. We're Teen Ninjas who specialize in forms of football. Our Battle Ready Jerseys make us unstoppable."

"You mean you can't play well in football without crummy suits?" Karin smirked sardonically. "That's pathetic. I can easily kick through that crotch plate."

"I see you have a soccerball. Still haven't moved up from the kiddie field, I see."

"What'd you say?" Karin narrowed her eyes.

"I mean, it's a decent workout for your legs, but football requires real muscle. I don't think your teammates are gonna cut it."

"Really?" Her eyebrow twitched, Karin was struggling to repress her anger. "Maybe you just haven't seen what we're made of."

Ish drew out a glowing blue energy football. "Do you care to show us?"

Karin held her soccer ready to drop. "I'll just tell you: We're made of FIRE!"

Ish hurled the football at Karin, who nimbly dodged aside and kicked her soccerball to his face. Ish dodged forward, but wasn't prepared when Karin charged at him for a mighty kick, sending him across the room. Ish kicked off the wall and tackled Karin, the two rolling on the floor before Karin flipped up and kicked away. Ish ran at her to throw a punch, but Karin countered with a kick as both attacks hit with equal force. Ish swung a punch at her head, Karin ducked and kicked Ish off his feet, but the boy grabbed Karin's legs and kicked on rocket boots, flying around and pulling Karin along. Ish spun around and threw Karin against the wall before flying and dealing a punch.

In the target practice room, Troy Kang, a Korean-American in a Battle Ready Jersey, faced Kodama from across the long room. "It never matters how far it is, I always go for the goal." He assured.

"I can relate to that." Kodama smiled proudly. "I can blast a balloon a thousand miles away!"

"I wouldn't wear sandals on a football field." Troy extracted a cannon on either wrist, charging energy footballs. "You tripped walking in, you won't make it to me."

"I won't need to!" Kodama twirled her dress and unveiled a trio of firecrackers from underneath. "Because my eyes are on the prize!"

"Better keep your eyes on the ball." Troy blasted the footballs, Kodama sent smaller fireworks to destroy them, then sent a giant one to Troy, who took a great leap forward while the area behind him exploded into colorful smoke.

"I wonder who will reach whom first?" Kodama remarked. She blasted another round of fireworks that Troy countered with footballs, afterwards dashing through the smoke to get closer, then Kodama blasted another huge firework to the floor in front of him, making Troy jump back.

"Hope that it isn't me." Troy said.

On the football field, Ururu stuttered with fright at the imposing giant. Tua Tupola, a Samoan-American in his own B.R.J., was obese and roughly 30 feet tall, staring down at Ururu as he stomped toward her. "Look, why don't you just surrender?" Tua asked sincerely. "I don't like fighting little girls. Especially the really little ones."

"O-Oh, that's okay." Ururu blushed, swaying her hip in a sheepish fashion. "I may be small, but I'm really strong, a-and I can fight."

"Heh, tell you what." Tua smiled. "I'll give you the first hit for free. How's that sound?"

"O-Okay. Thank you." Ururu bowed. She pressed a button on her Tiny Devil, and vanished into thin air.

"What?!" Tua searched around. "Where did she go?! OW, AHH!" His head punched left, then right, then upside the chin as he fell on his back. When the giant narrowed his eyes to the center, he spotted a teeny-tiny Ururu on his nasal bridge.

"My Tiny Devil suit converts my size into strength." She squeaked. "I based it off of Ant-Man. I may be tiny, but my targets are only bigger." Ururu smiled.

"Why you- ow!" Tua attempted to grab her, but Ururu flew away, causing him to smack his own face. Tua got to his feet and saw Ururu back to normal, throwing a punch at the girl, but Ururu jumped and shrunk down to run up his face for another punch.

A similar scenario was happening to Jinta, who was getting punched left, right, diagonal, frontways, sideways, backways. "URURU is that you?!"

"Nope!" A blonde-haired boy zipped by, punched him- "It's me!" Zipped around, punched him again, "Marty Stevens, nice to meet you!" Zipped around to punch the ear, "How ya doin'?"

Left, right, in the air, back to the ground, then Jinta felt the speedster zooming around him like a whirlwind. "GHHHH!" Jinta bit his teeth in anger and swung his giant bat, bashing Marty in the face. "You need to control yourself!" He smashed his bat down, but Marty sped away again.

Yuzu wobbled left to right as she limped slowly. Her nose picked up a scent from the nearby room, and her instincts told her to follow. It was a kitchen area, and it looked in pretty fair shape. "Stop right there!" a girl's voice yelled. Yuzu lazily turned around, seeing an orange-haired girl with bright green eyes. It was Ash Reynolds. "I know you're with those Kids Next Door. You won't find the Footbomb in there, if that's what you're thinking."

"Revolun… Revolulu…"

"What are you saying?" Ash asked.

Yuzu's spiraling eyes flashed. "REVOLUTIOOOOON!" Acting on instinct, she dashed into the kitchen, turned on the oven, put a pot on, and began stirring ingredients.

Ash couldn't make sense of this. "Is this some sort of baker's symbolism?"

Yuzu faced her with passion, "A fight to destroy oppression! The World Government must fall! I will bake a meal so powerful, it will make them fall! My Ramen Kempo will reign supreme!" She grabbed a spatula and ladle, twirling them like weapons. She professionally stirred the pot, flipped ingredients out, and shot them at Ash, who jabbed fists at each one before spaghetti hit her in the face. After Ash wiped it off, she evasively dodged when Yuzu flicked a storm of patties like shurikens, followed by buns, lettuce, tomatoes, Ash stared with confusion when a wall of hamburgers grew behind her. With a twirl of her spatula, Yuzu chucked it at the burgers and caused them to all topple down over the female footballer.

Colorado Stadium

"Oh, Lexi!" Bon Clay cried, falling to his knees as his emotions poured. "Why do we have to fight?! Why did you have to leave us, why couldn't you tell us what was wro-o-o-o-ong!"

"STOP crying!" Alexei Abramovici hit his former leader with his hammer staff. "It's that kind of idiocy that ensured my decision!"

"But it was YOUR idiocy, too!" Bon cried, outstretching his hands. "You were gay, I was gay, ALL OF US were gay! Come back and be gay with me, Lexi! Come back and be gay with me aga-a-a-a-ain!"

"No!" Lexi hit him with the hook staff. "The only person I serve is Master Lucas. The World Government will save the world, and you ignorant Kids Next Door will regret not siding with them."

"You know, Lexi," Bon Clay stood up assuredly, hands on his hips, "I might have sided with you, I might have agreed with you, but those Government guys did one thing I disagreed with: THEY KILLED CHERRY BOY'S FATHER." His features became dark, and his smile was terrifying. "I will always be loyal to Cherry Boy. He let Sector KB be a THING, he let us be GAY!" He posed brightly. "So if he don't like the Government, I ain't helpin' 'em one bit!"

"You're a fool." Lexi glared. "Can Cherry Boy stop the Apocalypse? In what little time we have, can he match the powers of the Government? It is not too late to quit being stupid."

"I BELIEVE in Cherry Boy!" Bon's eyes were sparkly. "He never failed us before! And I will not fail you!" He kicked his swan slippers at Lexi, who rolled aside and swung his hammer, Clay leaped off the polearm and jumped to kick Lexi against the microphone desk.

Hibiki Lates searched intently in the area beneath the PA box. He sported his cool smile and touched his forehead, closing his eyes. He could sense it: the very faint photon particles in the air. He followed them to an ordinary wall, which in reality was wallpaper. He found a secret elevator behind it, as the photon particles hovered around its buttons. He rode the elevator to a secret passage under the stadium. Hibiki approached a door sealed by a terminal, sporting a soft chuckle at this defense. He formed his own holographic computer in the air and hacked into the terminal. The door opened.

Hibiki solved a few more such codes before finding the central room. The Footbomb inside the glass capsule was orange, baring the symbol of the Denver Broncos. "You got here quickly." Gage Davidson said. The former Arctic Prison inmate still wore his black jacket, pants, and sunglasses. His yellow mustache and beard were longer. "What kind of computer is that? How the hell did you hack in?"

Hibiki brushed his hair back. "I'm a lightbender who can manipulate photons in the air. All computers project a sort of wireless signal I can bend to my will. Though to be fair, this defense was lacking."

"So like, you can control any sort of computer? Even mine?" Gage asked aggressively.

"Hm hm. I'm not that type of sport." Hibiki patted his shiny hair. "A person needs to be their self, and fight how they choose. So how will you fight me?"

Gage quickly tapped his keyboard and summoned a Flash-made ninja and cowboy gunman. Hibiki nimbly dodged the gun shots and ducked when the ninja slashed him, sending a kick at the ninja's crotch to distort his code. Gage sidestepped a few feet away and summoned small UFOs to shoot lasers at Hibiki, the latter used his bending to grab the lasers and shoot them back, then punched the cowboy. On Gage's code, a team of machineguns came up from the floor and blasted bullets, Hibiki created a shield of security blocks from the wireless air, shielding from bullets, then using the holo-screens to slice the guns. Hibiki thrusted the screens forward and sent Gage flying, but the Teen summoned some Flash hawks to grab him by his coat.

Karin U. tossed kunai knives at Sapphire, who dodged, Sapphire blew some psychic at Karin, she dodged, Karin ran to throw some punches, Sapphire dodged every one, Karin flew away when Sapphire tried to grab her in psychic. The Teen Ninja shot lasers at Sapphire, she still dodged, the latter threw a string of Psycho Spheres, Karin dodged left-and-right, the ninja kicked on rocket shoes and blasted at Sapphire, she projected a psychic bubble, Karin directed up before hitting it, then flew back when Sapphire flew up and missed her. "This dodging match is boring!" Karin shouted.

"I agree." Sapphire showed no emotion.

"How 'bout we just fly and throw a punch at each other?"

"Nnn… alright."

Both girls flew at the other, threw a punch—they stylishly dodged and faced each other in midair again. "I knew you would dodge." Sapphire said.

"I'm not letting myself get hit! Sigh, fine, let's do it again."

"You're going to dodge me again."

"Oh, ***k this!" Karin extracted wrist lasers and shot at Sapphire, the dodging continued.

Suigetsu swung his giant sword at Ruby, who punched with her right fist and blocked, then the Solaran jumped a low swing to kick Suigetsu's face. Her foot sunk into his water-made face, and when it reformed, Suigetsu was biting Ruby's leg in his sharp teeth. Ruby grunted with pain before Suigetsu threw her against the wall, afterwards grabbing his hand around her neck in the form of water. Ruby boiled with anger, heating up Suigetsu's arm, his water arm bubbled as Suigetsu winced and pulled away. "Munch THIS in your jaw!" Ruby aimed her mech fists at his face, and using her firebending, she rocketed the fists forward, forcing Suigetsu against the wall with great force.

Suigetsu smacked the fists away, and when Ruby tried to run and get them, the Fishkid slammed his sword in her way. "You aren't so strong without them!" He swung at her, Ruby rolled aside, she ran for her fists, then Suigetsu kicked and sent her across the room. She got up in time to dodge his sword, punching fire at the Logia and creating steam with each hit. Ruby sparked with an idea, smirking as she punched rounds of flames at Suigetsu. "Ow- Hey- Stop that, stop that!" Suigetsu grunted as the hall began to fill with steam. "I can't see anything!"

"That's more like it!" Ruby punched twin flames.

Texas Stadium

Hank Hill was hauling two glass cages, each fit for one, out to the football field. After stopping to drink an Alamo Beer, he nearly choked at the sight. "What the hell?!" The grass of the field had grown to terrific size, tall as trees.

"Surpriiiiise!" Apis sat on the edge of the blades above Hank, grinning. "I used my Cell Telepathy to accelerate their growth! Looks like you have more mowing to do before next game!"

"Gah!—Turn my grass back right now!" Hank fumed. "And how the hell did you escape that scent?!"

"Black Skypian Apple!" Aisa appeared beside Apis, holding the core of a black apple. "Forces anyone out of any trance. It's that bad-tasting."

"Come get us, Dummy!" Apis taunted as they vanished into the grass.

"GAHHH!" Hank furiously trudged through the thick grass. Apis and Aisa giggled tauntingly during this time, but he managed to find his lawnmower. "You kids need to learn some respect. You don't go magically altering a football field's lawn!" He pushed a button that extracted buzzsaws on either side of the mower, chopping the grass forest down as he followed the girls jumping across the grass tops.

"WATCH OUT, RAINING PUMPKINS!" Aisa threw her Conache Pumpkin down against the mower's front. Its iron-like hardness ruptured and weakened the mower.

"Better sharpen those blades, they're growing again!" Apis telepathically spoke with the cells of the grass under Hank's mower. He was uplifted into the air.

"Get ready, Mary." April said as Boomhauer swooped down again on his surfboard. The girls dodged aside, with Mary sticking two white crayons against the board as she was pulled along.

"Hey-man, git-git-git-offa-this, man!" Boomhauer yelled when Mary flew onto the board and was bent over the side.

"Waaaaah!" Boomhauer spun the board around as Mary fell off for April to catch her. "Gah, dang old…" However, the man suddenly felt his surfboard weighing to the roof. "What-What-the-hell-did-you-do, man?!"

"I used Gray Crayons to make your surfboard heavy like metal!" Mary smiled, holding two crayons of said color. "Heavy stuff doesn't float well on water, does it, April?" Her cousin shook her head.

"You-know-what, I'm-dang-old-glad-my-board-is-heavy, 'cause-dang-wind-is-gonna-get-chilly-chilly, man." Boomhauer landed on the stadium roof and pressed a remote. A giant fan emerged from the roof a few meters away and began blowing powerful wind. April and Mary grabbed hold of one of the poles for stadium lights while Boomhauer weighed himself down with his heavy-as-metal surfboard.

Aeincha rode Gonbe as the swarm of moths and cockroaches chased them, directed by the gas that Dale Gribble was spraying at them. "Gonbe, jump onto those boxes and kick me to him from there!"

"Gyom, yom!" Gonbe nimbly pounced up the stairway of large crates before facing down at the exterminator. Gonbe pounced off, let Aeincha fly off of him, then kicked the Lilliputian toward Dale to land against his face. "GYAAAAH! Help!" Dale cried. "I'm being attacked by a Cabbage Patch Kid! I told you I'm not crazy!"

Aeincha threw her grappling hook around to latch the top of his container, swinging around to fly on top of it. She tried to turn the dial with all her Lilliputian strength, but failed. "Not so fast!" She was instantly grabbed in the exterminator's gloved hand. "You may have won the battle at Farmer Brown's Cabbage Patch, but I'm stronger than I was back then! I can predict every move you make, from the blink of your eyes to jumping off your-"

"Gyom!" Gonbe pounced up from behind, bit his teeth into the gas container, and poked it open. Dale dropped Aeincha in surprise, and Gonbe caught her on his back before hopping away. Dale stood there mindlessly as gas flowed out and surrounded him. "Dang…"

Mocha and Chimney fought their way through a basement area, stomping swarms of Rushers that tried to get in their way. Er, needless to say Mocha did all the stomping, and the punching down doors, Chimney rode her hair. "That's showin' them, Mochan!" Chimney fist-palmed. "We're gonna find our ball first and WIN this contest!"

"This is a contest?" Mocha asked.

"Why not? I betcha Kodama's sector's doin' it."

Mocha broke down another doorway to a room with a scaled-down football field. Across the room was a fat man that was cradling the Footbomb like a baby. He had brown hair around a bald scalp, a white sleeveless shirt, and blue jeans with brown shoes. (He looked almost like Hank.) Bill Dauterive was feeding the Footbomb (which was midnight-blue with the Dallas Cowboys logo) a baby milk bottle when he looked up and noticed the girls. "Oh, hello! Sorry I didn't see you, I was busy feeding my baby. It's a bouncin' baby boy!"

"…" If that wasn't the weirdest thing the sectormates hadn't seen all day. "Oi, isn't that thing some sorta superweapon?" Chimney asked.

"Well, it does go 'boom' a lot, if that's what you're thinkin'." Bill chuckled, cradling the ball. "I'm actually raising this for Lenore, for when she gets back. She's been at work for the past 15 years," There was a choke in his voice, but his smile was still happy, "but I'm sure she'll come back eventually."

"Yeah, I'm sure she will." Mocha lied earnestly. "But, um, would it be alright if we could hold your ball?"

Bill looked at them with his bright smile. "Ohhhh, you wanna hold mah little baby, do ya?"

"Yes." Mocha smiled back, outreaching an open hand. "Don't worry, I'm gentler than I look."

"Well, you'll have to take my ball OVER MY DEAD BODY!" Anger consumed Bill as he sealed the Footbomb in a glass container. He stomped a switch to block his section of the room with a wall of metal squares, all linked together. Using his terrific strength, Bill charged and shoved the metal toward Mocha, who threw her hands forward to push back with equal strength. Chimney jumped off of Mocha to begin throwing speedy kicks and punches around the squares, trying to find a weak spot.

New Jersey

Karin swung a kick at Ish's head, the boy ducked and punched up at her face, Karin flew back and kicked off the wall to rocket at Ish, who ran across the room, then dashed back. He tackled and shoved Karin against the wall, she threw a punch at his head, Ish ducked back and ran to force Karin against the wall again. Ish jumped back and tossed two energy footballs, which Karin rolled forward to evade, then ran to swing a storm of kicks that Ish countered with punches. Ish then managed to grab Karin's leg in both hands, swing her overhead, and slam Karin against the floor, headfirst. "It's too bad soccer doesn't teach you to wear a helmet."

"It's too bad your helmet's a piece of crap!" Karin flipped upside-down, pushed herself into the air, and stomped her foot against the face of Ish's helmet. The glass cracked slightly, but the boy paid this no mind and charged against Karin, struggling to shove her across the room while she stood firm with both legs.

In the kitchen, Yuzu was swiftly tossing hotdogs and condiments into buns, tossing them across the floor so Ash slipped on them. When Ash recovered, she watched as Yuzu cut open two sacks of flour, which she tossed over to cover the female footballer in white. "This is getting ridiculous!" Ash yelled. "This isn't real fighting, you're just throwing food at me!"

"I am making a recipe!" Yuzu announced. "A recipe for the World Government's DEFEAT!" She whipped out a pair of chopsticks and yanked several long strands of spaghetti from the pot. Ash watched with utter confusion as the girl wrapped herself in spaghetti like a mummy. "Ramen Kempo ARMOOOOR!" There was an opening for her head, and Ash dodged as Yuzu swung stretched spaghetti punches at her. Ash flew for a kick into Yuzu's chest, but the leg got stuck in the ramen, then Yuzu whipped her arms around, wrapped Ash in the spaghetti, then whirled her out of the room.

Jinta kept his ears open for the speeding Marty, and when he heard the Rusher come up from behind, Jinta swung his bat into his legs, watching Marty fly forward with his body shifted. However, the speedster began spinning in a ball like Sonic, going up the wall, across the ceiling, then Jinta jumped back to dodge his Homing Attack. Marty still spun and shot at Jinta again, so the latter blocked with his baseball bat as the spinning pinball grinded it. Jinta jumped high, letting Marty pass underneath, and had already turned around to attack again.

"In your dreams!" Still in midair, Jinta swung down and sideways, sending the spinning ball flying across the room. Marty crashed and fell onto the floor, weakly getting on all fours.

"Alright, enough playing games." Marty smirked at his opponent across the 50-yard track. "I'm coming at you with lightspeed! Just need a minute to charge up." Jinta watched as the footballer began vibrating furiously. With no time to lose, the baseballer raced across the track, not letting the weight of his bat slow him down.

In the target room, Kodama unveiled some colorful cannons (where does she hide all these?) and blasted confetti at Troy, which would then combust into sparks. Troy had to keep backward, but he hurled an energy football over Kodama, who watched it sprout a forcefield that took up the length of the room. Troy pushed a button on his wrist, and Kodama had to run when the barrier began moving toward her. "Yeah, that's it, come closer." Troy smirked.

Kodama returned the expression, "You're gonna regret that." She tied a large red firework to her back and lit it up. She rocketed across the room, Troy ducked, then Kodama detached herself to let the firework explode against the wall. She whipped out twin sparklers and aimed them at Troy, squirting twin streams of sparks that the boy was quick to evade. He rushed at Kodama and kicked her in the chest, sending her across the room.

On the football field, Tua was stomping his feet in attempt to crush the tiny fly, while Ururu was zipping around the grass beneath him in half-second intervals. His foot then stopped partway to the ground, Ururu was keeping it up with her own strength, then the Tiny Devil flew out and up to his head, landing a series of punches. Angered, Tua instinctively threw a punch backward, and he felt his titanic fist come into contact with Ururu, seeing the dot-size opponent fling away. He saw Ururu grow back to normal size, weakened and on the ground.

The giant hopped over and stomped his boot onto the Tiny Devil. "Not only are you still not a match, you're just as annoying as a fly. I still don't wanna hurt you, so I'll ask you again: surrender, and I'll turn off the barrier over this field. You can fly away and pretend this never happened."

Ururu was struggling to push the giant off of her. "Th-That barrier… w-what's it made of?"

"Electric energy, 100,000 volts."

Ururu smiled softly. "Th…Thank you. That's all I wanted to know." She pushed the button and shrunk again, dealing more speeding punches across Tua's head, the giant flailed his arms in attempt to swat her away.

"UUUA!" He felt the fly-size devil crash against his crotch, Ururu then flew behind his right leg and forced it upward, the giant fell back. Ururu flew underneath and used her tiny super strength to push his back, carrying him directly upward. Tua gasped as the barrier's ceiling drew nearer, he flailed his limbs to try to shake away. Just before he touched, Ururu let go, flew far below, then shot up like a bullet to send him flying up to the barrier. The area flashed as Tua absorbed the 100,000 volts through his suit, and Ururu flew away to watch the giant plummet to the field. The impact was quaking, and his armor fell off into pieces. Ururu watched as the barrier sparked and disabled itself; the controls for it were likely in Tua's suit.

"Now where was that bomb again?" Ururu asked herself. "Oh, right!" She flew for the large TV.


"I don't know about the others, but this guy was totally lame." Apis said casually as she and Aisa walked across the field.

"I know. Usually, bad guys put up a better fight than-"

"DWAAAAH!" Hank Hill tore through the extended grass, his body pink with rage. "YOU DONE CROSSED THE LINE, I paid 6,000 dollars for that mower and Ah'm takin' it from your allowance until you're 30!"

"AAAAAHHH!" The girls frantically swung their arms and ran away from the Texan, who had the rage and speed of a bull. "COME BACK here, I'll kick your ass one way up this field 'n' down the other way, you little brats think you c'n do whatever you want, I'll show you a thing or two, quit runnin' around so I can grab you little-"

Aisa whipped around and swung a kick at his crotch. "Dwaaaah!" Hank's redness vanished, and pain flowed through him. "My narrow urethra! Dwuuuuhh." He collapsed onto his back.

"…" Aisa and Apis only stared. They couldn't feel excited about this victory. "Like I said, totally lame." Apis restated.

April held onto Mary as the latter was using white Glue Crayons to stick into the roof and climb across, aiming to make it behind the giant fan. However, Boomhauer was steadily approaching them, using the weight of his Gray Crayon-colored board to withstand the wind. "Ee, yo-yo, man, talk-about-a-big-bowl-of-irony, man." He positioned the heavy surfboard to stab down at the girls. "Nn, sorry-I-have-to-do-this, man."

"NOW, April!" Mary cheered. April held up a bottle of her red paint, squirted it out, and let a stream of the substance fly past Boomhauer, the fan winds blowing it off of the roof.

"HEY! E-e-e-e-e-!" Boomhauer panicked when he was forced to chase the paint, for his simple attack was forcibly directed toward it. "GAH, dangoldcheaptrick, man, Itellyouwhat, I'magonna…" He spoke incomprehensively fast as he ran off the roof and hit the ground below. April let Mary crawl to the nearest fan by herself, watching her cousin stab the fan's base with a yellow crayon. The fan became electrified, and Mary let herself blow away from it before it exploded.

The Goldenweek cousins helped their selves to stand. "Excellent job, Mary." April smiled.

"You're the one who got rid of the creepy guy, April!" She grinned.

"Yeah, but we fought way harder battles. Let's go find the others."

The cousins rode the elevator back down to Boomhauer's room, already eager to leave as it bore a strong scent of cologne. Before leaving, Mary noticed a remote control on Boomhauer's dresser. …She smiled with curiosity and picked it up.

Mocha and Bill Dauterive were still at it, pushing the wall of metal boards with 110% strength. What Bill failed to realize was during their ongoing struggle, Chimney found an air vent that led directly to his side. She punched open the glass jar containing the Footbomb and yelled, "I got it!" before jumping back into the vent, taking it with her.

"Great!" With nothing to worry about, Mocha used full strength for real this time, pushing the metal boards effortlessly across the room and smashing Bill against the wall.

"NOOOO!" Bill cried helplessly as the girls ran off with his baby ball. "Lenoooore! Don't leave meeeeee." He started sobbing.

After Chimney called and told the others the news, the team finally regrouped at the stadium's entrance. "We got the ball!" Mocha cheered.

"Great!" Apis beamed. "Let's get back to the train before any more show up!"

Down in the storage area, Dale Gribble merely stood and let the fumes from his can fade away. All of his bugs were gone. He was all by himself. "…Hm hm hm." He chuckled darkly and walked over to an ordinary crate. "Those stupid Kids Next Door. Even if they do find the Footbomb, they won't realize it's a fake!" He opened the crate. "The real one is right here!" The Footbomb in question was dark-purple with a red core, and had silver tips. "This one's made of dark energy. The same type that was found on Mt. Gnaa! Our Teen Ninjas will throw this at Moonbase. Then, on the push of a button, their headquarters will be lost in oblivion!"


"Look at what I found in the creepy man's room!" Mary happily presented the tiny, one-button remote.

"Mary, why did you take that?" April asked. "You don't even know what it does."

"I wanted a souvenir to remember going to my first American football game!"

"And a football wouldn't have sufficed?" Aisa sweatdropped.

"Gyoooom-gyom!" Gonbe happily leapt up to push the remote. Curiosity got the best of him, too.

Dale's room

The exterminator watched as the Dark Footbomb beeped. "Oh, mah…"

Arlen Stadium was swallowed in an expanding sphere of darkness.


Bon Clay dodged Alexei's hook and hammer with little effort, his big smile wry. "The World Leaders forbid you from learning Hakeh!" Bon Clay swung a kick up at the teenager's face. "They forbid you from doing Okama Kempo." A kick in the chest that pushed Alexei back. "Just look at you, Alexei, they're starving you totally skinneh!" Lexi angrily swung more blows, Bon Clay danced ballet and dodged, skipping around his old friend before kicking his butt.

"I'll have you know they prepare me meals from the finest chefs!" Lexi argued.

"Yet, I can still see the bones through your bodeh! Lexi, just what have you to gain from them? What can they give you over your friends?"

"What can you gain from the Kids Next Door?" Alexei asked. "What do you have over the Government?"

"Hmmmmmm…" Bon Clay's grin was thoughtful. "Sector KB's got passion."

After Ruby created steam from Suigetsu's body, she attempted to locate her mech gloves in the mist. "GNNNN!" All of the steam retracted to a single point, and the Logia waterbender stood over Ruby as a body of water with a growling face. "Make all the steam you want, it doesn't stop me! Water extinguishes fire, and your time's up!" He lunged with his mouth open.

"That's what YOU think!" Ruby dove into his watery body. Her voice gurgled, "I am an eternal flame, baby!" She heated to incredible temperature, boiling Suigetsu's body as he spat her out. He needed some time to reform, but gasped when Ruby leapt at him with her recovered mech fists. "And I'll evaporate you!" She punched the chi-block knuckles on either side of his head, then with a rocket burst from her hands, Suigetsu's head was squished from both ends. Ruby watched as the Fishkid morphed into wobbly, unstable water, collapsing on the floor.

"We've got smarts." Bon Clay continued.

Red-Eyed Karin and Sapphire jabbed punch after punch at each other, both of them were continuously dodging. Karin kicked, Sapphire dodged right, blasted psychic, Karin dodged, both of them faced the other and panted. "Give it up, brat." Karin gasped. "I know all your tricks by now. I'm ready for anything you might throw."

"Really." Sapphire put her hand under the bangs over her face. "Is that so?" She raised them to reveal her large, single blue eye.

"GYYYAAAAAAAHH!" Karin screamed in fright- "That's no big deal." She calmed down.

"That's not all. When I look into your eyes, I can read your mind."

The room felt very cold. Karin shuddered and hugged her arms. "Wh-Wh-Who turned down the thermosta-a-a-at?"

"I can see that you've been in Arctic Base a long time. You don't like cold weather. I am using mind-tricks to make you believe it is cold."

"Ts-ts-ts-ts-ts-ts-ts-ts…" Karin fell to her knees from the unbearable temperature.

"It's alright, though. You needed to chill." Sapphire encased herself in a bubble and smashed Karin against the wall. The teenager was out cold, her glasses broken.

"We've got charm." Bon Clay resumed.

Gage Davidson was flying with his Flash-hawks as he programmed a Flash-cannon to appear from his laptop and blast Hibiki. The lightbender dodged the slow blasts and quickly typed on his own holo-computer. The glass capsule protecting the Footbomb opened, so the handsome operative jumped up the staircase to retrieve the weapon. "Sorry to cut this short, but I got what I needed." Hibiki told his opponent.

"Not even gonna try to beat me, are you?" Gage asked.

"It's not even a matter of trying, anymore. I'm afraid you're breaking the rules."

Gage panicked when his Flash-cannon glitched up, and his computer screen turned into pixels. "What the ***k?! What the hell did you-" His Flash-hawks glitched out, so the teen fell to the floor and smashed his laptop.

"I felt the wireless signal between the Footbomb and your laptop. You were gonna wait until this was taken to Moonbase or something, then set it off like that. Hm, but don't worry. We'll drop this bomb in a safe location before you have a chance."

"You think you're real smart, don't you." Gage nodded sarcastically, and Hibiki could feel the look behind his sunglasses. "You must be the favorite of your sector."

Hibiki threw a Light Frisbee that hit the side of Gage's head, knocking him out. "Hm… I wish." Hibiki smiled to himself, turning away. "The only problem is, I'm not really gay. They're just a really nice team. But I can't help that I find girls pretty. Sigh…" He opened his eyes and faced the corridor out of here. "I'll tell them someday."

"Aaaaaand we got talent!" Bon Clay concluded.

"Hee-SHYAH!" Libby Belle snuck up from behind and sliced the heads of Alexei's staffs. Bon Clay laid the final blow and kicked the side of his head, knocking his former teammate out. "It's a shame I could not find any worthy opponents." Libby said, sheathing her sword.

"The battle doesn't matter, Libby. It's preserving the peace! Let's go find the others and make peace again!" Libby ran first out of the room with Clay about to follow. He spared one look at Alexei and sighed sadly, leaving the fallen teen.

New Jersey

Troy approached Kodama after the Asian girl was kicked into the smoke. "Watch out, crazy madman throwing grenades!" Kodama jumped out and threw mini firecrackers that made forceful explosions on the floor, Troy jumping hastily as they were aimed at his feet. Kodama threw a string of firecrackers to his left, a larger one to his right, then blasted a missile to push him back a small distance. "Keep an eye on your ball!" Kodama pointed.

Troy turned around—the barrier that had formed from his football was still moving, closing in on him. Kodama blasted one more firework to push the teen into the barrier, swallowing him in soot as the football was destroyed in the explosion. Troy fell on his front in defeat. "If you want an encore," Kodama gave a proud thumbs-up, "make sure to catch Chimney-chan's R.O.C.K.E.T.-T.R.A.I.N. in action."

Marty was vibrating faster, he was a few seconds away from speeding at Jinta faster than a bullet. His eyes narrowed on the red-haired boy, but Jinta was still coming with his bat raised. The second Marty kicked off to boost was the same time Jinta jumped and swung his bat down. He barely smashed Marty's accelerator in time, causing it to malfunction as his speed went beyond his control. "Wh-Wh-Whoa-Wh-WHOOOOOAAA!" Marty burst through the wall, across the city, across the sea, he ran to the ends of the Earth.

Jinta held his bat over his shoulder and smirked victoriously. "Do you wanna see me do it again?"

Ash shot lasers at Yuzu's ramen body, but the spaghetti strings never seemed to fall apart, and Yuzu kept swinging her flexible string arms against the footballer. "Alright, that's it!" Ash allowed one of the arms to wrap around her body, then she spun around to unravel Yuzu's suit completely. "EYAH!" With a burst of force, Ash blew the spaghetti off of her. It all lay scattered across the hall. "I'm ending this once and for-" Ash's suit began to spark. "What? Oh no! Sauce got in my suit! No, no, no!"

"This is a message to the Leaders of the World Government!" Yuzu raised her spatula with pride, pretending that Ash was a camera. "If our food burns, your food will burn with it-" An electric bolt from Ash's suit struck Yuzu in the head, the same time the suit blew up.

Yuzu held her dizzy head as she stood up. "What happened…" Her normal brown eyes looked at Ash with confusion. She viewed around the area. "YAAAAAAAAH!" What was all that food doing on the floor? "This place is a MESS! THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE! Uuuugh, please let there be a mop in this- YAAAH!" She ran into the kitchen and slipped on a hotdog. "Oooowww…" A spoon fell on her from the counter.

Karin Kurosaki countered Ish's punch with a kick, his headbutt with one of her own, but the Japanese girl became dizzy from the impact. Ish punched Karin in the chest and knocked to the floor, but this position allowed her to see her soccerball stuck between a stack of mats. "This armor isn't so bad, is it?" Ish remarked.

"Yeah." Karin smirked. "But in Japan," Karin grabbed her ball, jumped to her feet, "we're really well-known," she kicked the ball, Ish dodged right, "for our ability," the ball bounced off the wall behind him and hit his legs, knocking Ish on his back, "to BASH SOME SKULLS IN!"

Karin raised her foot over Ish's face and stomped with full force. She shattered the glass and poured more pressure against his face. Karin stepped off and grinned wryly at the distorted way Ish's face looked now. "Tell your friends that Japan KICKED your face!"

Karin and Jinta regrouped at the football field, where Ururu flew down from the large TV with the Footbomb in hand. It had the logo of the New York Giants. "I've got it!"

"Sweet job, Ururu!" Jinta fist-pumped. "But where're the others?"

"Kodama, where are you and Yuzu?" Karin asked in her wristwatch.

"I found her in the kitchen." Kodama responded. "She's, um… cleaning up the mess."

"Who in their right mind leaves perfectly good food lying all over the floor?! Do these Americans have no respect for quality ingredients?!" Yuzu was shouting.

"At least she isn't a rebel, anymore." Karin said. Jinta slumped in disappointment. "Yuzu, get your butts out of there and back to the ship. We got the Footbomb, so we can go back."

The team of five made it back to their C.O.O.L.-B.U.S. and took off for Moonbase. "So this is a Footbomb, huh?" Jinta asked, holding the weapon with interest. "How do Americans play with these things, anyway?"

"Put that down, Jinta, you could set it off!" Karin shouted with worry.

"You know what, I'm tired of you doubting me!" Jinta scolded. "Just because I can't hold a cup of cocoa," he absentmindedly threw his arm back, "I'm smart enough to be more careful with a dangerous-" The ball was gone. Their eyes widened with fright.

The teammates peeked out the window to watch the Footbomb plummet to the stadium. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOM… The entire structure was engulfed with flame. "WE'RE OKAY." The Canton Rushers yelled.

"See? No biggie." Jinta grinned innocently.

"Why do I have the urge to dethrone the World Government?" Yuzu asked.

Sector E Treehouse

Cheren was on his knees on the floor before the living room couch. Lenari was standing on it, having just explained the mission to Cheren. "And that's the most I can recollect." Lenari concluded. "I know we don't actually have an alliance yet, but… we could really use your help."

"Bill Cipher, hm?" Cheren remembered the demon from Gravity Falls. It was because of him Wendy and MaKayla were missing. Regretfully, he hadn't gotten around to asking the Pines Twins about an update on the situation. "He's a worse threat than I thought… sigh, but my dad's funeral is coming up."

"Oh." Lenari scratched the back of his head, feeling both surprised and embarrassed. "Well, you don't really have to agree to this battle. We'll mostly want your protection when the Government, em, gets mad at us."

"I want to help you, and-… I should. It's just out of nowhere." Cheren reasoned. "We're already facing the threat of megabombs destroying our bases. And starting a war with America right before my dad's funeral… it'd just look weird."

"I can see how you would think that. Oh well. Regardless, after the conflict, I am considering signing a treaty with your leader, anyway. I'm just afraid how we'll…"

Cheren gave a weak smile. "I'll still help you, but it depends on how many of my operatives are available. Everyone's been dealing with a lot of crap, we think everything's okay for one second, then all of a sudden-" Cheren's wristwatch rang. Lenari looked up and immediately saw the mopey look on the human's face. Cheren answered, "Hello?"

"Chereeeeeeennnnn!" Panini sang joyfully. "You are gonna wanna get on your knees and kiss the floor I walk on after hearing my good news!"

"Heh, Paniniii, Paniniiiii…" His instinct was to say 'Not in front of the Minish Leader.' "What good news?"

"We did it, we fixed the portal!" The familiar voice of Dipper Pines said excitedly. "MaKayla and the Blue Girl are okay!"

"Y-You did?!" Cheren's heart jumped. "Okay?"

"A-OK!" MaKayla's voice said.

"And that's not all! The sectors you sent off to retrieve the Footbombs completed their mission!" Panini cheered. "Sort of."

"Sort of?"

"Um, Sectors KB and JP already got rid of theirs. We called Nebula to get rid of W7's. So what's up, Cheren, what are you and the Minish Leader talking about?"

Cheren looked at Lenari, whose smile indicated he could read Cheren's mind. "…Panini, make sure those three sectors still have some fight in them, call any other available sectors. Dipper, you've fought Bill Cipher before, right?"


"I want you to tell us everything you know about his weaknesses. …Tomorrow, we're gonna humiliate America."

The next day; White House

"What?! WHAT?" President McGarfield yelled at his phone. "Whaddyou mean the stadiums in Arlen and New Jersey blew up?! The Kids Next DOOR?" He hung up forcefully, "BILL? BIIIIILL! Get out here, you one-eyed Dorito!"

Bill Cipher poofed out of a spark of blue flames. "Sorry, I got confused because there's another Bill in this chapter. What's up, Jimbo?"

"The Footbombs we were gonna use on the Kids Next Door were used against us! We've gotta act NOW, Bill! Wasn't the Minish army supposed to attack us today?!"

"Yes, but you got nothin' to worry about." Bill brushed the air. "I called in some special assistance to take care of those buggers."

The president's phone rang again. He answered roughly, "What is it this time?!"

"Sir, it's Gideon! There's a swarm of little gray bugs comin' from the south; and there's little mice riding them!"

"Speak English, Gleeful, you're not making any sense!"

"I think the exact translation is, AAAAAHHHH!" Bill screamed.

The rapid flapping of Jabbies rang in the ears of all the citizens. A gray cloud of the pointy-nose bugs were swarming over the city, stinging any and every Teen Ninja that was sent to attack them. "We need to order an evacuation!" Hoagie III yelled at Nya.

"Hoagie, Wendy, you get all the citizens outta town!" Nya ordered. "Ashei, call the G.U.N.! Rodrigo, go help security around the President's School!"

"SANDY, set up a barrier around Gallagher!" Gideon ordered. "We can use those brats as hostages!"

King Sandy clamped his hand against the ground and turned the area around Gallagher—which had been successfully brought to Washington this morning, into sand again. He encased the entire school inside of a huge, round sandshield. "AAAAHH!" The front of the shield blew open, blowing Sandy away with a gush of sand.

"Were you looking for me, Father?"

King Sandy looked up, gasping. His daughter was standing in Gallagher's doorway. Jessie Sidney, Sandy Sidney, the Kindergarten Chief, the Second and Fifth Grade Presidents, Spongebob Squarepants(?), the students of Gallagher were freed and ready for battle "SHELLY?! H-How did you get in the school?!"

"I have friends in a looooot of places. TWERPS OF GALLAGHER, GIVE THEM HECK!" The army of grade-schoolers screamed and ran daringly into the capital. Jessie's gang was at the front of the crowds, and they had many miles to go until the White Palace in the distance. Inside, he could feel them coming. Bill Cipher saw the Bubble Dreamers coming.

"Well, well, Polokus." Bill said to no one. "Long time, no see."