B-31. When Fate is Decided

Portal Chamber

Medusa approached the scanner and presented a Keyblade with a light-blue bar and a clock design for teeth, composed of intricate designs. The Multiverse Portal targeted a dimension marked with a Heartless emblem. "Destination set for: 'Kingdom Hearts.'"

Nerehc played the Ocarina of Time, and Fi instructed the instrument to warp back 55 years. Medusa stared at the spinning blue portal before turning to her chosen candidate. "You remember why I brought you, correct?"

"Yeah." Kimaya Heartly answered, still wearing her cowgirl uniform. "You said you would tell me about this Seven Lights stuff and why I got these keys. You said the 'other Keeper of Keys' was in that portal?"

"Yes, Kimaya. One of the Thirteen Darknesses, Master Xehanort resides in that dimension. Based on his information, Kingdom Hearts is the center of a Dimensional Fusion just like ours. His role in the prophecy is similar to yours, I presume. It's only fitting you two should learn it together."

"A'ight, then. This portal better not stretch me all funny." Kimaya hopped on her skateboard and surfed through the Dimensional Byway.

"After she finds the Darkness, we don't need this portal, anymore?" Nerehc asked for clarification.

"That's right. Granted, it would be fun to explore the Multiverse, but… I have more important matters." Medusa answered. "We still have one more Darkness to awaken after this."

"But counting Xehanort, we only awakened 10 Darknesses. Were some of them already awakened?"

"Yes, two of them were, and I didn't need to interfere. However, there's another dilemma at hand: rescuing the Darknesses from Underworld Prison. I only succeeded in rescuing Teach… saving the others will require special help. We need the Firstborn."

Dimension "Kingdom Hearts"

Kimaya skated through a sea of bubbles, some of which depicted a blonde-haired man with a goatee, a brown-haired girl with blue eyes, and what looked like Donald Duck and Goofy. She vanished in a gateway of light shaped like a keyhole. (Play "Hollow Bastion" from Kingdom Hearts II!)

Kimaya landed on the base of a blue gorge where water seemed to flow upward along the walls. She gazed at the towering castle in the distance – pink smoke emitted from its towers, and it was marked with the Heartless emblem. Kimaya held up her key ring, then faced the castle again. "Whoever made up this prophecy… why'd they pick me, anyway?"

Stage B-27: Radiant Garden

Mission: Find Xehanort's Pyrameglyph.

When Kimaya stepped on the water, it was unusually solid. Kimaya jumped three platforms to a higher level of the gorge, but there was nowhere else to jump to. Kimaya entered a large bubble on the water's surface and was carried down underneath. Kimaya struck a pile of rocks clogging a drain, erupting a water spout that blew her up to a platform. From here, she faced a series of water spouts of varying height, but since they were several feet apart, Kimaya rode her skateboard into the first one, flew up, and could fly to the next ones thanks to the momentum.

At the end of the gorge, Kimaya landed on a solid laser rail, grinding it as it carried her over the misty plain and to the great castle. "This place is like major sci-fi. Am I gonna see any floating bikes? I'mma get me one of them. Whoa!" There were electric sparks traveling along the rail, forcing Kimaya to jump them. Eventually, she could land on a walkway near the base of the castle, gazing up at its marvel.

Kimaya approached a large double-doorway at the end of the walkway. She knocked on it. "HELLOOO! ANYONE HOME?" No answer. "A big castle like this has to have SOME people. …I guess they can't afford a gatekeeper. Oh wait, but I got this!" Kimaya drew her Oathkeeper and shot a laser at the gate. It creaked and echoed as it slid open. Kimaya entered a massive foyer with a fountain in the center of the twin stairs.

Kimaya saw a silver-haired teenager walking to a door above the stairs. He wore a gray sleeveless shirt and same-colored pants with black shoes. The boy stopped and glanced at Kimaya, his orange eyes brimming with curiousness for the cowgirl. He ignored her and entered the door. "'ey!" Kimaya ran across the room—she halted when five Darkball Heartless appeared. Kimaya slashed her Keyblade at the Heartless, but one of them zipped around a center and blocked her attack while another bit her from behind. Kimaya whipped out Oblivion and jumped away, blasting laser bullets to kill the last three Heartless.

"They in this world too, huh?" Kimaya sheathed Oblivion and ran to the stairs, afterwards entering the door the teenager went. The door led her to a library, a maze of bookshelves full of volumes Kimaya would never, ever want to read. Books like these looked so confusing to her—in fact, she was literally lost within the maze of shelves. There were rows of volumes defined by their colors, but a row of blue books appeared to be missing one. Kimaya located a similar blue book in a dead end on a fourth-row shelf, jumping to grab it and bring it back to fill the missing space. The bookshelf slid open. "This actually makes libraries better."

Kimaya entered the new passage and found stairs leading to a second floor. The stairs were beside a row of tall, yellow windows, and underneath the stairs was a small table. The silver-haired boy was occupying it, reading a book. He looked up when Kimaya approached. "Judging by your attire, I'm assuming you're not from around here." he said.

"Well, this ain't look like a Western world." Kimaya remarked. "I'm looking for a guy named Xehanort, you know him?"

"I am Xehanort."

"Oh!" Kimaya was surprised. Recalling Darkrai's story, apparently this was the boy who would wage a war in her universe, starting from Nightmare Land. It felt awkward meeting this young, handsome version of him.

"If I were to guess, is your name Kimaya?"

She gasped. "You know mah name?!"

"I was foretold of your arrival by myself. I was told that a Keyblade wielder in strange garb would come from a distant world and take me to my destiny."

"You were told that by yourself?"

"More or less." Xehanort closed the book. "Ha ha ha! I must sound really strange to you, don't I?" He smiled.

"Yeah, I kinda thought I would have to explain why I'm here without actually telling you… and I would be SUPER confused 'cause I don't get none of this shit!"

Xehanort looked down at the Keyblade in her hand. "So, you wield the Oathkeeper. You must have made an important promise to someone."

"Oh, you recognize it! Can you tell me about any of these?" Kimaya showed him the ring of six keys.

Xehanort held up the one with king's crown teeth as an example. "I see… These will go to the Chosen Ones. Then you are one of the Seven Lights."

"'kay, you really know a lot more than me."

"My future self didn't tell me everything… but I was told that an ocean of brand new worlds would be open to me." Xehanort stood and stared out the window, a wondrous smile on his face. "Worlds more vast and more amazing than any in this universe." He raised a hand and clasped the air. "As a child, I could only dream about what worlds lie beyond my island home… Now, I want to see those worlds. I want to see and know everything."

"Well, you do that, man. Dream high, don't let anything stop you. By the way, you seen any stone pyramids around here? I'm kinda supposed to take you to that."

"I can't imagine where that'd be, though I haven't seen the upper portion of this castle. Heartless lurk around up there. But no matter how much I insist I can fight them, Master Ansem forbids me from exploring."

"Well, sometimes you need to rebel if you wanna get anywhere in life. I say screw this Hansem guy and check out the upper portion."

"Hm hm. I like your spirit, Kimaya." Xehanort grinned. "I'll fight the Heartless alongside you." He raised his right hand as a Keyblade spawned, the same Keyblade with a clock design Medusa had. "This Keyblade allows me to manipulate time. My future self gave it to me."

"I should ask my future self to tell me the songs I write."

"I know a secret entrance that leads higher up the castle. It's upstairs."

Xehanort and Kimaya followed the stairs to the second floor of the library. One of the bookshelves had a row of green books with a sky-blue one amongst it. Kimaya removed that book and jumped down to the maze of shelves to find where it goes. She stuck the book with its other volumes, but nothing happened. She wandered around lost for several minutes, until Xehanort pointed out the book she had put back was Volume 6, and was in the place of Volume 8. Kimaya huffed and switched the volumes to their correct locations.

The bookshelf opened, revealing a crystal switch in a dead end. Kimaya ignited the switch with her Keyblade, and they heard loud WHIR sounds. Xehanort led her back upstairs, indicating the columns around the room. The columns had open slots with turnable things inside, spinning rapidly. They jumped over the bookshelves to a column in the corner. With key timing, Xehanort used his Keyblade to freeze the spinner in time, having to do so repeatedly until it would stop where he wanted. Finally, he stopped it to where they could get the green book inside, carry it back to return to its shelf, and open the secret entrance.

The passage led to the central room of the castle: an elevator room where platforms traveled along laser rails to different parts of the castle. One of the rails connected at their platform and spiraled up the room. "I guess the lift from this chamber is broken." Xehanort said.

"We don't need them. Can you do this?" Kimaya used her skateboard to grind up the rail, and seeing this inspired Xehanort to do the same with his Keyblade. By some force of magic, the gravity shifted in their favor while on the rail, allowing them to go up without fear of plummeting. They ducked left and right to avoid hanging, electrified rails. The rail brought them outside, but they had little time to admire the view of the misty field before spikeball Heartless appeared around the rail, forcing them to shift sideways or upside-down to dodge them.

The rail dropped them on an upper level of the outside – a courtyard with pretty flowers and numerous fountains. Wizard Heartless, purple floating witches with magic wands appeared. Kimaya crossed her Keyblades to block a lightning strike from a Wizard, then leapt for a double-slash—the Wizard dropped to the ground and melted, releasing its captive heart. "Dang, Wizard of Oz, much?"

Xehanort slashed the other Wizards, only to watch them melt on the spot. "I've never seen these types of Heartless before. There's something off about them."

With the creatures easily defeated, they searched for a way out of the courtyard (Kimaya wanted to take a "quicker" way than entering the door). She noticed two higher fountains next to a lower fountain, and she used that fountain's spout to boost up to the higher ones. The left fountain was off, so she used the right one to boost up to a pipe along the wall. Kimaya sidled across to a platform with a valve. She turned it counterclockwise, turning off the right fountain and giving power to the left.

Kimaya and Xehanort used this fountain to boost up to a fenced ledge, where a training field rested. Cannon Gun and Spiked Crawler Heartless attacked them. The cannons took one hit while the Crawlers took three hits before they melted. "Hey Xehanort, what are Heartless, anyway?" Kimaya asked over the fighting.

"They're creatures born from the darkness in peoples' hearts. A long time ago, they appeared when Keyblade masters were more common… but that was during an age of war. According to Master Ansem, they're unusually common in this world."

"Why you think that is?"

Xehanort slew a Spiked Crawler and watched it dissolve. "It may have something to do with these abominations. Real Heartless are comprised of darkness."

The two went up stairs to an archway with a lift leading down to a lower area. Xehanort indicated the control tower on the right, wondering if they could redirect the light-rail upward. They grinded down as the rail led inside to another transmit chamber. Kimaya and Xehanort jumped sparks on the rail as they entered the vast complex of rails. The rail curved left, and when they passed a crystal switch, Kimaya hit it so the rail would redirect down, right, then curve left. They passed a rail that led into a passage behind them, but that passage was blocked by laser barriers.

Kim and Xehanort kept gliding on the beam before jumping to one on the left, which would lead into a spiral with a switch in the center. Kim jumped the sparks and hit the switch, the rail redirecting up slightly. They would pass another switch and hit it, resulting in the laser barriers moving at odd angles. They maneuvered to the rail that would carry them through the passage, but realized how fast the lasers were moving and leaving little time to pass their openings. Xehanort jumped over Kimaya and grinded in front to freeze the lasers in time when the openings were present. Kimaya was impressed with his quick reactions—she barely noticed the crystal switch on her right, flicking it just in time to change the course right.

The rail shifted up and dropped them in the control chamber, where they had view of the rail that led them into the complex to begin with. They flicked a switch and watched that rail change course up into a taller tower, starting from their tower's window. With it, they glided up to the tallest tower of the castle. They glanced at the label Secret Projects before setting foot in a dim passage. Kimaya went ahead and entered a door, then accidentally bumped into a man in a labcoat and fell down. (End song.)

"Whoops! Sorry, didn't realize anybody else took this route." The man bent down and helped Kimaya up. He had dark-grey hair and a big round nose, as well as a 5-o'clock shadow. "Name's Ford, how do ya do?" He shook Kim's hand.

Kimaya noticed the six fingers on his hand. "EUH!" She pulled hers away. "What up with the extra finger?"

"Ah, that." Ford raised both hands. "Just a birth defect, I'm not an alien or anything. 'Course in this world, I sort of am." He glanced down to see Kimaya get up and brush off her cowboy hat. "Speaking of which, you look pretty different yourself."

"Yeah yeah, going cowgirl was the wrong choice here." Kim remarked.

"It's not that." Ford got down on his knees and used measuring tape to measure Kim's eyes, head, etc.. "Head disproportionately large… eyes unusually beady… your arms are relative size; ten fingers. Take off your boots and let me see your feet."

"Hey, back off, weirdo!" Kim smacked his hand and put her hat on. "Everyone in mah world look this way! (Most of 'em.)"

"Your world?" As they were talking, Xehanort decided to walk around them. "How did you get here, exactly?"

"Some kind of portal."

"A portal?! Was it a triangular portal, inside a bunker?"

"Yeh, it was…" Kimaya was intrigued by his familiarity with the subject.

A look of surprise and horror crossed Ford's features. "No… but that can only mean… he fixed it."

"Who fixed it?"

"Bill fixed it." Ford stood and turned. "Which means… the prophecy must be happening."

"You know about the Seven Lights Prophecy, too?"

Ford turned halfway and stared at her with one eye. "You seem confused. Tell me… what is your business here, anyway?"

"Well, people are telling me I'm one o' the Seven Lights, Xehanort's a Darkness, and both of us are 'Keepers of Keys.' I came here to help him find a pyramid."

"A pyramid?!" Ford gasped. "Where is Xehanort now?"

"He…" Kimaya turned. "Where did he go?"

Xehanort approached a slightly open doorway with a blue light seeping out of it. He peeked in and saw Master Ansem, a young scientist with blonde hair, as well as his assistants, gathered around a machine. Above the machine was a huge bubble with hearts floating about. "You want to cancel the project now?" a blue-haired scientist asked. "But they're almost stable! With just a few adjustments…"

"We cannot." Ansem stated. "The new Heartless infestation has forced many of the castle's occupants to flee to town. I fear these experiments are only attracting them. It's true that I hoped to control the Heartless by means of our own artificial creations… but we must consider the well-being of the other worlds. Radiant Garden is a Core World that links to the other worlds. If too many Heartless roam free… there could be disaster."

Xehanort bypassed them and found a larger room, where a red carpet led to an altar, in-between six light-blue crystal chambers. Xehanort walked up the altar to find an incomplete machine, and a stone pyramid rested before it. The pyramid had a keyhole in its base. Xehanort drew his blade and shot a beam at the keyhole. The act caused the pyramid's writing to glow.

"Master Ansem!" Ford burst into the laboratory. "Ansem, there's something…?"

Ansem and the two scientists were stiff as statues. Kimaya poked a silver-haired one's leg, but got no response. "Is this some kind of seizure?"

"It's timebending." Ford instinctively knew.

"Xehanort's Keyblade can timebend!"

"Then let's go!" Ford led her further down the hall.

Keeper of the Keys, you are the key component to the Thirteen Darknesses. Bring these keys to the Chosen Ones to see brand new worlds.

Xehanort read his Pyrameglyph aloud, and a dark aura flew inside him. The pyramid opened like a triangular box, the letters coming off in the form of Unown. "Unown! Unown! Unown!" The creatures fled from the castle. In place of the pyramid was a floating ring of twelve keys. Xehanort took the ring and studied the keys. One was white and shiny with crystal teeth and a yellow diamond keychain. One was black with a white flame-design hilt, skull keychain, and flame teeth. One had six colored gems around its hilt, finger-like teeth, and a gauntlet keychain.

"Xehanort!" He turned to find Kimaya and Ford. "Xehanort, listen to me, you don't know what you're getting into!" the latter said.

"He kind of does." Kim mentioned. "He talked to his future self or something. He knew I was coming, knew about the prophecy…"

"No, you don't understand, both of you." Ford looked at Kim. "Kimaya, I was the one who created the Multiverse Portal. I created it to visit the Original Worlds and study the comparisons between them and our world. Bill helped me realize my dream… but one night, I received a dream from an ancient spirit called The Chronicler."

"The Original Worlds were never meant to be accessed from your world." The Chronicler's voice echoed in the vast, empty space where Ford floated. "Doing so would cause hazardous effects to the Space-Time Continuum. My knowledge on the Worlds is limited… but it is possible that prolonged use of the portal would cause them to leak into one-another. Doctor Pines… perhaps you should learn more on Bill's chaotic history."

"I realized Bill was a demon who craved destruction." Ford continued. "I surmised he tried to spread his chaos to the Original Worlds. I was going to destroy the portal completely… but The Chronicler advised against it. He told me about the Twenty Keys Prophecy and how it could save the universe. I didn't know what to do, but I feared Bill would abuse the portal. So without his knowing, I changed the portal's programming and used it to escape to this world so he could never find me. (This world is a personal favorite of mine.)"

"That's a very intriguing story." Xehanort said. "But my destiny is already decided. Isn't that right, Xehanort?"

"Indeed." The two whipped around. A man in a light-brown cloak came onto the altar and removed his hood. He had a bald head, a small white beard, and orange eyes and brown skin that matched his younger self.

"You're… the Future Xehanort." Kimaya observed.

"I didn't want this encounter to be interrupted, so I froze the other scientists." Future Xehanort said with a smirk. "Kimaya Heartly… the Keeper of Keys for the Seven Lights. What is your middle name?"

Kimaya raised a brow, confused. "It's Kamilla. After my mom."

"Seven letters in 'Heartly.' Six letters in 'Kimaya', makes 13… seven letters in 'Kamilla', makes 20. You really are the Key to the prophecy. Even the word 'heart' is in your name, too."

"What do you mean 'too'?"

Xehanort used the Keyblade to write his name in the air. Removing the "X", he rearranged the letters to make No Heart. "I came here, Kimaya, because I wanted you to know, a person's fate is decided from the beginning. We were born to wield the Keyblades. We were born to complete our destinies. Also… I wanted to test your abilities!" Xehanort lunged forth and slashed his Keyblade.

Kimaya blocked with both her blades and leapt above to strike him—Xehanort dodged the simple attack and whacked Kim away, then flipped over for a round of swings that Kim struggled to counter. With one hand behind his back, Xehanort was faster with his one Keyblade than Kimaya with both of hers. Kimaya took a breath and farted a huge gas cloud, forcing Ford to hold his breath, but Xehanort simply jumped through the gas, threw more swings, and knocked Kimaya off her feet.

"I'm not impressed." Xehanort said. "But why should I be? All you managed to slay were a few meager Heartless."

"For yo' information, I took out a crazy guy that shot lasers!"

"The Corporate President, you mean. Like I said, a few meager Heartless. Ford was right, Kim, you've no idea what you're getting into. On the Day of Apocalypse, you will-" The castle began to tremble.

A powerful beam burst through the ceiling and burned into the ground. Ford pushed Xehanort out of the way and yelled, "Kimaya, you have to return home and shut down the portal!"

"Why don't you come with me?!"

"I'm the only one who will know how to rebuild the portal, so I can't risk coming. I'm not sure how this prophecy will play out, but I think it's in our best interests the portal is taken down. Go home, please. But, if I could ask a favor, I would like you to find my son and give him this." Ford gave Kimaya a small key – a Keyblade in its pre-summoned form. It had a clock-design handle and clock hands for teeth. "His name is Jagar King. I don't know how old he is in your time, but he should live in Iceland. Tell him his dad is doing okay. Go!"

Kimaya clasped the key, nodded, and dove into the light. It vanished from existence shortly after. "Hur hur hm hrm." Xehanort chuckled. "You simple man, Ford… don't you realize why I'm here? Your worst fear has already been realized."

Xehanort awakened as a DARKNESS. There's only 1 more…

Portal Chamber

Kimaya skated out of the portal and skid to a halt, picking her board up. "Did you find him?" Nerehc asked her.

"Yeah, I found Xehanort. BOTH Xehanorts!" Kimaya exclaimed. "There was a young one and an old one who… kinda looked and sounded like Spock from Star Trek."

"Well, did either of them find the pyramid?"

"Yeah, the young Xehanort had a key ring, so I guess he read it. …Where'd that snake lady go?"

"Medusa already left. She trusted you would find Xehanort and said once you did, we didn't need this portal anymore."

"When I was in there, I also met the guy who created this portal. He said we need to destroy it or…" The chamber began trembling. "You feel that?"

"Is it an earthquake?" Nerehc asked himself. "The portal creates a lot of gravity anomalies in this town. Maybe it's—AAAAHH!" A blinding pink light swallowed the chamber, the silhouettes of their bodies waving. When it vanished, Nerehc and Kimaya waited for their vision to return. The room had grown darker, so Nerehc held two violet flames in his hands. "W…What?"

Dipper and Mabel reentered the chamber from the secret passage, the former holding a flashlight. "Nerehc, we saw a bright light. Is everything—WHAT HAPPENED TO THE PORTAL?!"

"How should I know?!" Nerehc exclaimed. Almost every piece of equipment in the cave had vanished, including the Master Emerald, the Tesseract, and the triangular portal burning with energy. "Fi, did you see what happened?"

"Hilariously-Confused Nerehc, I am unable to determine a source for the anomaly that has occurred. However, I took measures to recover the Ocarina of Time when the quakes began." Fi took the ocarina out of her cape and returned it to Nerehc.

"Thanks." Nerehc looked around, still confused. "I wonder if Medusa had something to do with it. I guess we can't use it anymore if we wanted to. I think your job is done, Fi. You can go back to your boss."

"Affirmative. Not Master Nerehc, it was a pleasure working with you." Fi turned into a ball of light and flew up through the ceiling.

"Hey, can you two take this girl back to her place?" Nerehc asked the Pines.

"Hold on, Cheren told us you were one of the Seven Lights." Dipper said to Kimaya. "Maybe we can take you to meet the other ones. It's probably safer—if the Government knows who you are, they'll send their assassins after you."

"Well, I did kinda kill a CEO. Okay, I'll go with you… but hey, do you guys know anyone named Jagar King?" Kimaya raised the clock Keyblade.

Somewhere outside the atmosphere

The Multiverse Portal reappeared on an asteroid, its equipment and pieces scattered about. A man with a black-and-white face chuckled maliciously. "Hm hm hm hm. The Multiverse… is ours now."

Termina Dimension; Sector V

It was the 8th sleepless night Truman Kirman has had. He's had insomnia troubles before, but ever since his trip to Egypt with AlyakAm, it has been worse. It was 7:00 in the morning when Melissa Gilligan entered his room. She was upset to see the redness in his bright blue eyes, the bags forming like an adult who passed out drinking. "Truman, you couldn't sleep again? Not even after that cocoa I gave you?"

"I didn't have trouble sleeping." Truman lied. "I'm just trying to wake up."

"Truman, this is starting to worry me. I think we should take you to a doctor." She grabbed his arm to pull him up-

"I SAID I'M FINE!! Can you go ONE night without BOTHERING me?!"

Melissa jumped back, startled by his outburst. "I'm… sorry! I'll go make you breakfast, you can take your time."

Truman was once Delightfulized by Father like his parents, Eric and Ashley. His parents were broken from the spell, but they often sleepwalked, reverted to their Delightful states. Truman's spell was not as strong as theirs, but he still had nightmares of being under Father's control. The nightmares became worse when Truman's soul was trapped in his own glasses by Majora, and his Delightful self took over again. Melissa has been trying to help Truman forget his past; she helps him with homework and other matters, acting as his big sister. And Truman loved her like a sister. He never yelled at her like this.

Melissa poured a bowl of Rainbow Munchies and made toast for her friend. It was a happy breakfast any normal kid enjoyed, nothing fancy or yucky like Delightfuls would like. Truman lazily chewed his cereal, holding the golden ring with five dangling points and a pyramid with an eye in its center. A strange item he had collected from the tomb in Egypt. "What is that thing you found in the pyramid, anyway?" Melissa asked. "Basing my knowledge off of movies, maybe that has to do with your insomnia. Maybe it's… cursed."

"The only thing cursed is this cereal, it's DISGUSTING!" Truman smacked the bowl off the table, drenching the floor in milk and colorful treats. …Truman shook his head. "I'm sorry, Melissa, I'm sorry! I'll clean it up!" Truman ran to get a roll of paper towels.

"No, it's okay, I'll do it." Melissa took the roll and cleaned the spill herself. While she was doing so, Truman stood over her, his brows slanted over his dull eyes. The look gave her an unsettling feeling. "…Truman, are you sure you don't wanna see a doctor? I don't think your nightmares bothered you this much before."

"I keep hearing this noise in my head. It's like… an evil laugh. It goes like…"

"Hah hah hah ha, AHH hahahahahaha!"

Melissa knew only one person to laugh like that. "Truman, we won't let anyone like Father get to you ever again. I'm sorry we couldn't protect you from Majora, but we'll do better next time. We won't let anyone hurt you."

"Like good, faithful servants." Truman smirked darkly.


"Hah hah. Hah hah. When I see you on the floor like that, it's like you're bowing before me. Like I were a king, and you were my… man-chair."

"O-kay, now I have to say that's a no-no. I don't know what you learned in Egypt, but we don't do that, anymore."

"But it sounds fun, we should try it!" Truman hopped on Melissa's back like a horse.


"What the heck are you doing?!" Celeste Stork yelled. The other four members of Sector V had walked in to witness the disturbing position.

"Hello, guys!" Truman climbed off. "Did everyone sleep well?"

"Not well enough, apparently!"

"Truman, you're too young to act like the Adult Playtime Rainbow Monkey!" Kellie stated.

Melissa stood up and said, "Truman's been acting weird this morning. And he never lets go of that ring."

"That ring from Egypt?" Harry Uno approached and reached for it. "Let me see-"

"DON'T TOUCH MY RING!" Truman smacked him.

"Ow! Alright, Truman, what's really going on here? Did that girl hit you with some kind of spell? Are you being possessed by a demon again?"

"DON'T talk to ME that way!" Truman snarled. "You've got no power over me and I am NOT your PUPPET!"

"I never said you were a puppet!"

Truman panted, anger still fuming in his eyes. "…Ahh…" He touched his head. "Where did that… come from?"

"Truman, we already stopped Father." Harry stated. "You already broke free of his control. Why are you acting like he's still got a hold on you? You're a person with free will, Truman, so act like it!"

"Huff…huff…" Truman eased his rage. "I…I'm going to lie down." He returned to his room.

Shortly after settling on his bed, he heard someone enter his room. Kellie Beatles placed a pink Rainbow Monkey in a star-decorated night cap and sweater over him. "Happy Sleepytime Rainbow Monkey will remove the soreness from your eyes." She turned and left.

Truman hugged the monkey to his chest and tried to sleep. But peaceful rest wouldn't come. The laughter still cackled in his mind. He thought it was Father, trying to possess him again. And yet, part of him knew… it was something else. It called to him… and he couldn't ignore it. He knew his friends would be upset. Truman did care for his team. He had a close bond with each of them. Sparring with Harry and Thomas, laughing at Kellie's jokes, hanging out with Melissa… but Truman had to remember, they were only mortal.

One of the points on his golden ring stood up. It was pointing at the window. He knew, then, it was time to follow it.

One hour later, Melissa came to check on him. "Truman? You feeling better?" She saw the blanket was pulled up over him and came to uncover it. "You shouldn't cover yourself like that, you'll have trouble breathing—!" She gasped, realizing the lump was the Rainbow Monkey and pillow. She noticed the window was open. "GUYS, TRUMAN'S GONE!"

Her teammates rushed in and viewed out the window. "Did he kill himself?!" Thomas exclaimed.

"He would be laying on the ground if he did!" Celeste reasoned.

"He must've gone somewhere, but where?!" Melissa followed.

"I have an idea. Come on!" Harry ordered.

Delightful Mansion

Truman returned to the place where it all happened. He activated the Dimension Transportifier connecting to Hyrule, gazing at the pink vortex. "TRUMAN!" He turned, seeing his friends. "Truman, why are you going to Cheren's world?!" Harry asked.

"The Ring led me here!" Truman held up the golden trinket. "My destiny is there! I'm going and I don't want you to follow!"

"WHAT destiny?!" Celeste shouted. "Where's this all coming from?!"

"I should have realized it before! I was never afraid of being Delightfulized… all this time, I was denying my fate. My Delightful self was my true self all along. And my true self belongs in that world!"

"Your TRUE self belongs with US!" Melissa stated, marching up to him. "And we're taking you back-"

Truman threw his open hand at her, the ring glowing—there was a FLASH, and Melissa was turned into a card that drifted to the floor. The back of the card was brown with a black oval. The kids were struck speechless. Truman stared at his hand, then the ring. "I…I have to go. I'm sorry it has to be this way, guys… The least I can do is keep you from following. Good-bye." Truman pulled out a sack of M.A.R.B.L.E.s and threw them up before diving into the vortex.

"TRUMAN!!" The tiny explosives destroyed the Transportifier, but Truman was already gone to the parallel dimension.

Moments later, Melissa changed back to normal. "What was Truman… talking about?"

"I don't know, but we're getting him back!" Harry decided. "Let's start fixing this portal now!"

"We don't know how to FIX something like this!" Celeste argued. "Look, Cheren lives in that world, and he found a way to get here before. Maybe he'll bring Truman back to us."

"We can't wait around and hope Truman will fall from the sky like he did! There's gotta be another way…"

Melissa recalled their adventure with Cheren in attempt to find a clue. Unfortunately, the image of her kissing Cheren when they and Nerehc were drunk was still burned in her mind. …Her eyes widened: "If Truman went to Cheren's world, what about Truman's Negative?!"

Hyrule Dimension

Truman fell out of the opposite end of the portal before it vanished. He walked out of the mansion, under a dark, cloudy night. "Hah ha ha ha ha. Ahh ha ha ha ha." Truman looked up: a blonde-haired boy with sharp teeth and black eyes floated down. The eye-triangle on his hat matched Truman's gold ring. "Ha ha ha ha ha! Did ya miss me?"

"I…I know you." Truman glared. "Don't I?"

"Vividly." Bill Cipher smirked, pacing around him. "You existed in Termina's Egypt thousands of years ago. I manifested my image into the Egyptians' minds. They honored me like a god and created seven magical items based on my appearance. The Millennium Ring you hold is one of them. Those seven items were created to destroy YOU, the God of Darkness. Your power is on par with Demon King Demise. When you were destroyed, part of your soul was locked in the Millennium Ring… while another part was reincarnated over the ages. Your newest incarnation is Truman Kirman, and your soul was awakened when Father 'Delightfulized' you, and again when Majora took away the human soul. But deep down, you know who you are…" Bill wrapped an arm around him. "And I know, too… Zorc Necrophades."

A lightning struck in Truman's mind. A tidal wave of memories washed over him. His eyes turned malicious, and he smirked devilishly. He shared the look with Bill Cipher, his fellow demon. …Zorc punched Bill in the jaw. "You ruined my plans, you phony god!"

"It was all part of my plan!" Bill raised hands in defense. "I couldn't let you destroy the world before WE had a chance to! Don't think of it as me robbing you of your victory… but instead, think of it as me giving you a shot at a greater goal! At the end of this month, my master will return and the Thirteen Darknesses will be his allies! You can join us and have your own number of universes to rule! Doesn't that sound better?"

"Hmm… Very well. I will accept your proposal, Cipher. I suppose I owe it to Medusa, after all."

The Goddess of Darkness materialized from a portal. "Oh, Zorc! How nice to see you again. You appear smaller than before."

"Funny. So do you." Zorc smirked.

"Troubles in bed." Thanatos mentioned to the readers.

"Your sense of humor is delightful as always. I'll take it from here, Bill." Medusa said.

"Until the D-Day!" Bill saluted before flying away.

"So, how much is there to do before the prophecy will be realized?" Zorc asked.

"All we have to do is wait for the Seventh Light to awaken, rescue the Darknesses from Underworld Prison… and of course, awaken the 13th and Final Darkness, Ganondorf Dragmire."

"Do you have a plan?"

"Hmm, HAH ha ha ha!" Medusa cackled. "My plan is so brilliant, I can't contain myself! We just need to ask for a little help… Sigh, I don't think Nerehc is going to like it at all."