
Unknown Location

His eyelids opened to a ceiling of bright white. He sat up and looked around. The walls were white, the floor was white, his bed was white, and his shirt and pants were white. "How many times have I woken up in some strange random place…" Nerehc Onu asked himself. "At least I remember who I am this time. What was I even doing…" He climbed off his bed, his bare feet touching the posh white floor. It felt as cold as he expected it to, but it also felt odd in some way he couldn't explain. "Wait… I dove into the Sanzu River to rescue Ganondorf. And then…"

Nerehc caught a whiff of something from down the white corridor. It smelled like tea. Nerehc followed the scent to a room with a small white table and steaming teacup. The back of a strange man in white clothes was facing him. "And they said no one could escape the Sanzu River. Well… now I have someone to attest to that." The man faced Nerehc. He had blank white eyes and red tribal makeup on his face. "Don't I?" He smirked.

"Did you save me?"

"I saved what I could. Your body was already dead by the time I found you. This is a little hidden place in the Spirit World for spirits like us. Some call it Limbo."

"And who are you?"

"I'm Knil. K-N-I-L. It sounds like 'Kill,' that's why the 'K' isn't silent. Of course, you probably know me as the Fierce Deity."

Nerehc gasped. "The Fierce Deity Mask?! Cheren told me that was destroyed by King Andrew!"

"Thank God for that." Knil stood and clenched the air in his hand, grinning wickedly. "I was the strongest warrior in all Eluryh. Slaying demons was my passion! And that annoying Mask Man wanted to keep me prisoner in that mask! If it weren't for my Positive's descendants, I would've died of boredom."

"You don't sound that different from your Positive."

"No… Link was a man of justice. He fought demons for the good of the world. I kill them out of pleasure. And my dream has been to slay the Six Demon Saints. But because of what you did, all the Saints were absorbed into Ganondorf's body."

"Ganondorf? So, he escaped… Hold on, what date is it?! What happened with the prophecy—the Twenty Keys?!"

"Oh, you're too late for that… The universe was destroyed by that monster, Lord English. The survivors are on a gigantic ship to the New World. From what I understand, somebody shrunk all the planets to carry them on this ship. This resulted in connected worlds like the Negaverse and Spirit World being shrunk as well. Heh… what's with kids in this universe being so damn lucky?"

"So, the DNK—my friends… they're all safe? I have to go back to them."

"It isn't that easy. When I rescued your spirit, it had trouble attaining a form. You kept blinking in and out of the Spirit World, as if the universe didn't know where you belonged. It's an anomaly that sometimes happens between Positives and Negatives, when one has prolonged life or comes back to life. That's what happened to Cheren. He achieved the God Tier and returned to life."

"But how can Cheren survive without me?"

"Because gods and spirits don't need opposites to keep existing. But Cheren's methods are foreign to our universe. That's why it isn't sure whether to mark you alive or not."

"Could I come back to life if I wanted? Can the Grim Reaper restore my existence?"

"He might be able to… but it wouldn't do you any good. Your Triforce of Power was already taken by Ganondorf. He also took your mother's half of it after Lord English killed her."

"WHAT?!" Nerehc would've lit on fire had he still had his bending. "I have to go back right now!"

"Aren't you listening? If you wanted revenge on Ganondorf, you can't do a thing without your bending. That's exactly why… I know you'll team up with me. When King Andrew broke my mask, my soul was distorted. I barely had enough strength to save you. I only look whole in this Limbo. But if we tried, we could mold our energies together and become a whole being."

"That sounds absolutely disgusting, and I don't wanna be a part of it."

"It's not disgusting! At least… not as much as it sounds… If you don't, you'll spend the rest of your existence in here, eventually to be forgotten. You'll watch helplessly as your friends fight for their lives, only to lose without you."

"Sigh… If we did, what's the catch? Does one of us have total control or do we both take turns?"

"Well, because of my position as a lifeless mask these past thousands of years, my willpower is a little shorthanded. You might be in control… maybe… All I want to do is slaughter Ganondorf and Lord English. I know you want their destruction, too… so you're the only one I have to bond with."

"Whatever. So, how do we do this?"

Knil guided Nerehc to Limbo's exit, a tall archway of light whiter than the chamber's décor. "The minute we step outside Limbo, your spiritual body will blink in and out between realities while mine will simply scatter like mist in the wind. During that time, I will attempt to will my essence into yours."

"It just gets more disgusting the more we talk about it." Nerehc shook.

"Then let's quit talking and do it." Knil went forward first. "Besides, there are worse situations like these."

King Dutchman (Play "The Millennium Earl" from D.Gray-Man.)

Lord Vaati awoke in the dark of his cell. He lost track of the time he spent trapped in here, an aching pain coursed all throughout the left half of his body. He thought he would be looking at a brand new world after the Government's fall… but he made the foolish mistake of confronting the Thirteen Darknesses. But his defeat wasn't the true source of his pain.

"So… it seems you still haven't recovered." A pair of white, ghostly feet in a black robe stepped out of the darkness. Lord Voldemort's head was more skeletal than when he was alive, and his slit scarlet eyes were lacking soul. "Until now, Vaati, I never thought much on your people. Minish were nothing more to me than bugs, lower than even Muggles… but when I look at you, I imagine you would have longed for such a fate. Such unspeakable pain… and all because of the 'love' you felt for your daughter."

"And what do you know of love?" Vaati hissed.

"I know that it is a wizard's downfall. It's ironic that one who follows the ideology of freedom would feel it. But you and I are alike, Vaati. Our only joy is magic… and your child was nothing more than a barrier. A tether. But that tether has been cut…"

Unknown to Vaati, Madara Uchiha was in the cell also, using his Sharingan to hold the Minish in a Genjutsu as Voldemort circled him. Ganondorf and Davy Jones watched from outside. "It seems Voldemort's body is failing him." Ganon observed. "Having only one-eighth of a soul has that affect."

"Quite surprising this man was the Negatar's shadowbending teacher." Jones commented. "Now he hasn't even a conscious shadow."

"Hisssss!" Bellatrix hissed at the duo. She may be an underling, but she wouldn't show mercy or respect to these villains for speaking ill of her Voldy. They decided to leave the brig and appease her petty desires.

"Still, I am surprised with Vaati." Ganon said. "When he interned under me, he was nothing more than a rebellious adolescent. He's become quite famous after 20 years. I'll even be surprised if Voldemort succeeds in possessing him. For now, I have business to attend to…"

Ganon entered an upstairs office where a fat man with gray skin, a top-hat, and a huge grinning mouth was signing a paper. Giovanni was overseeing this from across the desk, petting his Mega Persian. "Ahh, Lord Ganondorf." The Millennium Earl sensed his presence. "I've just finished signing the last of the forms. You now control 20% of my Akuma army, in exchange that you will provide me more factories and souls from which to construct Akuma."

"Perfect." Ganon grinned. "It was a pleasure doing business with you, Lord Millennium." He shook the scientist's gloved hand. "You remind me of another scientist I know… not that I'm feeling sentimental."

"It's a shame I wasn't chosen to be a member of these 'Thirteen.' Well, at least you were kind enough to give me a place in this army."

"Attention all officers and staff." Bill Cipher's voice was heard over the intercom. "It seems that our universal domination and disruption of several Space-Time Continuums has NOT gone unnoticed. Some multi-dimensional law-enforcers have caught on to our actions and are combatting some of our forces. I kind of expected this to happen eventually; don't worry, it's nobody's fault in particular, coughthanos. Just, while you're out conquering universes, expect a more stiff resistance."

"My, my. Seems you're awfully busy up here." the Earl said as he and Ganon proceeded down the hall. "Making contracts, interrogating prisoners… And I thought it would be so simple with the most powerful being in the universe as your master."

"Even the Almighty has limits, it seems." They viewed outside a window. Arceus trapped Lord English in a gigantic ice cube, then erupted a column of lava to burn him. Only a Paradox Clone took the blow, while the real English dropped down and stabbed Arceus's back with his golden peg-leg (turned into a blade). "When two beings have the power to destroy the universe in one blow, the battle will have no outcome. I expect them both to destroy each other. That would be the best thing to happen at any rate."

"Of course… but it also depends on who you prefer to win. Well then… I'll be returning to my world now. My schedule just became a lot busier."

"I'll bring you to the portal, then." Ganondorf led the Earl. "There's another world I was in the midst of conquering… before I became the target of a childish prank."

"Captain Jones." A thick Australian voice rang from the PA. "That last blow English dealt Arceus stirred up a nasty cyber storm. It best to be makin' sail."

"Turn starboard at 90 degrees, Mr. Maccus-ah." Jones responded. "Master Bill, we may need Dimentio to postpone portal operations to make a jump to hyperspace."

"That won't be necessary. Thanos' Space Stone should provide enough energy to give these guys some room. Keep the portal running, but make sure no one uses it during the jump. I prefer to avoid losing crewmen as much as possible."

In his office, Bill took a delightful sip of tea. On his desk were bundles of multiversal currency, from ryo, berries, Rupees, coins, and Jewel. Of course, there were plenty more in the ship's vault. "As you can see, my company is a well-oiled machine." he said to the camera. "An ever-growing business chain, an empire! Even we Chaos Gods need to have some organization. And it won't be long until we come to YOUR universe!" He pointed at the camera. "By then, you had better be ready to sign over."