F-4. Bloody Melody

Planet Hurricos

The entire planet was covered by a dark sky and endless oceans. If there was ever a piece of dry land, it was long washed away by the mountain-size tidal waves. The KNN News Bus landed in an area with relatively calm waves. Melody threw off her sandals and dove into the sea, resurfacing. "It's pretty warm in here!"

"That doesn't prove that it's clean!" Carla stated.

"I really wish I could swim." Sugar sighed. "But because I ate a Devil Fruit, my body will sink like a hammer."

"I have an idea!" Wendy beamed, raising her wand. "Bobaq!" She cast a spell on Sugar. "Now you can float! It's not the same as swimming, but…"

Sugar stepped onto the surface like solid ground. She wiggled her toes in the liquid and smiled. "Hm hm hm! It's nice!"

"Melody, assuming Manaphy IS here, how can you possibly find him in this ocean?" Danny questioned.

"He's close, I can feel it. I bet I can find him if I swim under long enough."

"Let me give you an Air Bubble Charm." Wendy offered.

"That's okay. I'm the second Ocean Princess." Melody smirked. "I don't deserve the title if I can't hold my own breath. I want the rest of you to stay up here and guard the ship; and Jessie, too. The Darknesses will wanna come after the Seven Lights. If it gets too dicey, I want you to take the ship and escape."

"You mean leave you behind?" the wind mage asked worriedly.

"Hey, I'll manage. Especially if I have Manaphy with me. See you in a bit!" Melody took a breath and vanished beneath the sea.

"She may be an anchorwoman, but my sister's got guts." Danny smiled. "She'll be back with Manaphy in no time!"

"Will she now?"

They all gasped and looked up: the King Dutchman had entered the atmosphere, raining Bombshell Bills unto them. "How does that thing sneak up on us so well?!" Wendy cried.

"I guess the vacation is over!" Sugar jumped back onto the C.O.O.L.-B.U.S. as Danny quickly started the engines and blasted off. Wendy cast Protego over the ship to block the golden missiles.

"MEN! Go below and kill the princess-ah!" Davy Jones commanded.

"AYE, CAPTAIN!" Hordes of zombie-Fishmen dove into the sea. The News Bus flew skyward, but Jones willed pillars of water to sprout up and hit them. Thanks to Wendy's shield, the aircraft did little more than bounce around.

"He's a bit strong, but it seems like the shield's holding." Carla observed.

"Yeah, but projecting a shield this big isn't easy." Wendy grunted.

One of the water pillars wrapped around the bubbled ship like a tentacle and held it tight. "I might need you to expand it a little!" Danny shouted.

"Okay!" Wendy gave a pulse and puffed the shield, and it quickly vanished as the ship escaped the water's grip. More pillars shot up, and another one was able to catch the ship.

"Your fates are sealed, children! I will drag you into the depths, and Melody will join you!" (Play "Funky Waters" from Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze!)

Stage F-2: Land of Waves and Darkness

Mission: Find Manaphy.

There was an eerie silence underneath the sea, a realm of darkness stretched in her wake. Good thing Melody brought a water-proof flashlight headband to see in the dark, as well as her mother's Phantom Sword to fight unseen predators. She swam deeper and deeper, the light that was the surface growing dimmer. Hum… hum huuum…

But she knew Manaphy's voice, and she would keep swimming until she found him. Faint blue lights that took the form of jellyfish appeared in the depths, Melody avoiding them with ease. "Tentacool…" Tentacools swum up to antagonize her, and while Melody was able to KO the creatures in one hit, she questioned their motives. Suddenly, two red bulbs lit up not far away, exposing the body of a Mega Tentacruel, electricity sparking between its many tentacles. Melody swam like a dolphin and evaded its shocking swipes, spitting Bubble Beams at its eyes to weaken its vision. When she had a chance to, Melody Torpedo Spun up to the red orbs and stabbed them with her sword.

"CRUUUUEEEEL…!" The beast fell. Yeah, I guess it was pretty cruel. Melody thought. Melody's Breath Bubble (kept over her mouth with her bending) grew weaker after the short battle, but she replenished it by swimming through a large bubble that rose up from the Pokémon. Melody swam through a cluster of bubbles, one of which containing a Capture Card. Melody lightly grabbed the bubble and read the card's name, Bubbles, who was a blonde kindergarten girl with bulbous blue eyes.

"What did you do to Octi?! Those bad people turned him into a monster and you killed him! It didn't have to end that way! Waaaahh!" Bubbles cried.

"Calm down, your card will get soggy." Melody's voice vibrated in her bubble. "Ugh… this is gonna be annoying." She used bending to compress the bubble and conceal it in her sarong. Melody swam toward a tunnel of large brambles, leading her deeper as Screwdivers attacked (green Heartless with tridents). Melody clashed with three of them before using a pulse of water to blow them apart. She swam to stab the left one, then kicked a Bubble Slice to the right one as it came back. She bended bubbles around the third one to make it dizzy, then sliced it with the Phantom Sword.

A strong current began to push up at Melody, but she could fight it with a constant Torpedo Spin. Melody spotted a Catch Card inside a hole between some brambles, so she maneuvered close to it and grabbed the bubbled card without touching the spikes. She continued fighting the current until she could swim into an alternate tunnel. She then looked at the card containing a guy with a big nose named Usopp. "P-Please let me out! I have Can't Be Trapped In A Card-itis!"

"I could, but we're 4,000 fathoms under the sea."

Usopp gulped. "Never mind. I also have Can't Breathe Underwater Syndrome."

"Everyone does, it's called drowning." Melody stuffed him under her sarong. "EEK!" Something poked her side. "I can feel his nose through the card?!" She turned him around. "Phew, that's better." Melody swam through a tunnel with a wall on her left and a chasm on her right, with a current pushing down that chasm. Melody swam along the cliff carefully—a seasnake emerged from a hole on her left, but she stopped herself before the beast could have dinner. She sliced the seasnake to scare it back into its cave.

The ledge led rightward, so the chasm was on either side, forcing Melody to swim carefully over a narrow, snaky path. A set of three platforms on the right led to another card. Melody had to swim higher above her position, so when she swam over the pit, she could land on the first platform before the current pushed her down. She repeated this with the next two platforms to reach the card. It contained a girl with a black ponytail named Melody. "Whoa, you look just like me!"

"Y…Yeah." Melody stared at Melody awkwardly. "What are the odds of that?" She stuffed Melody away. She had to repeat the process to get back onto the path, which led her back outside. Though she couldn't see the surface, green rays of light appeared for brief moments. She swam forward, not seeing any specific path. Before she knew it, gigantic koi fish made of water swam alongside her. Melody smiled in wonder, holding onto one of the fish to let it guide her.

Five Aquatank Heartless appeared and shot lightning, Melody hastily dodging while the koi dispersed into bubbles. She spat Bubble Beam at the first Aquatank, then swam to drill her sword into its belly, but another Aquatank grabbed her feet in its teeth and shook her furiously before releasing. Melody entered Water Fury and expanded a bubble barrier around herself, growing spikes out of it and swinging them around to stab the last four anglerfish Heartless. She quickly gathered some water to heal her bleeding heels.

Melody recollected her breath and formed another Breath Bubble to continue swimming. Mom taught me how to hold my breath for a really long time… I spent a whole day underwater. I guess deep down I knew I was preparing for this. Manaphy… wherever you are… your big niece is coming to save you.

Hum… hum hum…

Manaphy… "Huuuum… hum huuuum…"


Melody repeated the notes to let Manaphy know she was here. Their soundwaves were stronger underwater, their voices drew them closer together. Melody followed some rays of light that appeared in a peculiar path. She trusted the light to guide her, and Manaphy's voice grew louder. Eventually, the lights stopped appearing, so Melody could only swim in the darkness. But after a moment, a light appeared to shine on a large blue egg on a platform. She could hear Manaphy's voice ringing from it. (End song.)

The platform looked just like the one in that Ocean Fountain where the Egg Chamber was originally found. Melody took off the earring that was the blue Spirit Ball, expanding its size and aiming it at the egg. The lock on the ball flashed red, the egg's lock flashing as well. It opened, releasing a cloud of bubbles. Melody looked into the egg. It was mostly darkness… but two blue antennas were sticking out.

"MANAAA!" The Prince of the Sea surfed out. He had peach skin like a human and blue hair, but his lower half was a blue merman tail. He looked to be seven years old.

"Manaphy! Is that really you?!"

Manaphy looked down and did a flip as he got beside his niece. "Melody… Is it you?"

"Yes, Manaphy, it is me!" She hugged him lovingly. "Oh my gosh, you've grown so much! Do you know ABCs, are you eating well?!"

"Uh… I dana." Manaphy blushed. "I've been stuck in a egg. It's so boring."

"Aww, I'm so sorry we had to do that, Baby Uncle!" She swung him in her arms. "But you're back, now, that's all that matters!"

"There they are, lads!" The two whipped around: zombie-Fishmen surrounded the merkids. "The prince and princess in the flesh!"

"Manaphy ain't look like that before!" Koleniko stated.

"We've been out for 20 years, why wouldn't 'e pick up some new tricks?" Morey said. "Let's jest skewer them and bring them back to the captain!"

"Is Davy Jones here?!" Melody shouted.

"He be here all right!" Maccus smirked. "And 'e's making short work of your friends! Don't be surprised if he's eatin' their souls right now! But no worries. They're just the appetizers!"

"Grrrr!" Melody drew her sword.

"MANAAA!" Manaphy's antennas flashed red. A cyclone appeared in the center of the pirates, slurping all of them up and lifting them to the surface.

"RAAAAAAAHHHH…!" The cyclone stretched beyond the surface and beyond the atmosphere, taking the pirates up into space.

"…Hm hm! I forgot how powerful you were, Manaphy!"

"You don't know the half of it!" Mana winked.

"Hee hee hee! …" Melody gasped. "We have to get back to the surface! My friends might be in danger!"

"Leave it to me! MmmmmMANAAAA!" Manaphy rocketed them both to the surface.

Above the surface

Sugar and Wendy stood on the roof of the News Bus, using Song Beams and Blast Spells to destroy water tentacles. "AAAH!" One managed to breach the bottom of the ship, and it snatched Jessie before pulling him out.

"Finally! I'll choke the life out of the Light and drown the princess afterwards-ah!" Jones cackled.

"I'll save you!" Wendy shot blast spells at the tentacle, but another snuck up behind and snatched her.

"Wendy!" Carla screamed. "Huh- AAAH!" The kitten was snatched, and Sugar was next to follow. Danny growled in anger and flew the ship over the Dutchman. He set the bus to autopilot and jumped to the deck, grabbing water from his bottles to slice off Jones' right arm and tentacles.

"BAH!" Jones threw water that Danny dodged, and the boy managed to slice the captain's head off with water. More tentacles appeared to stab down at Danny, and one managed to grab him. "Ha ha ha ha ha ha!" Jones reattached his head to his body, and the tentacles climbed back up to their perch. "Your bravery is wasted, Kids Next Door! You did your best to hide from us for three years, but you cannot run from your fate!"

Jones marched up to Danny and grabbed his neck in his crab claw. "Tell me, Daniel Jackson… do ya fear death?"

"Do you?!" yelled a girl's voice. Davy Jones turned and found Melody Jackson, her Phantom Sword raised.

Jones grinned. "Hm hah hah hah hah ha ha ha! Princess Melody!" He released Danny and stepped toward her. "How nice of you to join us."

"Brings back memories, doesn't it, Squidface?"

"Aye… 'tis a near striking resemblance. Taking your soul will be all the more satisfying…"

"What's your deal anyway, Jones? Why sign over to English?"

"At first, I cared not for Medusa and her pathetic intentions. Most of the imbeciles I am forced to work with mean little to me. But when the door to the multiverse opened for me… I saw hundreds… thousands of oceans. Vast oceans… dark oceans… and such small pieces of land. And to me… they looked like tiny fragments of light in massive pools of darkness. And how I despised that light… and that happiness-ah. So, I drowned every piece of land in EVERY world I conquered-ah! My army of Dutchman Pirates grows every day. And after I have destroyed you and your friends, I will spend the rest of eternity drowning everything in pain, misery, and darkness."

"All because some girl stood you up. Geesh, you're pathetic, Davy."

"RAHG!" Jones flicked water and knocked her off the ship. The captain heard a splash and went to look, only to see Melody rise back up on a cyclone.

"Come on, Jones, just you and me. Just like it was meant to be! End Kyogre's bloodline once and for all!"

Jones smirked, reattaching his right arm and using it to seal the others in a water barrier. "Do not let them escape, lads!" Pirates rushed out and released Mega Pokémon to guard the prisoners.

"Melody! Don't take him on alone!" Danny pled.

"I'm not alone, Danny!" Melody fell back to the sea and Davy Jones jumped in. They used bending to stand perfectly on the water.

"So, you've brought the Sea Prince." Jones noticed the merchild beside Melody. "Bill cautioned me about it: Second Age. An upgrade to the already-powerful Firstborn. If his words hold meaning, then the Firstborn are mortal in that state! Killing them would destroy them FOREVER!"

"I'll beat you before you have a chance!"

"Melody, even when I'm like this, I have to obey laws." Manaphy whispered. "I can only give you a little power."

"It's okay, Little Uncle. The boost you gave me is all I'll need."

"Princess Melody… Prince Manaphy… This planet will be your GRAVE-AH!" (Play the "Final Boss" theme from Zelda: Phantom Hourglass!)

Boss fight: Davy Jones

Skiing on the waves, Melody and Jones launched at each other and clashed blades, with Jones slipping behind for a successful blow, forcing Melody to slide away and splash water spikes at him. Jones let the spikes puncture him as they did no pain, then he molded water into tentacles to stab at her. Melody whipped her blade to slice the water off, then dove below when Jones flew at her. The pirate waited for her to resurface, seeing a cyclone rising up and skiing back before it could strike. Melody was on top of the cyclone, making it as sharp as a buzzsaw as she chased Jones.

The captain skied away before diving beneath the sea. Melody expected him to swim up her cyclone, but gasped as a tidal wave the size of a mountain flew in her direction. Davy Jones rode the wave, and swarming inside of it were red-eyed zombie fish with sharp teeth. Melody conjured a spinning water barrier to protect herself. The wave nearly crushed her with the force of a mountain, she was lost in a cluster of bubbles and fish trying to bite their way to her. Her spinning shield withstood against it all, but soon Davy Jones drilled through with his blade.

Melody dodged her head away from the blade and spat a stream of bubbles at Jones, doing no harm, but she used the momentum to blast herself to the surface. Davy Jones reemerged and began spinning around, creating a whirlpool around himself and large water blades around the edge of it. Melody quickly swam left, suffering a scratch to the cheek, and she swung her arms to move faster as Jones pursued. Jones finally stopped the attack, giving Melody time to catch her breath, but the pirate quickly caught up and sprouted eight huge waves around them that looked like monster's teeth closing in.

Melody rocketed skyward with her own cyclone, high enough so the teeth missed, but her foothold collapsed, and as she fell, Jones shot his own tentacles up to wrap around her limbs. He brought her close, baring a devilish grin. "Can you really call yourself the Princess of the Sea, Melody? You were not born in the ocean… and most of your life was spent as a simple news woman. You do not share the embrace of the sea that I do."

"At least I have a better appreciation for it!" Melody thrusted her head up, signaling a gush of water to pop up and slice the tentacles. Melody landed on her feet – hardening the waves beneath – then she ran up to stab Jones in the chest with her sword. "You're just a heartless zombie who only sees emptiness."

"Hm hm hah hah… It is true, Melody." He grabbed the Phantom Sword in his crab claw and pulled it out. "I am a Heartless-ah!" Jones stuck the claw in his chest and pulled out a purple heart with a black cloud.

Melody gasped at the awful sight. "That's right!" Jones smirked. "Ganondorf, Zeref, and Xehanort combined their magic and cursed me with a Black Heart. It is a heart that is neither alive or dead… but it fuels me with darkness deep as the sea! You cannot destroy it-ah!" Jones stabbed the heart with his own sword, but it still beat. He shoved the heart back in his chest, sealing the gap. The pirate splashed rows of spike pillars, Melody swiftly dodging each one before she dove below. Jones stomped his peg-leg in the water, breaking it off as it became a homing torpedo. Melody bent the current to spin the torpedo and send it off course, then she resurfaced behind Jones.

"There is one way!" Melody dodged Jones' attacks and binded his arms in water, then began to spiral some floating streams around him. "I've become stronger, Jones. And with Manaphy's support, I'm in debt to finally heal your soul for good."

"Okay, Melody!" Manaphy waved his arms along with Melody. The liquid spiral glowed golden as peaceful energy encased Jones.

"Aaaaaahhh…" Jones sighed with a tone that would be peaceful. "Hahahahaha!" He grabbed the streams and smacked one at Melody, then swung a bunch at Manaphy hoping to slice him. Manaphy swam underwater, moving at rapid speed as Jones chased. The Sea Prince gasped when a swarm of dark-green souls flew up and grabbed hold of him, biting and attempting to suck his life out.

The souls brought Manaphy to the surface, where Jones flew up to finally skewer the prince. Melody skied in his path and clashed swords, and when the princess tried to leap and kick a water slice into his face, Jones was quick to retaliate and slice Melody's foot off. "OOOOOOWWW!"

"Melody!" Manaphy dealt a spin attack with his tailfin and cut the souls off, swimming up to push Jones away with a gush. The prince formed a huge cubicle barrier around himself and Melody, using Healing Touch to reattach the foot to her leg.

Davy Jones licked the blood off his sword. "As long as you feel pain, as long as you can bleed… you will not defeat me!" Jones summoned four watery columns, glowing green with spiritbending as more fallen souls appeared. He forced the columns against the liquid cube and pierced through. Melody was quick to slice the souls with the Phantom Sword, but she couldn't react in time before Jones launched his crab claw over like a rocket and grabbed Manaphy.

"UNCLE!" Melody cried, failing to grab him in time.

"Are you conceding to me?" Jones remarked.


"Yes, the Sea Prince is biologically your uncle." Jones held Manaphy up and slightly choked him. "Yet, he still looks like a little brother to you. In the form he bears now, Manaphy has the power to make this entire planet collapse. Defeating me should be as simple as swatting a fly-ah. But you, Manaphy, are bound by law not to use your full power. You are afraid of the incredible chi you now possess! But if I possessed it, then nothing could stop me!"

"Let Manaphy go!" Melody leapt forth to slice her sword down Jones' body, but one half held Manaphy while the other continued clashing swords with her. Melody aimed her sword at the sky, hoping to charge a Moonward Strike, but it seemed no moons were available. Melody swiftly dodged Jones' attacks, aiming her sword in random directions in hopes for a moon.

"Run out of options, I see." observed Jones.

"Grrrrr!" Melody slashed water slices at Jones, still desperately aiming her sword every other way to find some random moon. "Huh?" Her sword suddenly glowed blue and filled with power. "HYAAAAH!" She ran for a mighty blow. Davy Jones charged dark spirit energy in his sword and exchanged the blow.

The captain's sword severed in two, but Melody's sword was flung away by the impact. "I don't know how you managed to pull that off." Jones said as he reattached his halves. "But it is time I stopped being so merciful!" He dropped the broken sword, and in his hand a Keyblade appeared; dark-green with tentacle teeth and a Dutchman keychain.

"Oh, so you got a giant key, big deal." Melody taunted. "I have a sacred sword!" She used bending to try and pull the Phantom Sword back over, but Jones used a tentacle to splash it away, then grabbed Melody to toss her even farther. Davy Jones raised himself on a giant water platform that took the form of a Kraken, and eight more octopus-like tentacles emerged to defend him. One grabbed Melody and furiously swung her about, bashing her against the water.

"AAAAaaahhh…!" Melody's head was bleeding. The tentacle held her above Jones' mouth, so he could catch drops of blood.

"The Keyblade triples my power! You cannot hope to defeat me!"

"Quit picking on her, you bully!" a nasally voice demanded.

Jones frowned. He whipped in Manaphy's direction, but it wasn't him. He looked at the hostages on the Dutchman, but it couldn't have been them. Jones looked down—he gasped: someone had recovered the sword and was pointing it at him. It would feel a tad more threatening… if the sword wasn't shaking in its wielder's hands.

Sweat trickled down Eric Horvitz's body like waterfalls. Thankfully, the extent of his embarrassment was masked by the ocean soaking his clothes. "Eric?!" Melody shouted. "Where did you come from?! Why are you here?!"

"Uh, I, told Nebula to re-expand me, and then Sunni kinda tracked where you were. As for 'why', I guess I was hoping to… do something heroic?"

A grin forced itself across Jones' face. He threw Melody away and slid down the Water Kraken, landing forcefully before Eric. The nerd bit his lip and quivered at the sight of him. "Ha ha ha ha… You are the one the princess loves. I always knew it was dreadful… but how odd that the princess's mates are… so unattractive."

He heard a splash and turned around, seeing Melody had jumped off the Kraken. "Have you looked in a mirror lately?" Melody weakly stood up on the water, holding her head.

"Heh! Just stop me from ending him!" Jones readied his Keyblade to strike Eric.

"AAAAHHH!" Melody molded Water Fists and charged, but the minute she threw the punch, Jones sliced the fist off and threw a slash across Melody's neck. (End song.)

". . . . . ." Blood spat out of her neck like a hose. The life faded from her shocked eyes, and her body splashed in the water. "M…Melody." Danny gasped.

"No…" Wendy clamped her mouth.

"YAAAAAAARRRRRR!" The Dutchman Pirates roared with victory. "Vengeance be the Captain's! Her soul be his now!"

"AHHHH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!" Lightning flashed in the heavens as Jones stood over his victory. "I AM DAVY JONES-AH! I AM THE KING OF THE SEA! THE COMMANDER OF LOST SOULS! And on this day, I have truly CONQUERED-AH!"

The Phantom Sword stabbed Jones from behind. He passed a wry smirk to the boy who did it. He whipped around, knocking Eric off his feet. The captain raised the Keyblade above him. "And now… I will carve out both your hearts."

Suddenly, the Phantom Sword yanked itself out of his body. Jones turned and realized a glob of blood was holding the sword's hilt. That glob turned into a hand, which attached to a body. "Im…Impossible." Jones spoke in utter surprise.

Melody's body still lay dead on the surface, but a body made completely of blood stood firmly and glared sharply at Jones. Bloody Melody rushed up and slashed at Jones with lightning speed, the captain barely able to keep up with his Keyblade. He commanded the Water Kraken to attack her, but Melody swiftly jumped between its tentacles and sliced each one off. She then flew above the head and drilled all the way down the core, the Kraken exploding into rain.

"Thanks to me, Melody's conscience spilled out with her blood. Her soul is able to control it." Manaphy said. "But she has to hurry…"

Jones formed icicles from the water and hurled them at Melody like bullets, but her blood-made body gracefully avoided it, becoming a red blur as it zipped its way to Jones. The captain raised the Keyblade and SLICED Melody in two just when she impaled the Phantom Sword through his chest. "Uwaaaahhh!" The red liquid flowed into Jones' body via his mouth and his wound. He yanked the sword out and dropped it, but squirmed as the living blob of blood was crawling inside of him. "Agh! You will not have me! I… will swallow your… SOUL-AH!…"

Two wills fighting over the same body, Jones fought against the urge to aim the Keyblade at his chest. "You cannot… stab my heart… it is eternal… just like my darkness-ah! You cannot… destroy… PAIN!"

"No… but I can heal it."

The key pierced the chest and stabbed through the heart. An unusual feeling began to course through Jones. Under Melody's control, Jones waved his arms, bringing up four columns that spiraled around him. The water glowed golden. "Davy Jones… I can't destroy the darkness in your heart. So, I will set your heart free. Away from the burdens of this world. One day… maybe it will come back. Maybe it will… feel better."

Davy Jones' body turned gold like the water. The Keyblade pulled itself out as his dark heart softly drifted into the sky. Jones watched it float, and with it he felt all his woes were ascending. His body decayed into light matter that went up to take the place of stars in the blank sky. The Keyblade dissolved along with him.

Eric noticed a card fly out from where Jones stood. He caught it and saw that it depicted a girl named Momo, a girl with short black hair and a pink top. "Oh… This must be one of the card prisoners Sunni mentioned. I guess Jones had it on him."

The Dutchman Pirates collapsed, and the bubble containing the operatives dispelled. The Mega Pokémon were still ripe to attack, but that was before Sheila Frantic dropped in and attacked with Light Kicks. "DANNY, we received your distress call!" Artie shouted from Sector V's C.O.O.L.-B.U.S.. "Is everyone okay?!"

"No, Melody and Eric are in danger!" Danny ran to jump off the flagship, followed by his team.

Eric and Manaphy watched as the blood flowed back into Melody's neck. She was breathing hoarsely as Manaphy worked to cover the wound. "Melody!" Danny swum over, while Sugar, Jessie, and Wendy ran on the water with the latter's spell. Sector V flew close by, with Chris and Aurora mortified by her condition.

"She was only able to pull this off thanks to heightened bloodbending." Manaphy explained. "I guess she took the time to master every form of waterbending. If her Blood Chi wasn't at a descent level, she would've collapsed already…"

"Yeah. Melody volunteered for work in hospitals and did blood transfusions." Danny confirmed. "She and Haruka made a heck of a team. Isn't that right?"

"We still don't understand what happened here!" Haruka yelled. "Where's Davy Jones, I thought you called about him?"

"Davy Jones is… gonna." Mana replied.

"He's gonna what?" Aurora asked.

"He means that Jones is gone." Eric confirmed. "Melody defeated him."

They all gasped. "So, one of the Thirteen Darknesses… is gone?" Haylee found it hard to be true.

". . . . Heh heh heh heh." Chris sported a laugh. "THAT'S MY COUSIN!! Only an Uno could've done something so AWESOME!"

"Pipe down, Chris, you know she isn't related to us by blood!" Aurora stated.

"Doesn't make a difference!"

"You guys, can we please get Melody out of here?!" Wendy pled. "I'm sure I can help heal her."

"No problem, get her on the ship and let's go!" Haylee ordered. "SHEILA, TIME TO FLY!"

The Sunny Fist had just KO'ed a Mega Arbok, much to Jessie, James, and Meowth's terror. "I'll be back to finish the job, ya scumbags!" Sheila hissed before running to leap off the ship.

"That twerp actually took down Jones!" James whimpered.

"I think that's our cue to retreat!" Jessie followed.

The trio spun the helm of the Dutchman and soared up into the stars. "Looks like Team Rocket has a bit of cowardly tendencies leeeeft!" ("Wobbuffet!") Twinkle.

"What took you so long to get here, anyway?" Danny asked.

"We got held up." Chris answered. "Blackbeard showed up outta nowhere and started attacking us, we barely got away. Anyway, we're in luck. We just got a call from Cheren. He said that they found the trolls' base!"

"The trolls?" Sugar repeated. "Does that mean…"

"If we're lucky, we may finally be able to get some answers."

Wendy had positioned her hands over Melody's neck and channeling air to flow through. "Okay… her cut is fixed, and her breathing is just about restored. But she should probably stay off her feet for a while."

"Huff… huff… Eric…"

"Melody?" Eric stood by his friend.

"You…" Melody smacked him. "What the HELL did you think you were doing?! Huff… I told you I didn't care if you stayed home, you weren't cut out for this!! …Huff…"

"But, Melody, I-I couldn't help it! I was too worried, if something happened to you, I would've… well…"

"Huff… just… save it… huff…" She cracked a smile and lied back down. "I sure hope… that you got it on camera…"

"Hee hee!" Eric tapped the side of his glasses, indicating the little camera. Melody nodded proudly.

"If defeating Jones was that easy, why couldn't you have cut your neck from the start?" Carla wondered.

"I remembered that all the Darknesses have Keyblades… huff… and if his Black Heart couldn't die, then maybe… huff… I coulda used it against him. I had to wait for him to summon it, though… and that took a while… huff…"

"You did great, Melody." Manaphy smiled.

"Huff… it was all thanks to you… Uncle Manaphy."

Unknown base

The Prophetic Wheel was displayed on a banner, the symbols of the Seven Lights and Thirteen Darknesses glowing. …The symbol of Davy Jones' ship disappeared. "What?!" Bill yelped. "Davy Jones was defeated already?!"

"Oh, what a shame." Dimentio sighed. "But did you expect no less from him? His heart was always the weakest."

"Hm hm hm. Indeed it was. I'm not too bothered by it. But the rest of you will have to step up your game. I worked too hard tricking Medusa into gathering all you up. As long as we follow Lord English's orders accordingly, victory will be assured. Speaking of which…" Bill grinned psychotically. "I have a show to get to!"