F-17. Ice Cream Wonderland!


"I can't figure out what caused your computer to go all haywire." Carol said, her computer connected to Kanaya's. "Vanellope's almost done fixing it, at least."

"I'm Impressed That Your Friend Was Able To Adapt To My Computer's Code." Kanaya said. "Our Technology Is On An Entirely Different Level From Yours."

"I recognize most of this code from the Zonis. I guess I owe those guys for bugging me! Hehe!" Vanellope laughed.

"The… Zoni?" Kanaya cocked a brow.

"They don't sound familiar?"

"No, I Know What She's Referring To. They're Robots That I've Been Developing, But I Haven't Gotten Them To Work. Our Future Selves Mentioned Them Once Or Twice, So I'm A Bit Hopeful."

"Hey, I think I'm done. So, is this the planet Froast you were talking about? It looks really ugly."

Kanaya brought the image up onscreen. Froast was a rotting green wasteland where lava flowed from a distant volcano, dividing most of the land into islands. The froggy inhabitants were on the verge of decaying. "It's Supposed To Be A Snow Planet. A Beautiful One. The Frogs Thrived In The Ice. According To Legend, The Volcano's Magma Was Meant To One Day Melt The Planet's Ice And Destroy Them All. Lord English Must Have Sped The Process With His Clock Tower."

"Why would he do that?" asked Carol.

"Terezi Predicted This Would Happen. She Said We Needed Those Frogs. If She's Right, Then Our Only Option Is To Freeze The Planet Again Somehow!"

"The only way we could do that is by having Nebula shrink the planet and letting Suki freeze it!"

"Nebula's Still Exhausted From Shrinking The Noah, And She Can't Do Much With Jirachi In His Condition. I Doubt The Three Timebenders Have That Much Power, Either. Sigh… What Can We Do?"

"This calls for a general lack of thinking!" Zach declared.

"Excuse me?" Carol turned.

"Initiating Super Mario 64 effect!" Zach ran at the computer and performed a long jump. "YIPPEE!" The girls ducked, expecting a loud crash, but Zach went into the computer screen like a warp. …The girls carefully uncovered their eyes- "AAAAHH!" a Zach-in-the-Box burst out of the screen.

"SISTER-CHAN, HURRYHURRYHURRYHURRY!" Suki was pulling Miyuki's arm and rapidly rushing to the hangar.

"Suki slowdown slowdown slowdown slowdown!"

Sector IC followed them to their ship and took off. "Let'sgo let'sgo let'sgo!" Suki excitedly pointed toward Froast.

"To that smelly dump?" Terry questioned. "I would've hoped for an ice place. At least they don't stink."

Zach was warped to the planet's surface. After Mako unlocked the Special Projects in his brain, Zach's body began to emit ice. "Super Fist of The Fool: Happy Dreams Made Real and WACKY!" His body BURST with below-freezing temperatures. The ice spread across an entire continent's worth of land, reaching even the volcano. Sector IC gazed in awe, seeing a chunk of the rotting green planet return to ice. The glittering fluff glinted off Suki's wide eyes.

Sector IC landed in an open area within some small mountains. They followed Suki, who ditched her ice sandals and skipped merrily up the snowy hill. Once at the top, she shouted, "LOOK AT IT, Sister-chan!" Her friends finally caught up, and they shared Suki's wondrous gaze.

They were staring at Ice Cream Wonderland, a frosty amusement park bigger and more beautiful than Suki ever could've imagined. It was big enough to be its own country, and already the froggy inhabitants were frolicking in this wonderful world. The stars in the sky sparkled like the glitters on the ground. "That weird boy came to Ice Cream Land!" Suki jumped and twirled. "He ate lots and lots of ice cream! 'Said he was gonna make it bigger, bigger, BIGGEEEERRR!"

"Zach sure picked the right time to use it." MaKayla smiled. "He made this planet smell a ton better!"

"Sister-chan, let's go PLAY!" Suki tugged Miyuki's arm pleadingly. "Come on, come on, let's play all day!"

"Shouldn't we ask the trolls what-" Terry began.

"YES, Suki!" Miyuki beamed. "I wanna play in Ice Cream Land! I'll race you down!"

"WHEEEEEEEE!" And both sisters slid down the slide. Miyuki quickly fell on her back while Suki remained graceful on her feet. (Play "Frozen Factory 1" from Sonic Lost World!)

Stage F-16: Land of Frost and Frogs (AND FUN! :D)

Mission: Have fun at Ice Cream Wonderland!

WEL…COME… to Ice Cream Land!

Where fun and friendship's sure to be found!

Won't you please… take my hand?

I'll take yoooouu arooouuund!

This was the song that played all throughout the park, and it was Suki's energetic voice to sing it.

Cooome with meeeee

And yoooouu will seeeee

Ice creeeeaaam!

I never imagined a more beautiful dreeeaaam!

Beauuuutiful dream…

It's the most beautiful thing!

Suki maneuvered left and right to grab a trail of glowing ice creams going down the slide. The slide became horizontal as it led onto a field of ice-skating frogs. Suki entered the field with a very fast start, sliding all around the field in graceful form.

Beauuuutiful dream…

The most beautiful thiiiiing!


It wouldn't BE without YOOOU!

Suki grabbed Miyuki's hands and glided along the ice with her.

And to haaaave… you HEEEERE

I haaaave what I hooold DEAR!

FRIEEEENDSHIP is the best arooouuund!

And somewhere BEST friends are sure to be found!

Joiiiin me! Catch the RIIIIDE!

With friendship, we will surviiiive!

FRIEEEENDSHIP is the best arooouuund!

And somewhere BEST friends are sure to be found!

Don't be saaaad! We'll touch the SKYYY!

With friendship, we will surviiiive!

And the song looped from there. Naturally, it got on Terry's nerves; why would anyone enjoy hearing Suki's voice in the sky all night? Anyway, after they were done skating, they skied up some icy slopes, having to long-jump gaps, up to a frosty Ferris wheel. Suki and Miyuki leapt on the roof of one of the gondolas, where a snowman and snowwoman were on a romantic date. Suki sat on the edge and kicked her feet, humming the song to herself.

From the top of the Ferris, a swing seemed to be hanging from the heavens. Miyuki grabbed the swing and Suki her legs, and they flew down, gracing a snowy street of frogs, snowmen, and park games, then the swing flew back up and set them on a slippery snaked path. This path was perfectly curved on all sides, because it had its own gravity! Suki skied along it in a spirally fashion, left, down, right, up, but then it actually became a spiral, in which a snowman was skiing along the underside, directly beneath her. Suki kept steady on the spiral and arrived at a flat ice ground with numerous pitfalls.

The snowman still followed her underneath, so Suki carefully skated around the pits. She and the snowman jumped some moving ice platforms, then navigated another narrow path. At the end, the snowman would catch a Catch Card stuck to the bottom, then meet Suki on a ledge where gravity could transition. The Catch Card had imprisoned Ponyo, a redheaded child with a red dress and bare feet. "HI! I'm Ponyo, and I'm a human!"

"Hi, Ponyo! I'm Suki, and I'M a human!"

"Let's be friends, Suki-chan!"

"Okay, Ponyo-chan!"

From this foothold, cannons were shooting large snowballs up from the ground. With graceful form, Suki skied, leapt off, and began to bounce along this series of snowballs. "Wheeee, wheeee, wheeee, wheeee!" She performed a flip with each bounce, up until she landed on a giant catapult. The catapult lowered into a big bowl of red ice cream, scooped up a huge amount, and HURLED Suki miles across the park. She landed on her big red ice cream ball, kicking her feet happily as she balanced and rolled it down a slope. Then, she was rolling across a field where cannons blasted giant ice creams at her.

The ice creams would bounce Suki's around, and she had to quickly maneuver her ball to avoid falling into holes. Once past the field, Suki carefully rolled her ball over some bobbing ice platforms floating on a lake. They led her to a stable path with several roundabouts designed like giant scoops with ice cream. They rapidly flailed their scoops around, threatening to push Suki off, but she was able to get around and steer her ice cream into another catapult. Again, she FLEW across the lake, topping a mountain of ice cream with her cherry scoop!

Suki slid down the ice cream and was attacked by Ski Guys, who bumped her from the sides. Suki simply formed icy shields to bump them away. From up here, Suki could see a short tower in the short distance. She could continue skiing across the ground and jump ramps to go over water pits. She passed five large rings of snowflakes along this path, causing an ice cage to open at the end. Suki collected the card inside it, which had imprisoned a yellow bunny girl named Cream. "Hello, Miss! My name is Cream."

"You sound yummy! I'll put you on a ice cream later!"

"Excuse me, but I'm not for tasting-"

Suki put her away without letting her finish. "Huuuuu-!" She gaped at the tower standing over her. "LOOK, Sister-chan! It's Santa's toy tower! …Sister-chan?"

"I'm here… Suki!…" Miyuki was at a loss for breath when she caught up. "You're a lot faster than I am. Had to use timebending… huff…"

"Hurry up, Sister! We gotta go in the toy tower!" The child was already running up in excitement. Jack-in-the-box Heartless attacked Suki on the front steps to the entrance, to which the child drew her Keyblade and performed nimble movements to dodge and slice them. Suki could open the large lock on the tower gate with her Keyblade. Inside the first room, giant nutcrackers were patrolling left and right. The toys were different heights, so Suki could use them as stairs to the high ledge by freezing them in a row.

Suki hopped up the nutcrackers and entered a corridor where minecarts full of toys sped down. Suki could freeze the carts and dodge around them, but more would come and push those carts free. She continued dodging until she was at the end, the hall turning left. This passage took place over a floor of spiky candycanes, and spiked minecarts speeding down. Suki saw ice hooks on the ceiling and formed an ice chain to swing them, flying over the ground spikes, but having to still watch out for minecart spikes. A spring at the hall's end shot Suki up to the next floor of the tower.

Floating carousels hovered over the ledge, and below Suki could see the nutcracker room. The rope carousels had snowkids hanging on them, but one rope was free, so Suki timed her jump and grabbed it. The next carousel hovered up and down, but the rope would be aligned with Suki whenever it was down, so she could easily time to release and grab it. The following carousel was vertical, but Suki caught it all the same, then flew off toward another ledge.

Suki followed another train track up a long hallway, leading to a parked red sleigh. "SISTER-CHAN, WHERE ARE YOU?!" Suki stomped in a temper tantrum. "We gotta ride the sleeeiiiigh!"

"Suki…huff…" Miyuki caught up, bending over with hands on her knees. "Don't you think we should… wait for the others?"

"But I wanna ride it NOOOOWWW! Now now NOOOOW!"

"Okay, okay, ha ha!" Miyuki took a seat in the sleigh beside her sister. "How do we activate it?"

"Like this, silly!" Suki turned on the ignition with her Keyblade. The sleigh had a slow start going along the track, but once it got to the slope over the carousels, it swooped down and WHOOSHED out of the tower! Flying along an airborne track, the sleigh soared around the tower before taking off over the amusement park. It turned sideways and drove alongside a Ferris wheel, then swooped down and slowly drove through a busy carnival street, in which fences separated people from the tracks. Suki waved happily at the frogs and snowmen before the sleigh went airborne and flew through a Christmas Tree forest.

"Watch out, Suki!" Miyuki yelled as they were about to hit a giant ornament. She slowed down the sleigh so that Suki could shoot an icicle at the ornament to knock it down. Another ornament dropped down behind them and rolled after, so Miyuki sped up the sleigh to outrun it. The track turned right—three ornaments rolled up from ahead, so Miyuki slowed the sleigh and let Suki freeze the ornaments, then use her bending to push them off. The tracks sloped down and stopped on the forest ground.

"Let's go see the Christmas lights!" Suki cheered as she happily skipped through the forest.

"I thought this was an ice cream park?"

Three Red Freezards and four Red Chilfos ambushed them in an open field. The red ice creatures couldn't be controlled by Suki's icebending, but her Keyblade was strong enough to cut them up. Miyuki shot Chrono Beams and helped her sister destroy the monsters. They trekked up some slippery hills, evading giant ice cream balls, and came to another open area with a colorful merry-go-round. Gingerbread Kids and frogs were riding reindeer attached to candycane poles. One of these people was a Shy Guy, a card tucked in its belt. Miyuki froze the merry-go-round along with its riders, allowing her to take the card with no hassle.

The boy in the card was named Onion. He had a weirdly shaped head and seemed to speak with hand gestures: he pointed at Shy Guy and squeezed his own neck. "No thanks." Miyuki put him away. They went up stairs past the merry-go-round and entered Gingerbread Town, a village of delicious candy houses. "Whoa, this place looks delicious, Suki."

"Miyuki-chan, that's cannibal talk!"

"Uh… sorry." Miyuki blushed.

"You were gonna eat ME!" Cream shouted.

The girls hurried through the tasty village with Suki skipping merrily. Beyond the village was the volcano, a gigantic cherry clogging its crater. "That must be the top of the planet, huh, Suki? Where else would the cherry go?"

"Yep! I sure hope a giant monster doesn't decide to eat the planet like a ice cream!"

"RAAAAAH!" The cherry was being devoured by Menos, towering black Hollows.

"Careful what you wish for, Suki." The girls rushed up the path to the volcano, dodging the chunks of cherry the Hollows spat at them. Once close enough, Miyuki shot a charged Chrono Beam at one while Suki hurled a giant icicle at the other one's face. Both Hollows faded into darkness. The sisters arrived at the volcano's crater and gasped. (End song.)

A gigantic frog was frozen underneath the crater. It seemed as though a galaxy was inside its body. "Sister-chan… is that a froggy?"

"It's enormous… Zach must have frozen it when he created this park just now."

"Is that what happened?" The girls whipped left and found the source of the dark, sinister voice. "Bill was right about that troublesome boy. To think he could stop the Universe Frog from dying."

"Sister-chan, who's dat guy?"

"It's one of the Darknesses!" Miyuki glared. "Aizen…"

"You mean he's a bad guy?! Is he gonna ruin my Ice Cream Land?!"

"Oh, that's right. You're one of the Seven Lights, too." Aizen smirked. "Bill talked about you… Suki Crystal the Ignorant."

"Bill called me an igloo?" Suki asked confusedly.

"Suki, just run." Miyuki told her, tapping her wristwatch. "Guys, this is Miyuki. I've encountered one of the Darknesses and need backup."

"Miyuki, we're a little preoccupied!" George responded.

Elsewhere in Ice Cream Land, Hollows large and small were rampaging the wonderland. MaKayla nimbly leapt around the dark spirits and stabbed their masks with the hilt of her staff, Terry's shadow Tael called up his friends' shadows to gnash their masks, and George froze numerous Hollows in time and shot them with 4x4 weapons.

"Lord English desires the destruction of this planet." Aizen said. "And he tasked me with overseeing it. We knew you would freeze the volcano again, so I've been waiting. Killing you two will be child's play." He touched the hilt of his sword.

"Ugh… Suki, I told you to run!" Miyuki stated. "Just run and let me take care of him."

"But Miyuki-chan… he's one of the bad guys. You said I had to beat these bad guys, right?"

"Suki, don't worry about that. Your safety is more important."

"So is yours!"

"No it isn't!"

"YES IT IS!!" Suki stomped and cracked the ice, surprising Aizen slightly. "I don't want you to die because I won't do what I'm supposed to! If I gotta beat him, I'll do it! I'll beat him all by myself!"

"…No… you won't, Suki." Miyuki turned to her with a stern expression. "We'll do it together!"

"We will??" Suki's face brightened like a Christmas Tree.

"Hm hm hm. You children aren't even worth drawing my sword for." Aizen released the hilt. "Oh well… This should be entertaining." (Play "Mephiles Phase 2" from Sonic 2006!)

Boss fight: Sōsuke Aizen

"Hadō 1: Sai." Aizen pointed a finger at Miyuki and shot a small laser at her chest, sliding her across the ice with great force. "Just so that little pest wouldn't intervene."

"That was MEAN!" Suki quickly slid behind Aizen and threw icicles, only for the Soul Reaper to block them with a translucent rectangular barrier. "Miyuki-chan, are you hurt?!"

Miyuki was glancing down and holding her chest. "I'm all right, Suki. Don't worry, I'm coming to help!" Miyuki expanded a gray bubble around the area to slow down time. She ran up to Aizen, who was so slow that he was still, but when she leapt to kick him, his body faded away. "Huh?! He… vanished?"

Miyuki dropped the bubble—immediately Aizen dropped from above and punched her in the head. "That wasn't an illusion. I'm faster than time itself!" He then zipped behind Suki and threw spirit flames, the child blocking with an ice shield that quickly melted. Suki skied away to avoid the flames, drawing her Keyblade and charging a giant beam of ice. "Bakudō 81: Dankū." Aizen conjured a wider barrier to block the ice, but even with a stronger hold than before, the barrier froze and threatened to rupture, forcing Aizen to warp away. "It seems you do have a bit of power. But it will not serve y-"

Suddenly Suki was moving at five times speed, attacking around Aizen rapidly, so he had to use Shunpo to move faster and counter her. Aizen, realizing that Miyuki was focusing chi to make Suki move fast, flew over and tried to trap the elder sister in a Black Coffin. Miyuki dropped her focus on Suki to spawn another bubble and Rewind time, reversing the coffin's appearance and escaping. Miyuki froze time and ran to grab Aizen's head. I hate to do this, but it might slow him down if I erase some of his memories. Nngh… For some reason, I can't! It's like there's a steel chain around his brain!

Her Stop wore off, giving Aizen the chance to punch her away. "I used my Keyblade to completely seal my mind from any outside force that could taint it, whether it be psychic or timebending. While working with my cohorts, I studied your forms of elemental bending and now know everything about it."

He heard a loud shimmering sound, turning to see Suki conjure a giant snow hammer from her Keyblade. He threw his fist up to break the snow, but then Suki made a spear from the hammer's handle. She stabbed at Aizen, who caught and pushed it with his hand. "For instance, icebending, waterbending, and psychicbending come from the same energy source: the moon. Moon Chi was a supernatural force that Arceus filtered and regulated to make the chis of Water and Creation in a pure, natural form. This is why Water and Psychic have blue-colored chis, and why icebending gives one creative properties despite being a Water product. Furthermore, normal humans developed the skill of magic from the same Moon Chi."

"He knows more than we do, I'll give him that." Miyuki said. "Suki, I think it's time for you to unlock YOUR mind!"

"I get ya, Sister-chan!" Suki stabbed herself in the head with the Keyblade. An ice-blue glow of light brimmed from her mind, and then a colorful merry-go-round materialized between her and Aizen. The Soul Reaper looked to see a roller coaster appear, then swinging ships, and a drop tower.

"So, you created more rides for the theme park? This certainly is impressive icebending. Or, is it even icebending at all?" Aizen smirked curiously.

"Suki learned to release the rides from her mind with the Keyblade." Miyuki recapped. "She did it once before and let Zach seal the park into his own mind, so he could develop it further. But what you're looking at is something different." She smirked. "This is a park Sonny and Donna helped Suki make: The Punishment Playground!"

Cannons went off on the swinging ships, pelting Aizen with snowballs that had the strength of iron. He heard the rumbling of the roller coaster and saw Suki surfing the sky on a sleigh, using icebending to continuously create the track on which it rolled. She swooped by Miyuki to bring her on, and they were intending to ram into Aizen. The Reaper easily zipped aside to dodge—another coaster spawned out of a portal behind and RAMMED him. It performed a loop before smashing Aizen against the ice.

"Hey, that's us!" Miyuki said, spotting clones of their selves in that coaster. "I say we follow the example!" She used a surge of Time Chi to open a gate to seconds in the past.

"Hadō #99: Five Dragons of Destruction!" The ice shattered as spires of energy erected, forming into snakelike dragons. The dragons all dove down at the girls.

"STOP!!" Miyuki unleashed a burst of chi that froze time in the area, holding onto her sister so she could still be mobile. "Suki, can you freeze them?"

"Of course, silly! They're already frozen!" Suki channeled more chi to her Keyblade and unleashed a freezing shockwave to turn the dragons into ice. The girls hopped off the coaster, and for the last seconds of the Stop, Suki grabbed the ice dragons and SMASHED Aizen.

"RRRGH!" Aizen destroyed the ice with a burst after recovering. He sensed the girls over at the merry-go-round—the device spun off its place and whirled like a top. Aizen used Dankū to block it, but it took a greater amount of energy for the shield to withstand its rapid motion.

Of course, after the sisters set the merry-go-round in motion, they actually went back in time to the start of the park's appearance and were at the top of the drop tower. Suki had been congesting huge bursts of Ice Chi within an array of ice bombs. "Our past selves should be gone now, Suki. It's now or never!"

With a nod of confidence, Suki formed ice wings and flew skyward with her sister. The bombs dropped down the tower with great speed and swallowed the volcano in a Sub-Zero Explosion. Suki flew high enough for them to be just out of the explosion's range, though Miyuki still felt the chill. "Hoo-o-o-o. If I'd known we'd be doing this, I would've worn a coat."

"Sorry, Sister-chan." Suki smiled. "But we beat him! Did we?"

"It'll hold him down for now. Let's retreat and go find the others."

Aizen was suddenly above them. "Leaving so soon?" He slashed his blade and sent the two plummeting to the ice. Some snow was on the ground now, so it softened their fall a bit. Aizen descended with his sword fully drawn. "You fools. I sensed the chi of your 'future selves' appear when they did. I decided to play along to see what you were planning. When I felt your current selves disappear, I made time to escape your attack."

Suki shot three icicles that stabbed Aizen and seemed to make him fall over. "AAAAAH!" Miyuki was stabbed in the back.

"MIYUKI!!" Suki screamed.

"The minute I drew Kyōka Suigetsu, I was in complete control of your senses." Aizen withdrew the blade. Miyuki fell to her hands and clasped the wound.

"Miyuki-chan, I'll help!" Suki was about to freeze the wounds.

"No Suki, it's not real! I-It feels real, but it's not…!"

"Pain courses through the body and creates impulsive reactions, but first your mind registers the fact you have been hurt. Even if it is not real pain," Aizen was repeatedly stabbing Miyuki, who continued wincing from the realistic pain, "your body will eventually give in under shock."

"STOP IT!!" Suki furiously attacked Aizen with her Keyblade, but the illusion vanished.

"You are a mere human." Ten Aizen clones materialized above her. "Your happiness, your instincts, anything you see or feel, is mine to play with. In fact, how about I melt this ice with a little heat?" And a great wall of fire ignited. Suki's throat was dry, and the ice under her feet was liquefying.

"No . . . it's . . so hot… I don't like being hot… I wanna be… c-c-COOOOOLD!" Suki channeled ice to her Keyblade and stabbed her heart. Suddenly, her body emitted icy mist, her hair and clothes turned into glittering crystals. Parts of her skin became ice, her blood hardened, and her Frozen Heart brimmed with a pleasant white glow.

…She was still for a minute before withdrawing the blade. The fire was gone and none of the snow melted. Miyuki's body had no wounds at all. There was only one Aizen, and he looked curiously. "…Br-r-r-r-r-r-r… cold… I like… th-the cold…"

"B-r-r-r…" Miyuki shakily sat up. The dramatic decrease in temperature affected her as well. "S-Suki… w-what have you done…"

"I f-froze my heart… j-just like A-Anna… I-I don't feel anything… it's s-s-s-so cold…"

"You froze your heart… just to avoid the affects of my Kyōka Suigetsu? Hm hm HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!" Aizen was admittedly surprised. "Truly amazing! I'm so impressed I'll let you have a free swing at me."

"Nn-n-n-n-n…" Suki's feet could only walk an inch at a time, and she shakily raised her Keyblade.

"Oh, no… This is too cold even for her…" Miyuki spoke worriedly.

"N-N-N-No it's not… I-I can… do this…" Suki persevered and kept walking. She had no intention of stopping.

"I must admit I underestimated this girl." Aizen said. "Her will is strong even in unbearable cold. It's a shame I'll have to-" Suki zipped up—Aizen moved his sword swiftly to counter her Keyblade.

"She just needs a boost!" Miyuki yelled, using timebending to speed her sister up.

Suki was still weakly walking and swinging her weapon at a very slow pace, but being sped up made Aizen seem like he was moving equally slow. Aizen switched to lightspeed, so Miyuki increased Suki's speed further to- "YAAAH!" Miyuki was slashed in the chest. Suki ceased speeding.


"The Seven Lights… The seven vessels of Calliope who would save the universe. Did she really put her faith in these children?" Aizen slowly approached Suki. "You may have ruled the world you came from, but we are far out of your league… However, since I respect you to an extent, Suki, I'll give you a warrior's death."

"SUKI, NO!" Miyuki cried.

Aizen raised his sword and STABBED Suki—it broke into spirit particles. Suki's frostbitten body was too hard. "My Zanpakutō!"

Miyuki channeled bending to speed up Suki again, and the child bent an ice platform to lift her as she stabbed Aizen's head with her Keyblade. "Y-You… need to… ch-chill!"

Suki withdrew the blade as Aizen clasped his head. "Agh… what's wrong with my head?! This feeling… i-it feels like there's a blizzard in my HEAD!"

"We might be children, but we endured more than you can imagine." Miyuki stated. "And the first trial for any child is the classic brain freeze."

"AAAAAGH! It hurts! It's so cold! Damn Spirit Flames!" He burned himself in the mystic flames. "Dammit, they're not hot enough! AAAAAHH-!"

A beam of blue energy captured Aizen and sucked him into a T.H.E.R.M.O.S.. MaKayla King twirled it in hand and stashed in her pocket. "You're lucky I decided to pack one." (End song.)

"You guys are just in time." Miyuki smiled, standing fully. "…Suki!" She ran up to her frostbitten sister.

"S…Sister-chan… Did we… win?"

"Suki-chan…" Miyuki hugged her sister. "I'm sorry… we put you through all this. We did it… We beat him…"

"…" Suki smiled. "Sister-chan… you're warm."

"Oh… sorry."

"…I like warm." Suki hugged back. Her Frozen Heart thawed, as did the ice on her body. Sector IC smiled at the touching moment.

A Japanese C.O.O.L.-B.U.S. came to land on the volcano. Sector JP rushed out. "We received the distress call! Is everyone okay?!" exclaimed Karin.

"My sister's been cut!" Suki shouted.

"It's only a minor wound, we have time to heal it."

"We captured Aizen in this T.H.E.R.M.O.S.." MaKayla said.

"Really, you beat Aizen?! Second form and all?" Karin asked.

"Er… it was just the one form." Miyuki answered.

"Oh. That's kinda lame."

"WHOA!!" Jinta screamed in amazement. "Guys, what's that frog?!"

The other sectormates looked down at the giant frog in the ice. "Oh yeah… Aizen called it the Universe Frog. Apparently, we kept it from dying when Zach froze the volcano."

"But it's still kinda in the volcano, so won't he die, anyway?" Kayla asked.

"I think we should ask the trolls about it." George said. "Let's take Aizen back and lock him with the others."

"Are we leaving Ice Cream Land already?" Suki frowned.

"We'll come back later, Suki." Miyuki smiled. "You did great today." Suki shared the smile.

The two sectors left the atmosphere after relocating IC's ship. "I just realized IC stands for 'Ice Cream'!" Suki beamed.

"Ha ha! How did we not notice that?!" George laughed.

"I'm sure you did, George…" Terry rolled his eyes.

"Uh, guys? The T.H.E.R.M.O.S. is shaking…" MaKayla said with concern. Indeed the device rattled in her hands.

"Aaaaaand here's the second form."

The T.H.E.R.M.O.S. BURST, and the powerful spirit destroyed the S.C.A.M.P.E.R., leaving the five kids to drift in space. The creature that escaped flapped with huge white wings that had three skull mouths and one slit eye on each of them. Its body was white with black vine-like hands and feet, with a black head of white eyes and sharp teeth, and flowing brown hair. The Keyblade was clutched in his left hand.

A blue ghostly mist spewed out of Karin's mouth uncontrollably. "It's Aizen! What happened to him?!"

"Behold, my Final Fusion. Awakened once again by my Keyblade. This form will not allow me to lose to humans. Your destruction begins." The skull mouths coughed bluish-purple energy spheres, which Kayla Rewinded back into him.

Karin went ghost and flew off her ship, looking to see MaKayla balance herself in the weightless environment. "Miyuki and Suki did their part. Time for us to take over."

"You sure you can handle yourself like this?" Karin asked her.

"I fought with Nebula against Dimentio like this. All it takes is a little Time Fury!" MaKayla punched her head and brimmed with blue aura.

"Now… BEGONE!" (Play "Perfect Dark Gaia" from Sonic Unleashed!)

Phase 2: Final Fusion Aizen

Aizen spat more Fragor (energy spheres) as the girls pursued him, and when Kayla whacked them with the Chrono Staff, they Rewinded against Aizen with powerful explosions. The Shinigami warped circles around the girls and dealt swift Keyblade slashes, then warped a distance before trying to catch them in a giant Black Coffin. Karin grabbed Kayla and turned intangible to escape the coffin's grasp. They watched as the surrounding space morphed into reflective fractals, reflecting Aizen's image in giant, distorted form.

Aizen clones appeared around them, seemingly destroyed by the girls' Ecto and Chrono Beams, only for Aizen to warp up for more strikes. "It's those stupid illusions again!" Karin stated angrily.

"I suppose you're familiar with them?"

"I had a brief demonstration when I first met him. I practiced this with some illusions Sunni created, but let's see if it works here. Ahem…" Karin inhaled a massive gust of air, and she wailed, "OOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAA!" The operatives clamped their ears, her Ghostly Wail was powerful enough to break the sound barrier. The illusions rippled like static, while the true Aizen clasped his head in agony.

"STOP!" MaKayla froze Aizen in time, so Karin kicked a soccerball at him with comet speed—the ball disintegrated against his godly form. "Whoa! I don't think we should touch him, Karin."

"Better the ball than me, I guess!" Before they could do more, the Stop wore off, and Aizen resumed hurling Fragor. Karin evasively dodged the spheres while MaKayla whacked them back. "I can't do another Ghostly Wail until I catch my breath."

"That's okay. I got another idea to stop him." As they shot beams at Aizen, the Shinigami used his powers to make their visions turn upside-down. Even worse was that any direction they attempted to fly was the opposite—they went right when they meant left, forward when they meant back, it was like a player's controller was reversed! "Ugh, this isn't working, Karin! We'll have to close our eyes and use our senses."

"You're right." Karin did so, and she slowly felt the dizzy disappear. She saw a faint image that was Aizen's spiritual presence, shooting Ecto Rays at the Reaper. Aizen flew toward her, Karin flying away, and he wasn't affected by MaKayla's empowered Chrono Beams.

"Ultrafragor." Aizen conjured a purple spiral to whirl around Karin and bind her like a snake. The Halfa was squeezed horribly until a massive shockwave burst around the area, blowing MaKayla miles away. MaKayla Rewinded her own time to get back over, but Karin hacked ectoplasm as a ring-shaped wound was around her waist. "I'll fix this." MaKayla used a fraction of Time Chi to reverse the wound. "That should last until this is over."

Aizen tried to catch them in Black Coffin, but Kayla froze time long enough for them to escape it. "I think I'm ready for another one. Here goes nothin'! OOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAA!" Another deafening Ghostly Wail ruptured the sound barrier and pained Aizen to the point his illusions crumbled.

"Perfect! This time, I'll Rewind him back to his normal form!" MaKayla trapped the Shinigami in a bubble and turned the clock back. Aizen transformed back into a humanoid. "Perfect!"

But Aizen was back in his Final Fusion in a flash, blasting MaKayla away with terrific force. "Only I can seal my Final Fusion once it has been unlocked. Not even Time can command it!" Aizen willed spheres of Fragor to spawn around Karin, who quickly turned invisible to withstand the explosions, but she was still blown a distance.

Karin saw Kayla Rewinding herself back again. But I wonder if time can ANNOY it? She turned to her teammates and yelled, "Kodama, take Sector IC and get far away from here!"


"Just do it, and don't come back unless I call you!"

"You better not do anything sacrificial, Karin!" Jinta yelled. With Sector IC aboard their ship, they flew so far that they became a dot in space.

Karin flew over and whispered something in Kayla's ear. "That… sounds crazy enough to work. You sure you can do it?"

"Hey, don't doubt me."

The girls split when Aizen flew to attack, now focused on Karin as he cast more Fragor. "I was a mere nothing when we first met, Karin-san. I never would have thought you would become the sister of my greatest adversary."

"Greatest adversary?! You mean Yuzu??"

"Not your inferior sibling, I speak of Ichigo Kurosaki! Of course, your brother does not exist in your universe, but we share a destiny all the same. I wonder if Ichigo knows the difference between you? Destroying you… may just draw him to me."

"There's a little flaw to your plan Aizenstein: whoever this 'Ichigo' is, I'm WAY stronger!" She flew a few meters back and inhaled an even greater huff. "OOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" The sound was not only earsplitting, it was great enough to breach dimensions.

"AAAUUGH!!" Aizen turned to escape—he turned to escape—he turned to escape—he turned to- "WHY DO I KEEP COMING BACK?!"

"TIME LOOOOP!" MaKayla was enduring the noise and keeping a flow of Time Chi burning from her staff. "If I can't Rewind your form, I'm gonna keep the noise going!! Karin can only do this for a second, but that second's gonna be forever!"

"NOOOO!" Aizen tried to attack her—tried to attack her—tried to attack her—"RELEASE MEEEE! THIS IS WORSE THAN THE BRAIN FREEZE!"

"Seal up that creepy-ass Final Fusion and I'll grant your wish! But if you change your mind, I'll Rewind time and force you to endure it again! I'm the Ghost of Time, Ainstein, I have an eternity to do this!"

"Errrgh… the pain… You win!" Aizen stabbed himself with the Keyblade and transformed back into a human. Kayla stopped the loop so Karin could stop screaming. "Huff… no eternity… is worth an ear-ringing headache."

"Glad you see things my way." With another flash from her staff, Aizen was froze in time. Karin drew her own T.H.E.R.M.O.S. and sucked him inside. (End song.)

Karin called for her teammates to come back. The girls were relieved to catch their breath. "Well… that's one way to beat a Darkness." George commented.

"Boy, what a pushover." Terry said. "It almost seems like you could beat all the Darknesses that way."

"No… cough." Karin rubbed her throat. "I'm never using Ghostly Wail… again…"

"You did a really good job, Karin." Kayla smiled. "Miyuki and Suki, too… Today's victory was a team effort. Without a Firstborn to help us, that's saying something."

"Team, schmeam, it was the powerhouses that did all the work." Jinta stated.

"Then it's your job to catch up to us, Jinta-kun." Karin retorted. "For now, just be happy there's one less on the enemy's side."

"Sure it is… until they introduce ANOTHER Backup Army officer."


Karin casually bounced the T.H.E.R.M.O.S. up and down in her hand as she walked to the Penance Chamber. Kisuke Urahara opened the cell so Karin could squirt Aizen inside. "Hey there, Aizen! Glad you could join us."

"Kisuke, what a delight… Well, since I'm defeated, you're due for a reward, I suppose." Aizen drew a card from his robe. "Here." He flicked it to Karin.

"YUZU!" She joyfully grabbed her twin. "Yuzu, you're safe!"

"Karin-nee!" Yuzu beamed. "You sound hoarse. Have you not been getting enough sleep?! I told you if you stay up too late, you'll wake up with a dry throat!"

"Oh, it's good to have you back, Yuzu." She hugged the card to her cheek.

"You're just giving up?" Vaati asked Aizen curiously. "Why?"

"Being trapped in a deafening time loop made me realize how peaceful a prison cell was. Besides… I'm hoping those kids can give Lord English the same punishment." And with that, the cell closed on their new prisoner.