Lock Out- Time Episode eight: part 2 Lock the Heart of Demons Shounen, adventure, fantasy Author: Morn kunthea

* The next day, the black smoke rises to higher levels, prompting Dr. Adam to tell pairs Kai and Ezra to complete a joint mission with the twins who provide them with a technical weapon system such as a game system. And Henry's pair responds to city N officials in the international briefing room. When they were ready to divide their duties. Dr. Adam handed the keys to Ezra as the guardian and confirmed that they only had an hour left as the black smoke was about to spread into the rectangle that was a protected area for freshwater fish and could pollute the water that the townspeople use daily.

* As they made their way through the deep forest, sounds of birds chirping through the forest were heard, accompanied by thick and spooky ivy. Henry looked at the compass, which was heading east because the forest was too dense and couldn't see the direction through the sun. They arrived at the place of prey, where the minority often worshiped the demon in the dark, and saw that there were diamonds, gold and other valuable jewelry, which take a gift given to the demon under the bark of a ivy. And there was a giant fruit under which the minority believed that when it was ripe they would drink its juice would make them strong and young.

* Zoey squeezed her headphones and asked the twins to send them a poison meter for poisons and a knife, suspecting the giant fruit was a source of black smoke because she had seen black smoke debris on the ivy that caught this giant fruit. Layla, she stuck her glasses scanner into the giant fruit, seeing the clock inside, and at the same time Zoey received data from the poison meter, it was exactly what she had thought. When the four of them hastily cut the giant fruit, a minority group appeared and attacked them, they had a scary face because they were poisoned by the ivy which enveloped them in the spray poison of giant fruit and makes them lose their minds upon seeing the giant is the fruit is the heart of the demon. The leader of the minority shouted at them not to touch the giant fruit. Ezra told the group of women to hurry and cut the giant fruit, with the men as protectors.

* Henry requested the deployment of an improvised device (electric gun) to shoot the minority to pass out while Ezra sends data on the toxins the minority is poisoning to Dr. Adam to send drugs to neutralize the disease. Zoey and Layla used their combined strength to slice up giant fruit and they both walked towards the clock, who saw that they only had five minutes left to end the black smoke as his minute hand approached to a storm of black smoke. Layla read the ancient letters on the clock and turned it into a reverse loop that could make the keyhole box pop outside. The group of men fight to defeat the minority, Ezra injecting the drugs to treat the passed out minority that received from the twins, and then he and Henry rush in to help Layla and Zoey, who were dragged their legs by ivy and pulled them on wood. Layla tells Ezra to hurry to stop the time first while Henry tries to help them.

* Ezra used the knife to cut the ivy and rolled it to successfully lock it and move the key down in the lock out time and the keyhole box opened an entry pallet, which he took to keep it. Suddenly the giant fruit shook violently and started to explode, causing all four of them to flee from the giant fruit, with the force of the explosion causing them to fly and light to bring their souls back to their bodies and they have pretty serious injuries. In other hand , the black smoke began to gradually escalate with the help of a windshield that converted it to a normal air mixture. The weather in the city returned to normal in the weeks following the incident, and members of the minority were helping through the health unit to provide them with the knowledge to understand superstitions from unknown sources is dangerous which makes them waste time, money and health. All of Dr. Adam's team prepared a barbecue party in front of the pool to celebrate their victory.