Lock Out- Time Episode nine: Lock the skyline * Shounen, adventure, fantasy * Author: Morn kunthea

* Hundreds of hectares of corn fields in Field P were reduced to ashes overnight, and local authorities and farm owners were unable to intervene to extinguish the blaze. Because the cause of the fire was caused by repeated lightning from the sky, and strangely occurred, the sky showed no sign of rain, only clouds gathered. The lightning struck the ground violently, causing the people from Zone P to be temporarily evacuated to the Camp S emergency. Agents from Zone P immediately contacted Dr. Adam to help resolve the lightning. After receiving a text message from agents. Dr Adam officials told the twins to check for earthquake signals and electrical currents in the ground that his unit had incorporated into the surrounding region across the country.

* The twins, coding the local program code for a while, also received data from the area's gravity device indicating that there was normal gravity, no sign of electrons, which absorbs energy from the area creating lightning. Dr Adam thought for a moment, then looked at the air radar, he was surprised that not only the clouds are gathering in P, but many clouds are starting to gather in the world. So their team had to hurry to fix this, with the twins joking that the phenomenon, like the story of the Asian angel Lightning, reminded Dr. Adam of a mission area called Skyline, which has been recorded in relation with the phenomenon of lightning. He also handed the task over to Henry's pair, who was on a mission, with Ezra and Kai's pairs coming out to receive special army supplies early in the morning. As always, he handed the keys to Henry.

* When Henry's pair reached the horizon, they saw that the land they were standing on was the end of a land with deep ravines and many clouds they could catch. In front of them there are many islands where the currents fly in the air, so they have to go to an island where the currents fly higher than the other islands. The twins seemed to know his limb's needs, so he tossed them an air balloon as part of the program. As they boarded balloons and flew through the air, they spotted on the island a field of flowers of precious gold and diamonds. When they both got there, their balloon melted because it had its time limits. Dr Adam warned them to beware of the sediment that they had to walk up to the vertical clock on the hill. Because the sediment is full of insects that suck human blood.

* Aria asked the twins to send them a drone to trick the bugs that were taking flight after their drone sprayed them with smoke. As expected, the bugs took to the skies, causing them to scurry up to the clock, even though they struggled through the sediment. Henry tried to find the keyhole in this clock. This clock is very strange, it has two sides, the front of the minute hand points to 12 o'clock and the back of the hand to 6 o'clock. But the common denominator of both clocks is that they are almost identical to lightning bolts. Aria recalled that if the 12 minute hand was combined with the 6 minute hand it would be like pi (π). It is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. Regardless of the size of the circle, pi is always the same number. So, for any circle, dividing its circumference by its diameter will give you exactly the same number: 3.14159. . . or pi. Since mathematicians cannot easily work with infinite decimals, they often have to approximate pi. In most cases, pi can be estimated at 3.14159. Some people even shorten it to 3.14, which is why Pi Day is celebrated on March 14 (3/14).

* Leads to 12/6 + 3/14 = 2.75 = 275%. Therefore, she clicks on the code 275 to open the keyhole box. Then the keyhole appears on the outside and they both used all of their strength to move the key down until the lock time. The keyhole box melted, with gold plate appearing and Arai put it in his pocket. Suddenly the island began to shake, with their drones dropping ropes to hold them back from the collapsed island, and they were both drawn to the rays of light that brought their souls into their bodies. As the accumulated clouds begin to gradually melt, the sky becomes clear. Their team was successful again, with everyone in the room cheering happily.