Early morning flowers/ 1

Early morning flowers
A Korean Novel
By Morn kunthea
main character
Season 1/ 9 episode
season 2( 10-18 ) lock
season 3( 19-27) lock
Mei is in a hurry to get a cake for her friend who wants to Surprise her boyfriend who just passed the exam as a pilot. As she tried to keep the cake from falling to the ground when a speeding car reversed, she oversteered and crashed into a no-stop sign. Mei angrily looks at the luxury car that drives away, she just wants to throw rocks at the car. When she was busy standing in the back of the car, she woke up and the oncoming traffic police put a stop sign payment on her bicycle, which is off-limits. No matter how hard she tried to make Cute beg for mercy, the policeman did not show mercy and even grabbed her hand away and hurrying to walk away because she looked like ghost when her longer hair cover her face after accident . As the sky began to darken, as she did not have time to protest, as she looked at her watch, she hurried to the hotel, where she had to turn her head bicycle to cross the street because she thought she was going the wrong way of the same building around her. At first, the hotel staff did not want her to go upstairs, but Vanilla, her close friend and daughter of the hotel owner, came out to help her get up and handed the cake to the manager. Vanilla brought Mei to change her clothes and join the party with her. Vanilla complained to Mei, the daughter of a rich man, that she would not drive a car and act like a janitor. and Mei open a small local shop that not fit her master degree from france , She really wonder what make Mei think like this or Mei used toes to think. Mei jokingly replied that riding a bike is like exercising and she does not know how to drive a car or do anything when the traffic is hot, she wants to stay free life. As for the delicious food and cakes, even in a small place, the secret is meaningful. Speaking of which, Vanilla responds by saying that if Mei think about this idea may be lost in the anime, and how many hours of sleep do Mei get every day with swollen and bruised eyes? Mei, who was sitting by Vanilla makeup for her tried to count her hands like a child and smiled that at about 4 or 5 o'clock in the morning, Vanilla was overwhelmed and her friend was busy with national work. Pulling the brush click around Mei's eyes, pressing on the swollen area made Mei scream. As they prepared to go up to the special hall where the ceremony had already begun. The lanterns flash on both of them, especially on Mei, and Mei seemed to realize that too much because of Duxi and Vanilla's show, she hurried backwards and hit the chest of a handsome man as tall as a prince, but cruel as a Mafia and forgetting everything around her to look at the mysterious man with a flat face does not show emotion.

By Morn kunthea

Meiកុំពុងជិះកង់យ៉ាងប្រញាប់ទៅយកនុំCakeអោយមិត្តរបស់នាងដែលចង់Surprise មិត្តប្រុសដែលទើបប្រលងជាប់ជាអ្នកបើកយន្តហោះ។ ដោយសារតែនាងព្យាយាមទប់នុំឃេតកុំអោយដួលធ្លាក់ទៅលើដីនៅពេលដែលមានឡានទំនើបមួយបើកល្បឿនលឿនជិះបញ្ច្រាសនាងធ្វើអោយនាងរ៉េចង្កូតកង់ជិះហួសចូកចញ្ចើមថ្នល់ស្ទើរតែបុកផ្លាកសញ្ញាហាមឈប់។ Meiខឹងសំលឹងមើលឡានទំនើបដែលបើកចេញទៅដោយនាងចង់តែដុំថ្មគប់បំបែកកញ្ចប់ឡាននោះទេ។ នៅពលដែលរវល់តែឈរជេរពីក្រោយឡានស្រាប់តែភ្ញាក់និងប៉ូលិសចរាចរណ៍ដែលមកដល់បានបិទផ្លាកពិន័យលើកង់របស់នាងដែលជាកន្លែងហាមចត។ ទោះបីជានាងព្យាយាមធ្វើCuteសុំការអនុគ្រោះយ៉ាងណាក៏លោកប៉ូលិសមិនមេត្តានោះដែលហើយថែមទាញដៃរបស់នាងដោយតោងគាត់មុនប្រញាប់ដើរចេញទៅ។ពីព្រោះតែសភាពរបស់នាងពេលនេះដូចជាខ្មោចសក់វែងដែលរបូតធ្លាក់បាំងមុខដូចជាខ្មោចចំពេលដែលមេឃចាប់ផ្តើមងងឹត។ដោយសារតែនាងគ្មានពេលនៅតវ៉ានៅពេលមើលនាឡិកានៅលើដៃក៏ប្រញាប់ជិះកង់ទៅសណ្ឋាគារដែលនាងត្រូវបកក្បាលកង់ទៅក្រោយឆ្លងផលូវពីព្រោះនាងគិតថានាងជិះខុសផ្លូវដោយសារតែអាគារម្តុំនេះស្រដៀងគ្នាពេក។ បុគ្គលិកសណ្ឋាគារមុនដំបូងមិនចង់អោយនាងឡើងទៅជាន់លើនោះទេប៉ុន្តែVanilla ដែលជាមិត្តជិតស្និតរបស់នាងនិងជាកូនម្ចាស់សណ្ឋាគារចញមកជួយនាងទាន់ទើបអាចលើបានហើយក៏ប្រគល់នុំឃេតអោយទៅអ្នកចាត់ការរៀបចំផងដែរ។ Vanilla បាននាំMeiមកផ្លាស់សំលៀកបំពាក់និងចូលរួមកម្មវិធីជាមួយនាង។ហើយVanillaក៏រអ៊ូស្តីអោយMeiជាកូនស្រីអ្នកមានម្នាក់បែបជាមិនជិះឡានហើយធ្វើខ្លួនដូចបុគ្គលិកអនាន័យ។រៀនចំដល់ជំនាញខាងផ្នែកចំនីអហារនិងនុំពីបារាំងតែបែបជាមកសង្ខំបើកហាងតូចមួយក្នុងស្រុករាល់ថ្ងៃនឹងគិតអ្វីទៅMeiប្រើមេជើងមកគិតមែន។ Meiតបបែបកំប្លែងវិញថាជិះកង់ដូចហាត់ប្រាណហើយនាងមិនចះបើកឡានជិះឡានធ្វើអ្វីពេលស្ទះចរាចណ៍ម្តងៗក្តៅចង់ងាប់ហើយចង់បានជីវិតបែបសរីភាព។ ចំនែកអាហារនិងនុំឆ្ងាញ់ទាល់នៅទីតាំងតូចអាថ៍កំបាំងទើបមានន័យ។ និយាយដល់ត្រង់នេះVanilla តបបកទៅវិញបើនិយាយពីគំនិតនេះប្រហែលវង្វេងតុក្កតាAnimeទៀតហើយចុះរាល់ថ្ងៃដេកម៉ោងប៉ុនន្មានបានភ្នែកហើមជាំបែបនេះ។ Meiដែលអង្គុយអោយVanillaបាត់ព្យាយាមរាប់ដៃដូចកូនក្មេងនិងញញឹមថាប្រហែលម៉ោង៤និង៥ភ្លឺធ្វើអោយVanillaហួសចិត្តនិងមិត្តនេះឯងរវល់ការងារប្រទេសជាតិស្អី? ហើយទាញជក់បាត់ភ្នែកចុចលើកន្លែងហើមខ្លាំងធ្វើអោយMeiស្រែកល្មមតែពួកគេរៀបចំខ្លួនឡើងទៅHallពិសេសនោះពិធីបានចាប់ផ្តើមរួចទៅហើយ។ អំពូលភ្លើងហ្វាងបាញ់ចំពួកគេទាំងពីរជាពិសេសទៅលើMeiហើយMeiដូចជាដឹងខ្លួនថាបង្ហាញមុខពេកពីព្រោះជាកម្មវិធីរបស់DuxiនិងVanillaក៏ប្រញាប់ថយចំហៀងថយក្រោយបុកចំទ្រូងបុរសសង្ហាខ្ពស់ម្នាក់ដូចជាព្រះរាជបុត្រតែកំណាចដូចជាMafiaធ្វើអោយភ្លឹកងើយសំលឹងមើលបុរសអាថ៍កំបាំងនោះដែលទឹកមុខរៀបស្មើរមិនបង្ហាញពីអារម្មណ៍។