Another spar

Luna strolled around the yard and enjoyed the sun on her face, and her hair was slightly messy after the duel with Dorian. She turned at heard soft footfalls behind her.

"Hey. Nice to see you again," a voice greeted as Luna looked over her shoulder to find a man standing next to her who had a smile that seemed genuine. "The pig?" She said in annoyance.

"What are you doing here, Damian?"

"I'd want to ask Lady Sara why Dorian is not required to work," Damian explained, leaning on a tree and looking at Luna.

"Why? Jealous?" she stated and looked at the boy with curiosity.

"No! I don't think he deserves such treatment!" He replied defensively and crossed his arms. He looked away from Luna and stared at some flowers. She chuckled before walking towards him and sitting on a large rock. Her legs were dangling into the grass. She's watched a bird fly across the sky. It flew over them and landed on an old tree trunk. They didn't talk for a moment, but eventually, Damian cleared his throat. "So... "

Luna raised her eyebrows and smirked, " I would advise you to stay away from Dorian and me." She sighed dramatically, "Trust me, and this is for your good."


"Oh, shut up," Luna stood up, her arms still on top of the stone as they walked back towards their quarters. They continued talking until they arrived at their doors.

"Bye, bye. Little Piggie!~" Luna waved as he left, turning around to walk back into the mansion. She closed the door behind her with a sigh; she placed her hands on her hips and looked at herself in the mirror when she entered. Luna noticed a bruise under her arm where Dorian's shield made contact. She touched it gently, remembering the sharp edge. The door suddenly slammed open, making her jump slightly.

"Hey," a familiar voice called from behind her. She spun around to see Dorian grinning like always.

"What's up, Dorian? Ready for round two?" She asked playfully, her eyes filled with mischief.

"Of course." Dorian continued to practice weapon handling with Luna and low-tier magic with Sara throughout the week.

Luna could have assisted with magic, but her magic skills and spells were too complicated for a novice. Therefore he required someone with less experience. A week later, Luna and Dorian were sparring together in the gardens. Dorian was getting more used to the weapon handling and no longer used slash and run strategy.

"Alright then," the blonde began as she pulled her sword out, "you're going down."

Her opponent smirked and ran to attack her; Luna blocked his strike and slashed at him. They both dodged each other's attacks for a few moments until Luna attacked again and got the upper hand. Both of them stopped when they realised what had happened. Dorian was panting heavily while Luna smirked.

"That's not fair. You have centuries of experience!" Dorian frowned as Luna laughed lightly. The girl put her sword away and grabbed Dorian by his shoulders.

"Come now; we've been practising for hours," she smiled as she helped Dorian up. "I need a fucking shower."

Dorian nodded, "Yeah, you're right..." he breathed heavily.

They sat on a nearby bench. As soon as the adrenaline left Dorian's system, he felt exhausted. Luna looked at him; her gaze was serious.

"Are you alright?" She questioned softly. His expression changed into a confused look.

"Huh...yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" "You seem worn down," Luna said. A slight frown formed on her lips.

"I'm fine," Dorian replied, brushing off her concern. Before Luna could answer, Sara interrupted them.

"Hey, guys, come inside. Lunch will start soon!" She called from inside the house.

Dorian glanced at Luna before sighing, "Come on, Luna, let's go."

He pushed himself to stand up and headed toward Sara. Luna nodded before following behind him. When lunch came, everyone gathered around the dining table. Servants served everyone their food; d and Luna sat near Sara with Dorian on one side of her.

"Sara, can I get a cup of tea, please?" Dorian asked as he cut his meat with his knife.

Sara looked at him and tilted her head. "Of course."

Luna rolled her eyes slightly and ate quietly. After finishing her meal, she followed Dorian to one of the training rooms. Dorian took a deep breath as he entered the room and faced Luna, who leaned against a wall; she was holding her teacup between her palms.

"Okay. We're starting simple," Luna began with a stern voice, "force me to drop the cup. I won't be holding back this time."

"Wait, what?" Dorian responded in disbelief. Luna slighted a slight grin before she moved towards the centre of the room and started to stretch her body.

"Do it! Pick your weapon." Luna challenged with her arms above her head. Dorian hesitated but finally did as Luna told him to do. He moved closer and picked up a wooden training sword. Luna smirked and jumped forward. She kicked Dorian's torso, forcing him backwards. He managed to avoid hitting her. But as he moved back to block another kick, Luna kicked his sword out of his hand; it went flying across the room. Luna quickly stepped on top of Dorian's chest, pushing his arms to either side of him. Dorian grunted as he tried to push her off but failed. He glared at her, which caused her to smirk. However, Dorian's anger suddenly turned into confusion.

"L-Luna? Where are your panties?"

"Huh?" Luna looked down slightly before her face turned red. She removed her weight from Dorian and moved to stand up.

"They seemed uncomfortable." She mumbled, trying her best to hide her blush. She began to move to exit

"Wait," Dorian said. "Luna, please wait!"

Luna turned her head back slightly, "what?"

"Since when did you become an exhibitionist?" Dorian questioned.

Suddenly, Luna vanished and reappeared before him, punching him in the stomach. Dorian fell to the ground.

"Oops." She grinned evilly. "My hand slipped."

Dorian groaned and looked under Luna's skirt, his red eyes sparkling,

"you're so damn beautiful. It's killing me! "

Luna felt her cheeks grow warmer, but she couldn't help but let out a giggle. She bent down to help Dorian up and handed him his training sword.

"We'll continue this fight tomorrow before leaving for the academy." she said as she stood up straight, "goodnight, Dorian." She turned around, leaving the training room.