Leaving academy

"Oh shit! We forgot the Academy!" Dorian suddenly said. Luna snickered as Dorian jumped off of her.

"We've gotta get dressed" Dorian hastily dressed, and then they headed downstairs. Sara and Damian were already waiting for them on the first floor. Damian seemed extremely angry.

"Didn't mean to keep you guys waiting," Dorian explained sheepishly.

"Well, since you guys are already here, why don't we head off. We should leave now if we want to arrive in time for the entrance test," Sara pointed out.

"What entrance test?" inquired Dorian. "I have to perform some test?"

"Yes, you have to. The Academy is for magician elites. They won't take in just anybody."

"What will I have to do?"

"They'll give you everything. Just prove that you can use magic."

"And the test itself? What's my score?"

"If I remember correctly, all you have to do is prove your strength in magical combat."

"And what am I supposed to fight about?"

"It's a simple exercise. You have to fight one of the members of the Academy. It'll probably be pretty easy compared to some other tests. So if you want to try it, you'd better get going now. They're starting soon."

"Alright, alright. Don't worry about us. Let's get going."

"Can I join the academy as well?" Luna asked with excitement. Dorian stopped dead in his tracks.

"You too?"

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I?"

"Because you're..." Sara wanted to ​say something but realized Damian was in the room "Nevermind. Just forget it. "

Before Luna could ask what she meant, they left for the Academy. When they arrived, it looked like every member of the institute was already assembled in the gymnasium. Even Sara's parents were present. They had taken the time to change their robes into more appropriate attire before they made their way there. The instructor, who introduced herself as Professor Willis began speaking when everyone was seated.

"My name is Professor Willis. Please bear in mind that I cannot force you to participate in these activities if you are unable to withstand the stress that comes with it. But we will begin with some simple fire creation and defence spell."

The group gathered around her.

"Follow me," Professor Willis instructed and walked to the middle of the auditorium, where there was a large wooden cage in it were two poisonous wolves. Professor Willis gestured toward them and commanded, "Release the wolf!" The students watched as the two wolves lunged toward them, students. Everyone except Dorian and Luna ducked as the creature rushed past and dashed away as fast as possible. Dorian remained calm while Luna caught one wolf by its neck.


Everyone watched as she held the wolf's jaw open with one hand and with the other gently guided a fireball into their mouth. They closed their mouths shut and swallowed the fireball whole. Luna released its jaw and then gave it an affectionate pat on its head as the wolf began burning from the inside. She looked up at Dorian proudly. "Good job Luna." "Thank you, Dorian." Everyone including the teachers looked in awe and amazement as the students demonstrated how easily Luna killed the creature. No one knew, that she was a goddess with hundreds of years of fighting practice.

"What's your name, young lady?" Professor Willis pointed her finger at Luna.

"Luna. My name's Luna Lightbringer." The professor nodded her head. "What an interesting name!"

"Uh-huh." Luna nodded awkwardly.

There was a commotion as the other students turned to stare at Luna, whispering among themselves. They could not believe that a girl of her size could actually catch a wolf with a single hand. The teacher moved closer to Luna, who shrunk back slightly. "Don't be scared. I just want to ask, how did you do that? Professor was curious.

"Did you enhance your strength with magic?" "Um... yeah, sort of," Luna mumbled. "How come?" "It's a family secret. Sorry," Luna replied. However, as a goddess, she had an insanely powerful body. That and she didn't want anyone to know about her origins. Luna noticed that the crowd of students was becoming even more agitated, and they seemed to be talking about her behind her back.

"Is that true?" A girl with long dark brown hair shouted out. "Or maybe you're some kind of a monster?"

"Hey now, no need to be so rude," Dorian interjected as he stepped between the two girls. "Luna isn't a monster, trust me."

The students kept talking about Luna as if she wasn't standing right next to them. "I don't want any of you harassing my new friend anymore."

"Why shouldn't we?" a boy demanded. "She's just a lowly commoner, I never heard of a Lightbringer family!"

"Let's leave." Dorian told Luna after seeing her eyes turning dark.

He took her hand and walked toward the exit.

"Where are we going?" Luna demanded impatiently.

"To the forest. To train!"

The moment teachers saw them leaving they panicked. They ran after them and tried to pull Luna off Dorian but failed.

"Boy, you can leave. But the girl stays. She has a great talent which will be wasted elsewhere."

"Well, if she wants. She can stay! Haha!~" Dorian let Luna go and began laughing hysterically.


Dorian stopped laughing as Luna threw herself at him, wrapping her legs tightly around his waist and holding onto his head. She kissed him deeply and Dorian reciprocated the kiss, lifting Luna up as he spun her around and around, causing all the surrounding students to gasp loudly. Sara stared in shock, unable to look away.

"Don't you dare leave me here alone, you jerk!"

"Well, you see? She doesn't want to stay here without me and I don't want to stay here."

"Dorian! What are you talking about?" Sara shouted. Dorian ignored Sara's question and continued to walk away. Sara stood rooted in place, stunned.

"Do you know those people, Sara?" Professor Terry said with curiosity in his voice as he joined her side.

"Who exactly are they?" "The boy was recommended here by me..." Sara

answered in a hushed tone.

"Please invite them to return tomorrow. You're dismissed."


They returned home, completely exhausted. Dorian carried Luna upstairs into her room and placed her on her bed. He stripped down to his undershirt and boxers and joined her. He curled himself around her and kissed her neck softly. "Today was fucking awesome, I levelled up over 10 times!"