Sara's tears

Sara rushed in and found the two entangled together on her bed. She shook her head and sighed in defeat.



"Are you out of your fucking mind? You almost missed the chance to study in the Magic Academy."

"Hehe!~ Wait. What do you mean by almost?"

"Don't you realize how stupid you've just been today?" Sara scolded him, although it was evident that she couldn't help smiling at the end.

"Oh come on, I wasn't stupid today!" Dorian exclaimed, defensively. "I may have left that stupid place full of arrogant fucks, but I managed to get stronger!~"

"Luna, do you think his behavior is excusable?"

"Yup. It's just stupid magic school. I can teach him myself."

Sara stared at Luna with disbelief.

"...unbelievable," Sara mumbled under her breath as she slowly turned around and started walking out of her bedroom.

"Wait! Don't go!" Dorian pleaded and pulled on Sara's arm, stopping her. "What did you mean by almost?"

"I meant, I order you to return to the academy tomorrow," Sara told Dorian sternly, her face filled with disapproval.

"Huh? Come again?"

"I'm giving you an order to enroll yourself in the Academy."

"Wait... Lady Sara!"

"It's either the Academy, or you're going back to living in the barn!" She went down the stairs and quickly made her way outside without even looking back.

"Hey wait a second!" Dorian called, chasing after her. "Lady Sara wait! I'll go!"

After Dorian caught up with Sara and noticed tears falling down her cheeks. When he saw that, his chest started feeling heavy.

"Sara, what happened?"

"Dorian! Just forget it."

"No!" He grasped her hands and forced her to turn around so he could look her in the eye.

"Lady Sara please tell me. What happened?" he repeated. "Tell me what happened to make you so upset."

Sara took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

"You happened!"

Dorian frowned and waited for her to explain further.

"If you didn't want to enroll, you should have told me!" Sara yelled. "Do you have any idea how hard it was to get you a chance to enter that academy? Do you have any idea how embarrassed I was when the two of you ran away from the test?"

Dorian felt guilty. He planned to leave the academy if there were arrogant people he dislike. However, he never considered Sara's feelings. He was so immersed in his ego he forgot that she wanted what was best for him.

"I know I fucked up Lady Sara but-"

"But nothing! Please leave me alone." Sara interrupted Dorian. "Just go already!"


As Dorian turned to leave, he felt Sara grab onto his arm. Dorian looked back to see Sara pulling him towards her. She wrapped her arms tightly around him and buried her face in his shoulder. Dorian hesitated before returning Sara's embrace hesitantly.

"I'm sorry," Dorian whispered.

When Sara didn't reply, he removed his head from hers and lifted it up so he could look directly into her silver eyes. His heart started beating wildly, making him wonder why.

Sara closed her eyes as she leaned her forehead against his. They both remained silent and neither one of them dared to move.

Their lips were centimeters apart; Dorian had his breath stuck in his throat as he felt like he needed to breathe, just for a moment. Sara opened her eyes slowly and locked gazes with Dorian. Her heart fluttered uncontrollably. Her gaze shifted from Dorian's blue eyes down to his beautiful ruby-colored lips. Her mouth parted slightly, and her breath hitched in her throat. She could feel her breathing quicken and her heart beating wildly in her chest. Her face burned brightly. She felt dizzy and her whole body became warm. All she could do was hold tightly onto Dorian and stare into his eyes. She suddenly lost her ability to speak. A minute later Dorian finally recovered enough to speak.

"We should go." He broke the silence abruptly and gently pushed her away.


Dorian returned to his room and went straight to bed without taking his clothes off. He stared at the ceiling and thought of everything that happened during the day. He was just about to fall asleep when he suddenly remembered something. "Oh yeah, I leveled up quite a lot today!" Dorian tried forgetting the incident with Sara, so he decided to open status window and check his stats. He saw that he had leveled up insanely in one day with Luna's help and it seemed that the number of reward boxes he could buy now was increasing too. [Player: Dorian Van Cypher]

Class: ????

Level: 41 (126600 experience points to level 42)

HP: 70/70

MP: 90/90



The last one surprised him because he would have never guessed that his MP value would increase so much after leveling up, but he was not complaining. At least it meant that even more loot can be bought if there is enough rewards left over.

"You need to go hunting something stronger now. You left that forest free of monsters already"

A familiar voice echoed in his mind. It took Dorian a few moments until he realized what was happening.

"I guess I'll have to wait till I get my next quest, then. Maybe tomorrow after the test?" Dorian got comfortable under the warm covers, feeling sleepy now. Suddenly Luna appeared in the room, leaning against the wall as she smiled at him.

"Talking about school, you messed up!~" Luna said as Dorian sat up on the edge of the bed.

"No, no I did not!." Dorian argued immediately. "She will feel better tomorrow!"

"Whatever." Luna held out her hand expectantly, a smile still plastered on her face. "Quick question, were you planning to cheat on me?"

Dorian shifted his gaze to the wall. "I don't know what you mean..."

"Just kidding!~ I don't care how many women you have, I know I am your number one goddess."

Dorian smiled and placed a gentle kiss on her cheek before standing up. He stretched his back and groaned loudly.

"But seriously? Were you planning on cheating on me? "Luna laughed joyfully as she followed him downstairs. "Did you two kiss?!"

"Fuck you, Luna."

Luna walked up behind Dorian and wrapped her arms around his waist.

"You already did!~" she purred against his ear, a wicked smirk on her face as she kissed down his neck. He shuddered under the sensation of her soft lips.