another "workout" in bed (+18) you can skip chapter

Dorian woke up late and felt someone on top of him. He opened his eyes and found himself staring at Luna's bare chest, which was right next to his own. Her arms were around his waist, and a leg was resting over both of his. She was fast asleep with her head tilted sideways to rest on his shoulder. He tried not to wake her, but it was impossible when he didn't want to be woken up in the first place. She usually dematerialized whenever she went to sleep; however, this time, after an intimate night, she tried to sleep next to him as much as possible. So he just laid there and looked at the beautiful woman lying next to him. He could feel her breath against his neck. Her lips slightly parted as she slept peacefully next to him. He let out a small chuckle.

"Dorian?" She murmured. Dorian looked down at her and smiled at how peaceful she was. Then her face morphed into an annoyed frown. "What time is it?" She mumbled. She turned around, facing him as she propped herself onto one elbow."Do we have to go to that academy?"

"I don't see why not," Dorian replied, smiling as she glared at him. "Anyway, we still have five hours."

She groaned, threw herself back down onto the bed, and fumbled for something under the covers. When she finally pulled it out, she looked back at Dorian, holding out a small black box. "Is that?!"

"Yup! A reward box. While you were asleep, I found a way to hack the reward system and grab a few!" She grinned. Dorian sat up and took the box from her hands. The moment Dorian touched the box, it vanished, and a golden knife appeared.

"A... Knife?" Luna chuckled. "Yep. Not just any knife, it has a blessing of an assassin god. It increases penetration to incredible degrees."

She explained as Dorian examined the knife.

"It's beautiful." He mumbled.

"Don't worry about the reward points." She told him. "Now, I will be able to grab them every time you level up!~" Dorian laughed before pulling her towards him again.

"You're the best system ever!~" He said cheerfully. Luna giggled before placing the kiss on his lips.

"Well then, if that's all, I'm gonna take a shower." She said, standing up. "Wanna join me in the shower?" She leaned and spread her buttcheeks wide in front of him. His fingers moved of their own accord. Their hips met. Their breaths mingled together. His hand ran down her body, across her hip, and down until it reached her knee. He lifted her foot with a swift movement and placed it on his thigh. He continued his exploration of her body and slowly began moving his hand further downwards. Luna moaned softly and pushed her ass even more towards him. He put his finger inside her. He gently rubbed her clit. Luna cried out.

"Fuck yes." She moaned. She gripped his hair and tugged lightly at it. Soon enough, he slipped the finger into her tight entrance. She arched upwards as her orgasm started. Luna leaned forward and kissed him passionately. Dorian wrapped his arm around her waist. She bit him. He winced, then moaned loudly. Her hands left his hair. She grabbed hold of her breasts and squeezed them tightly. He continued to finger her, and soon enough, she screamed out again and came again.

Dorian slid another finger in while he enjoyed her cries of ecstasy. His finger hit her G spot. This caused her to arch her back. She cried out again. When she finished coming, she pushed Dorian onto the bed and climbed on top of him.

"Lick it!~" She ordered. He licked the tip of her clit. He did so until she moaned again. He inserted the second finger and began stroking her pussy. She moaned. "Yes!~"

She whispered between moans. She began pumping her hips wildly. Her juices dripped down the tip of her dick. He continued his movements. Eventually, his thumb brushed against her slit. He slowly pushed two of his fingers in. She let out a loud groan of pleasure. She thrust her hips faster and harder. She moaned,

"Faster!" He increased the speed of his fingers, pushing deeper and deeper into her. She squealed and moaned. She thrust harder. Her moans turned louder and louder. He pushed his fingers in even faster. She kept screaming, throwing her head back as she orgasmed. Dorian removed his fingers. He quickly covered her mouth as her moans grew louder.

"Hush! Do you want everyone to hear us" He told her. He kissed her deeply before lowering his fingers to her cunt.

"Yes!~" She whimpered as he slowly inserted his third finger inside her. Her moans became louder and louder. The longer they went without sex, the louder they got. "Put it in me!~ Fuck me, Dorian!"

She cried as she started to ride his face as fast as she can. Dorian inserted his fourth finger inside of her. After she came for the fifth time, her moans faded and her breathing calmed. She looked at him with glossy eyes. She grabbed his shoulders and kissed him hard. He grabbed her hips and flipped them over. She started rubbing her hand at his crotch. She began grinding against him, kissing him intensely. "Put your dick inside me!~"

She demanded, looking at him through her heavy eyelids. Dorian smirked. "Nope!~" He flipped her onto her stomach before he climbed on top of her. She started to grind against him again. His eyes never left her pussy, but he didn't insert his dick in her. He teased her by rubbing it around her pussy.

"Please!~" She begged him. He gave her a dirty look and suddenly slammed his dick in her. She bucked off his dick, and he watched with pride as the veins popped out of her neck and forehead, giving him even more of a chance.

"Again!" She shouted, throwing her head back. Dorian grabbed his cock again and thrust it roughly inside her pussy. She threw her head back and moaned in pleasure. He thrust a few more times until he reached his ovation. He withdrew himself from her, but she grabbed his wrist and pulled him close to her again. She began sucking him furiously. He grabbed her wrists and pinned her hands above her head. She moaned loudly again before biting his nipple. She grabbed his cock and pumped it rapidly. After what seemed like forever, she came once again. And after finishing, she collapsed onto the bed next to him. They stayed silent. They stared at each other for a moment before laughing.

"You're fucking awesome." He stated. He lay next to her, wrapping her arms around him. Luna nodded.

"Yeah. You too." She muttered. After what seemed like ages, they took a shower together. Afterward, he helped her dress. He held his hand near her face, letting the water flow out of his fingers. "I love you!" She exclaimed happily.

"And I love you, Luna," He smiled. They hugged and kissed. "Oh, and I will try getting lower tier spellbook today!~" She added as she walked out of the room. "You can pay back with your body!~"