The entrance test

After Luna and Dorian reached the magic academy, they noticed Sara standing with her parents, looking at them. She waved at them when their eyes met.

"Sara!" Luna called out, but Sara didn't turn around. Instead, she talked to her parents as if Luna wasn't there. 'Strange,' Dorian thought. He didn't remember ever seeing Sara this cold towards him or Luna. Dorian believed it was his fault for flirting with Sara last night. He thought it was an honest mistake that would happen to anyone else, but he still felt guilty. And now, she wouldn't even greet him. He tried not to let it get to him, but it seemed like she ignored him every time he saw her. Luna looked over at Dorian, who was frowning. She smiled apologetically at him. 'Maybe I should talk to her?' Luna thought to herself, 'It's worth a try!' Luna took a deep breath before walking over to Sara. When Luna arrived, she stood behind her.

"Sara! Hi!" Luna greeted with a smile, "I think we need to talk!" Luna said in a small voice, not wanting to upset her friend.

"No, Luna, I don't think so," Sara responded. "Just get ready for the entrance test."

She said before turning and heading towards the Academy. Luna frowned after her. Luna turned back towards Dorian,

"Tsk. And here I was trying to act friendly." She huffed. Dorian smiled lightly at Luna before saying, "I don't blame you; Sara can be pretty mean sometimes..."

"We meet again, miss Lightbringer!" Professor Willis greeted Luna.

"Yes, teacher. How are you doing?" She asked.

"I'm good. Thank you for asking. I am sorry about the student's rude behavior yesterday." Professor Willis smiled.

"It's fine," Luna replied

"Please join the rest of the students. You too, young man." Professor Willis pointed at Dorian.

Dorian ignored her and stared at the birds in the sky. Professor Willis shook her head and sighed. Then she headed over towards Sara. The pair walked away from each other and towards the Academy's entrance, where everyone was. Luna glanced at Sara.

Sara was standing by a tall boy with dark skin and short black hair. He also had a scar on one side of his face. The two whispered. After a while, they stopped talking. They both started to walk away. The taller guy grabbed Sara's wrist gently as they passed by. He whispered something in Sara's ear before kissing the top of her hand. Sara frowned and pulled her hand out of his grip. Then he left. Luna's heart fell. She could tell something was bothering Sara.

"Should I kill that guy? Luna wondered. "What do you think, Dorian?"

Dorian looked up to see what was going on. He watched as the older student grabbed Sara's wrist before leading her inside the castle.

"If you must, then go ahead." He responded before turning back to look at the sky. "I wonder if you could teach me the search spell today."

"Oh, that's easy." Luna grinned as a bright grin crossed Dorian's face. They made their way through the crowd, and suddenly Dorian's face turned blank. Luna quickly noticed what was wrong. Her eyebrows knit together in concern and confusion. Dorian wasn't moving.

"Dorian? What is it?" Luna spoke slowly to make sure he could hear her. However, she soon noticed the cause of Dorian's confusion. She remembered that person from Dorian's past life memories. "Is that... Lilith?!"

"That's one hell of a resemblance," Dorian commented. Lilith was wearing a light blue dress with black accents. Her black hair fell softly down her shoulders, her eyes twinkled, and a soft smile graced her lips. A few people walked around Lilith, but they seemed reluctant to approach the girl. Lilith noticed this. She raised her arms slightly, causing an ice cube to form. It floated towards a few students, making them run in fear. When Lilith released the ice cube, it exploded, creating a mighty wind that blew almost all the students off their feet. As the breeze faded, Lilith stepped forward. The people around her quickly began to move away from Lilith, giving her room to breathe freely.

"So cool!" Dorian exclaimed, "Can I touch it?"

Dorian approached Lilith and stretched his hands out to reach for the snowflake. But he hesitated. His eyes narrowed when Lilith glared at him. He backed away and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

"I'm sorry." He muttered.

"Don't worry about it..." Lilith mumbled quietly, "But I wish you wouldn't come near me. If you do so again... Well, there are consequences." Lilith said calmly. She believed Dorian was just another of her admirers. She turned away from Dorian, facing Luna.

"However, you can talk to me anytime!~" Lilith chuckled. She wrapped her arm around Luna's waist and patted her head. Luna smiled at Lilith. However, Luna was perplexed. When Lilith left, she stared at Dorian and waited for an explanation.

"She's... into girls," Dorian replied.

"What!?" Luna repeated, surprised. "You never mentioned that!"

Dorian shrugged, "Not important." He looked over at Luna and saw her staring at Lilith again. Suddenly, realization dawned on him.

"Hey... if you like her..." Dorian smirked. He watched Luna shake her head vigorously.

"What?!" Luna asked angrily, "Of course not!"

Their conversation was cut short by the sudden announcement that the test would start in ten minutes. Dorian nodded and, together with Luna, went to the training grounds. Dorian and Luna walked next to each other. Both boys kept looking up at Luna. There she sat, sitting under the tree, reading. Dorian couldn't resist the temptation.

"Luna~" Dorian sang out. Luna looked over and saw Dorian grinning like an idiot.

"What's up, Dorian?" Luna asked with a curious tone. However, they heard professor Willis's voice announcing the start of the test. "Nevermind. You can tell me later."

Luna said with a smirk. She watched as Dorian rolled his eyes. As the students walked into the arena, they were told to split themselves into groups. Many people tried to invite Luna, but she politely declined every invitation. Dorian asked Luna to leave him alone for the duration of the test.

"Huh?! What the fuck do you mean?!" Luna shouted with disbelief written all over her face. "I want to be with you!"

"Why? Because I can fight better than you?" Dorian teased.

"Huh? What's up with you? Did you turn on an idiot mode or something?" Luna asked in a concerned tone.

"Maybe. ... leave me alone," Dorian said quietly.

"Fine!" Luna pouted and left Dorian's sight A few minutes later, the test began. In the middle of the arena was a portal to another dimension. The test was survival. Dorian stared at a couple of arrogant fools who insulted Luna for not being noble. His face turned dark.

"This is going to be so much fun! teehee!~" Dorian giggled.