It was about a week after the accident when we were getting ready to go back to beacon hills I was kind of sad to leave this place behind where i grew up and lived most of my life and finally made some friends although I won't miss the way people stared at me now, ever since the accident people have been looking at me with pity in their eye's I hate that look like I need them to pity me, so that's one thing im looking forward to no one knowing me or anything about me.
I had a bittersweet goodbye to my friend's they were pretty understanding of this whole situation and we all promised to keep in touch but I knew it wouldn't ever really be the same they would be here together living their lives and I would be there coasting through mine.
My mom asked if I wanted to stay for the last 3 weeks of school but I told her I could just finish online and honestly I really just want to leave at this point I kind of hate waking up ever morning doing my same old routine except when I go down the stares and my dad isn't in his usual spot already eating breakfast it hurts being reminded of the things I lost everyday.
Mom and I decided to sell the house after I packed up everything I wanted to bring to my mom's house it wasn't much mainly because I already had a room at her house I only really took some of my clothes, my sketch pad, some books and some of my dad's stuff like a couple of his jackets and shirts in my size and his other ring besides his wedding ring I gave that back to mom.
After everything was taking care of we were finally leaving and putting this place behind us I really don't see myself coming back here anytime soon seeing as my dad was cremated as per his wishes, he said he wanted to be cremated so I could take his urn with me to my mom's so we could all be together again, when I heard the lawyer say that I felt like crying again but I stopped myself. my mom on the other hand couldn't stop herself, people assumed they were divorced because they stopped loving each other but that couldn't be further from the truth they were still in love they just couldn't find the right timing i guess.
it was a long boring drive to beacon hills it took about two days with us stopping in between for the night I don't even know how my mom got to the hospital as fast as she did probably some kind of mom power that never lets you rest till you know your kid is fine, anyway as we were driving through beacon hills im looking around and it looks the same as any other time i've been here same boring quiet town where nothing ever happens, pulling up to the house which i use to think was why to big for just my mom but it's not just her now so I guess it's fine still kind of big though, it had two stories with an attic, two car garage cream colored with a brick face in the front.
After I was done moving my stuff out of the car and in to my room I plopped down on the bed and drifted off staring at the ceiling as I was sleeping in my dreamscape all I could see, feel, and hear was fire it was a bizarre feeling I could hear the fire roaring all around me I could touch it but it didn't burn like I thought it would it was warm and a little soothing until I turned around to see a flaming skull staring at me through the fire all the sudden the heat shot through the roof I could feel the skin and muscles melting, my blood boiled as it came in contact with the flames before I could even register what was happening my nose was assaulted with the smell of my own burnt hair and skin, in a panic I try turning away but it grabs me by the head forcing me to look at the flames burning in his eye sockets, he only let me go when I looked just like him just left with my skeleton and flaming skull at least it doesn't hurt anymore, we just look at each other till he finally brings up his finger he points at me and speaks in a demonic voice.
??? - "your turn"
Dalton - *my turn what the hell is he talking about my turn for what*
??? - "you will be my rider now"
Dalton - *???????, did it just read my mind*
??? - "yes I did"
Dalton - "what the hell is even happening right now, who or what are you and what do you want with me"
??? - "I am Zarathos the spirit of vengeance, and you have been chosen as my new rider from my previous host"
Dalton - "I have to be crazy there is no way this is happening"
Zarathos - "well it is and you have no say in the matter, you will be my rider"
Dalton - "what do you mean rider what do you even want me to do"
Zarathos - "simple, you punish those around you who are evil like you did with that truck driver"
Dalton - "wait so I have to do that to everyone evil what if they only shop lifted would I kill them then"
Zarathos - "no you decide what crime is punishble by death unless it's someone really bad then the Ghost Rider takes over and does it for you"
Dalton - "I thought I was this ghost rider"
Zarathos - "you are but not really until you can turn it on and off or sense when someone is really bad without losing control"
Dalton - "then how am i supposed to control it"
Zarathos - "slow way just transform over and over again till you can i do it on command like moving an arm or a leg, fast way taking out sinners gives you more control"
Dalton - "so I don't need to kill people"
Zarathos - "you will want to when you see the sins of your fellow man, although you have it easier then most first time riders for some reason I can't influence you to take out sinners like normal it's like something is stopping me ever since you came to this town, im sure you noticed you hearing words almost a whisper every day to kill sinner's, that was me"
Dalton - "so that was real I thought that was just some PTSD or something from the accident"
Zarathos - "frankly kid you got super lucky im not talking in your ear 24/7 although i don't know what's stopping me i do know it has to with this town"
Dalton - "what could possibly stop you in boring old beacon hills"
Zarathos - "I don't know, but I do know it's about time for you wake up"
right after Zarathos said those words I wake up in a cold sweat hearing my mom calling me down for dinner.
Alexandra - "hey Dalton come down dinner's ready"
Dalton - "alright be right there"
before changing out of my sweat filled clothes i notice my hand smoking quickly shaking it in a fit to get rid of it till it finally stops.
Dalton - *I guess that wasn't just some weird dream huh*
Alexandra - "Dalton come on it's gonna get cold"
Dalton - "sorry im changing be right there"
now that the smoke machine stopped I can finally change out if these clothes i just grab a pair of dark blue basketball shorts and grab a black shirt from my box of clothes as I put the shirt of my nose im welcomed by an all to familiar scent, my dad's, feeling the all to fresh pain again debating weather I should wear it I finally pull the shirt down.
Dalton - *gotta start getting used to him being here without actually being here*
walking down the stairs to the dining room to eat my mom gives me hug and looks at me with shock I think she noticed this was dad's shirt from the way was looking at it like she was reminiscing about it.
Dalton - "mom are you alright"
Alexandra - "yeah im fine just lost in my memories, how about you, are you fine"
she ask me while touching my face with tears threating to break out of her eyes at any moment so I just gave her my best smile and told her i was alright no matter how untrue that my be. after dinner I watch a little tv till finally turning in.
Dalton - *hopefully no more visit's from Zarathos tonight or any night for that matter*
and just like that a couple months go by nothing really major or interesting happened i only really stayed inside drawing or reading over summer I stayed with online school I wanted to keep doing online school but my mom convinced/ forced me to enroll back into physical school, i start in two days and tomorrow is my birthday not really looking forward to it considering.
i've barely worked on my transformation not really taking a lot of time to practice i mean what could possibly happen in beacon hills, anyway i remembered my dad telling me about the present he got me for my birthday a couple days ago im not sure if im excited or scared to get it.