About two weeks before i go back to school the house next to us gets sold i've met the man who bought it his name is Chris he's a pretty nice man seems kind of serious though or at least that's what i thought till i met his wife a week later she introduced herself as Victoria, she has this natural air of coldness shrouding her or maybe it's more arrogance maybe it's a mix of both. as they were talking to my mom and I they mentioned having a daughter.
Victoria - "we actually have a daughter starting at beacon hills high in week"
Alexandra - "oh really, Dalton here is going back to school in a week to"
Victoria - "oh, did you also just move in"
Alexandra - "no i've lived here a couple years now my son just moved here and did online school for the first bit of school"
Chris - "that's good i hope you and my daughter get along"
Dalton - "what year is she in"
Chris - "she's a sophomore"
Dalton - "that works, im also a sophomore"
Alexandra - "is your daughter here i'd love to meet her"
Victoria - "no she's at our old house still packing, we should have her here in a couple days"
Alexandra - "that's good when she gets i'll have to drag you all to my house for dinner"
Victoria - "that would be nice thank you"
Alexandra - "alright we'll get out of your hair now so you can unpack, it was lovely meeting you both"
Victoria - "it was lovely meeting you to"
Chris - "likewise"
Before we left i shook Chris's hand and the weirdest thing i got a response from Ghost Rider like a really weak urge to kill him but as soon as i let go of his hand the urge to kill him vanished along with our contact and then i shook Victoria's hand and if Chris was a whisper hers was just normal in the sense it was louder, not letting anything show on my face'
Dalton - *alright don't start freaking out in front of two strangers, just smile and wave*
when i got upstairs my previous facade instantly crumbled cold sweating dripping down my back stinging my eye's at some point i started to get hot like really hot before i knew it my body was letting off smoke again instead of just my hand though this time it was happening all over.
thinking quickly i stripped my closes and jumped in the shower immediately turning it cold in an attempt to cool my shelf off before i quite literally burst into flames, it actually kind of helped but i was also calming my breathing so im not sure what one actually helped, the water felt really nice cascading down my skin almost wrapping me in it's cool comfortable embrace.
Dalton - *i thought i might hate the cold now seeing as how i have a fire demon inside of me*
noticing no more smoke i finished me shower and just spent the rest of the day in my room like always until dinner and after that i just went to sleep, until i was pulled back into the hell dreamscape.
Dalton - "dammit not again"
Zarathos - "yes again boy"
just like last time i went through the process of my skin and muscle melting, my blood evaporating and turning into a flaming skeleton, unlike last time it didn't hurt.
Dalton - "hey why didn't this hurt like last time"
Zarathos - "i made it not hurt this time"
Zarathos - "stop yelling boy yes i made it hurt last time i was mad at whatever was stopping my influence over you so i let you feel pain, and what do you mean why you do know im a demon"
Dalton - "fine but still fuck you, why did you call me here again"
Zarathos - "to talk, why haven't you even attempted to control my power"
Dalton - "does it really matter you said you have no control over me anyway so what's the point"
Zarathos - "i didn't say i have no control i said i don't have as much influence that doesn't mean you're free to do whatever you want, take today for example if that lady was just a little worse you would've burst into flames right there and killed her without any say"
when those words left his mouth cold sweat started falling from my face, that should say something seeing as how im left with only my skeleton in a flaming wasteland.
Dalton - "ok then what am i supposed to do to control it"
Zarathos - "i already told you are you dumb or something, just try and tap into that feeling you got from the lady and then get rid of it, or just kill sinners that's what i would do"
Dalton - "yeah well no offense but im not taking advice from a demon"
Zarathos - "that's fine don't come crying to me when you meet someone really messed up because if you don't have control that's where i come in and i could give a damn where, when or who"
Dalton - "dammit, why did that guy transfer you to me"
Zarathos - "i don't know, go find him and ask"
Dalton - "im good, can you get me out of here now"
with a huff from Zarathos i woke back up in my bed only to fall right back into the clutches of my bed.
for the next five days nothing much really happened till it was my birthday we got a little closer to the argent's over the last week so when their daughter got to their new house the morning of my birthday my mom thought it was a good idea to invite them over for lunch.
honestly i was a little stunned when i saw Allison for the first time i was expecting her to act like her parents but she really wasn't she was pretty cute to with long curly black hair and dimples when she smiled.
Allison - "hello im Allison Argent nice to meet you both"
Dalton - "hey, im Dalton"
Alexandra - "Victoria you never said your daughter would be so cute"
Allison - "thank you" she responded with a slight blush
when Victoria heard my mom compliment her daughter she puffed her chest out a bit more clearly happy hearing what was said about her daughter.
Victoria - "oh stop that, we're for Dalton's birthday but nonetheless thank you"
Chris - "yes happy birthday Dalton"
Allison - "happy birthday"
Dalton - "thank you all"
Alexandra - "alright lets get inside and eat"
getting nods from everyone we made our way to the dinning room table my mom sat at the head of the table then Chris and Victoria on one side me and Allison on the other, we only talked for about 30 minutes before there was a knock at the door.
Dalton - "did we invite anyone else mom"
Alexandra - "no we didn't, it might just be the mail"
hearing that i flinched and was clearly a little hesitant to open the door, not being able to hide this from my mom or anyone else at the table.
Alexandra - "Dalton honey are you alright"
Dalton - "yeah i am i just think that might be dad's gift"
Alexandra - "oh, do you want me to get it"
noticing her crestfallen face i just gave her a smile and let her know i would get.
Now i don't know what i was expecting when i opened the door but it definitely wasn't a big ass wooden crate.
Driver - "hello sir is there a Dalton Erich here by chance"
Dalton - "that's me"
Driver - "perfect can you sign for the package sir"
Dalton - "uh yeah"
after the driver left i went to get my mom because i really had no idea what that was supposed to be, i mean what kind of birthday present comes in a huge wooden crate.
Dalton - "hey mom can you come here, you guy's can come to"
Alexandra - "yeah honey is everything alright"
Dalton - "um i think you should just see this for your self"
walking outside with everyone they are all equally stunned to see the big crate.
Alexandra - "how do we open it"
Chris - "i've got a crowbar i'll run to the house and get it"
Alexandra - "thank you Chris"
as Chris went to get his crowbar we were all trying to guess what it was well mainly only me and Allison but we were making jokes like maybe it's a mummy, or lamp shaped like a leg, my favorite one was there just being a card in there the thought of using such a big crate for one little card made me and my mom laugh, i think Allison noticed we were both tense so she tried to calm us down and can't really fault her if it worked.
Chris came back about 5 min later with his crowbar.
Chris - "you wanna open"
Dalton - "yeah sure, thanks"
taking the crowbar from Chris and sticking it into a crevice to get leverage i push down as hard as i can till i pop the lid with the lid off all the other sides fall down with a thud revealing what's in the box.
Alexandra - *gasps*
Dalton - "no way, mom is that dad's bike"
Alexandra - "yeah i think it is honey"
Dalton - "but how i thought he sold it"
Alexandra - "i thought he did to, is there a letter somewhere"
Allison - "um this fell out of it"
Allison hands me a letter with my dad's handwriting not even trying to hide the shock on my face opening the letter as gently as i can not wanting to damage even a piece of it, finally opening the envelope and finding a letter inside i start to read it.
Garret - {hey kiddo i bet your confused why i still had my bike even though i said i sold it long story short i just couldn't part with it so i put in a storage facility, oh man i can't wait to get the call from your mom to chew me out HAHAHA remember if your mom kills me i love you and don't regret not selling my bike because i can pass it down to you now and hell maybe you can pass it to your kids my grandkids man i can't wait to see that day, anyway back on track im gonna try to get down to beacon hills in the next day or two with a rental bike so we can for a mini tour together. alright this letter is getting a little long so im gonna end it here i can't wait to see and ride with you, happy birthday son, i love you more than anything}{ps. tell your mom i love her to bye.}
it was like all my repressed emotions from the last couple months just came flooding out like a tsunami and before i could even try to stop them tears were already flooding my eyes with no end in sight.
Dalton - "shit im sorry just give me a minute, here mom"
giving my mom the letter i go inside to calm down leaving everyone stunned outside my mom also after reading the letter cry's a little bit.
Chris - "should we come back some other time"
Alexandra - "no that's fine it's just he lost his dad in a car accident a few months back and my husband sent this before he died so it probably just reminded him of stuff he didn't want to think about"
Victoria - "oh my that's terrible"
Chris - "you have my condolences"
Alexandra - "thank you both"
back inside the house i finally managed to stop my tears changing my clothes into a pair of grey jeans, black work boots and my dad's leather jacket he never wore it and mine got destroyed in the accident, walking back out of the house meeting the gazes of everyone is a little awkward and embarrassing if im being honest.
Dalton - "sorry about that"
Allison - "you don't need to be sorry it's alright"
Alexandra - "she's right honey it's fine"
Dalton - "thank you, mom do you mind if i go for a ride by myself for a bit"
Alexandra - "go ahead but you better not take long were doing cake in a bit"
Dalton - "ok ill be quick"
Alexandra - "you better be careful young man"
Dalton - "ill be fine remember dad taught me years ago"
Alexandra - *sighs* "alright just be careful please"
Dalton - "will do"
pulling out of the drive way no real destination i just drive for relishing in the feeling of the wind billowing on my face caressing my hair with it's gentle touch brushing my hair back or at least i was till i realized i was driving for a almost 30 minutes.
Dalton - *oh shit mom might kill me if i don't hurry*
making it home in record time i just enjoyed the rest of my birthday in the presence of good company till late into the night remembering Allison and i both start at school tomorrow we decided to end the party here all in all it was a pretty good birthday minus the whole crying in front of my guest.
as i walk pass my new bike i notice the fuel take is almost empty.
Dalton - "hey mom im gonna go and fill up my tank at the gas station down to road the tank is almost empty"
Alexandra - "i don't know if i want you riding out so late at night"
Dalton - "i'll be fine mom it shouldn't take that long"
Alexandra - "alright just please by careful"
After i filled up my tank at the gas station i was getting ready to leave me i felt like i was on fire looking down i notice smoke coming from my hands noticing a bathroom in the distance i start to trudge my way there melting the asphalt with each pain filled step, step by step getting worse and worse my flesh drifting off my hands like ash blowing in the wind making it into the bathroom i close the door melting the handle in the process looking at my reflection in the mirror my eyes are and the skin on my face is disappearing with each passing second till all that's let is my skull on fire.
leaving the bathroom and getting back on my bike. and letting out a menacing roar as if to let my presence be known to all.
Ghost Rider/Dalton - *RAAAAAAAAAAAAA*
roaring with laughter the ghost rider darts off to the beacon hills preserve leaving behind a blazing trail, he's off to get the sinner, one little wolf