chapter 15. All about disrespect.

Renzo's POV.

That little disrespect of a girl. The one I saved her soul from burning in hell and all she could say was that I tried taking advantage of her.  How stupid of her. I could have killed her just in an instant because of her disrespect and no one would have done anything to me. 

I was used to killing in such a way that, even a fly would not pass by without getting hurt in case they make it uncomfortable for me. And yes, I hate flies, they are a nuisance.

I remember killing one of my sick men who disobeyed me by running his mouth in a meeting just like the one I have with these idiots.

 "We are going to follow this route as stated on the map, this will be an easier and safer route to reach our destination ". I watched the rest of the men go mute for some second with their hands under their chins, with deep thoughts, they agreed to my idea.

"Well, I think we could use the main road.  This part is said to be dangerous, and traveling underwater is not my idea of fun".  Dino furrowed his eyebrows and told me in a high-pitched tone, making the rest of them look at him in a trance. That was against the rules, you raise your voice at your boss. But I  remained calm and tried as much as not to kill him because the anger emanating from me at that moment was enough to kill him just with a punch. However, he went on and kept arguing to the point where he said he was not going to go to the mission by taking the underground route. 

That was the point where I couldn't stand his disrespect.  I made Marco stand up from his seat, I removed the gun stuck in his waistband, and without a second thought, I shot the bullet into his face. The room went dead silent at my action. No one altered a word.

"Anyone else has something to say or any other suggestions or maybe does not want to follow my orders?".

All I could hear was the thumping sound of their hearts, their eyes passing glances at each other.

"I would have loved to, but I still have some bitches  out there, waiting to suck my dick and I wouldn't want to waste that chance ".

Nicco blurted out, after the silence. He always takes everything for a joke. "I agree with Nicco". 

Marco joined in and Alessandro just shook his head indicating that he was fine with everything. 

 "You know just what to do with the body".

I handed back Nicco his gun and headed straight up to my room. If there was one thing I hate so much, it was disrespect, and would not mind killing because of that.

Dino was a part of us for a few years and he was someone you could trust with work, but one thing about him; he liked that orders should be taken from him. I'm the boss and not him.  Nicco had talked to me about his attitude and asked us to eliminate him because he was going to become a big threat to us but then, I wanted to observe his movements before any conclusions were made. Too bad for him, that night was his last.

And for the girl back on the train, I do not know what stopped me from killing her. She did not disrespect me but also insulted me for trying to take advantage of her.  When I got a hold of her neck and looked into her eyes, I saw this cloud of misery in them, lost hope and a sad soul crying out for help. That has never been me, reading a woman's emotions. But her case was different.  I kind of felt sorry for her. Even went I held her on the train. She felt as light as a feather. Looks like she has been going through so much trouble, which was none of my business. I just helped her just as I did to the others on the train. 

Oh yes, that reminded me. I picked up a necklace that looked familiar and expensive. It was not owned just by anybody. The necklace looked Italian and was worn by renowned Italian families. I wonder who that necklace belongs to. And talking about Italy,  I have to pay a visit to my home town Sicily and see how the business I established there over the years was doing.  So far, all I could get were just financial records and phone calls. I needed to put a face to all that.


"Are you all ready?". I asked in the villa basement where Alessandro and Nicco were, getting ready to go for the mission I sent them. "Yes, but I haven't had breakfast yet". Nicco whined sitting on top of a stool in the basement, with his hand scratching the back of his head and his eyes looking hungrily at me.

"Me too, I haven't had something to eat".

They both stared hungrily at me. I mean it's not even up to 24 hours since they last had food. "Did I raise weaklings?''

My voice was quite calm but sounded murderous. Which made them shift uncomfortably before taking a steady stand.

" I'm no weakling, maybe Alessandro is. He might be the one you're referring to". That sent Alessandro to blink at him a few times with a shocking expression on his face, without second thoughts, he threw a punch at Nicco, who dodge and let Alessandro almost stumble to the floor. Nicco burst out in laughter "see that, just a perfect way to show that you are a weakling.  You can't even aim a punch ".

Before he could finish giving out his analysis, Alessandro furiously gave him the punch he missed at first, which took Nicco by surprise and he put both hands on his jaw in shock. 

" Alright, time to go.  I need you both back before nightfall and with good news".

I caught between the fight that was about to erupt between them even though I know it was not something serious. They are always on each other's necks like cats and rats. Luckily enough, Marco was not around, or else, he would have added more fuel to it. He enjoys things like this.

"Before you two kill yourself out there, make sure to bring me my money first".

I said, about to step out when Marco walked in. Talk of the devil. 

"I have some important piece of information ".

He said worriedly, touching his chin, something he likes doing.  He looks like he just woke up from bed. Since I told him he was going to be staying at home today.  He slept like he was on a honeymoon. Even though it was still 4 AM. 

What he said made the others stand up abruptly, to listen to what he wanted to say.

"Say it, what is the information at this time of the morning?".

He hesitated for a moment before opening his mouth to say something. 

"Sorry to say this, Cheryl called me last night before I went to bed..."  he suddenly stopped, not sure to continue further. 

"You know, I hate suspense and if you want to talk, talk and let me listen to you". I warned, removing the gun from my waistband though I was not going to use it.

"She said some creepy guy checked in at the hotel yesterday and has his eyes all over the place like he is trying to get some information ". 


That was the life we live. You should always be ready to get such information at any time. We are surrounded by enemies. But that didn't bother me. I have dealt with such cases before and this was nothing to me.

"Creepy men always choose our hotels to lodge in. I wonder what is wrong with every one of them".

Nicco said, robbing the tip of his gun. I know with just one word from me, he wouldn't hesitate to kill them in just an instant.  But this case was, I was going to handle it by myself.

I want to see who this man is and asked him a few questions and if he doesn't cooperate, my torture house in the woods is ready to welcome him just at any time. 

"What else did she talk about?".

"Uhm, nothing much...oh yes, that Alice would be working at the hotel today and would only come back tomorrow morning ".

"Alright, I would surely drop by the hotel today, if I leave the company early enough ".

With that, I dismiss them and went back inside the main house to get myself ready for work. Just the beginning of another busy day. The company was nothing closer to home. You would drive down a few kilometers from my home, before making it up to the city, where you could see more people and about the hotel, I need to visit. It's been I went there.