chapter 16 strange email

Renzo's POV.

Making sure that everything was well taken care of and my brother had what he needed for the day. I stepped outside and drove in one of my cars. I use the red sports car which was one of my favorites since it is the fastest and could drive faster whenever I'm late for work.  I drove as quickly as I could.  When I reached the gate, the point where I needed to insert a code before it opened.  I stepped out of the car and keyed in a 12-letter word into the smart wristwatch on my hand and extended it to the direction of the gate. This code was known only to me and nobody else had access to it. Unless I told you. Even with the wristwatch with you, you still wouldn't know the code. 

The geographical location of my house was a bit odd but ok to me as it was far from the city. It was about 100 kilometers away from the city. It is surrounded by a small body of water. We could team it up on an island. 

The space between the ground surface of the house and that on the other side of the island was just about 20 meters, making it easy for a motorway to be constructed, thus connecting the two parts which made it possible to drive in and out of the villa. 

 From the outside, all you can see is a large body of water and no house.  Unless you are being told that there was a house surrounded by the body of water you see. You could see the gate quite visible from the inside but the outside was just a large body of water. And only the code could help one gain access into the house, which is impossible if I was not around. 

 Just a few people knew the house.  My three men, the four maids, my brother Enzo and Cheryl.  Talking about Cheryl, I would talk about her in the time ahead.

I struggled a great deal, trying to find a perfect scientist to do this planning for me. This did not only cause me a fortune but almost cost me my life savings.  Goodness to GODA that I was able to stand back on my feet when the architectural stuff was all done and the house completely built. 

And do you know what I did to everyone that was involved in the building of this house? Well, when it was all done, I killed everyone. The reason is I have a lot of enemies and if they ever find out about these men, they were surely going to trace them back to me and that was something I was not going to let happened and so the scientists built the invisible gate and gave the passcode, well, even if I was to let the others go free, but him. I consider him to be a bigger threat.

 To trace me was just another problem of its own, you have to pass through a lot of wooded trees in the thick forest before coming close to where I am.

Ruling the underworld was not a day's job. You had to be wise.  My aim is to conquer and bring my father's legacy back to life and also get revenge on whoever did kill them.

I know getting their killers was going to be a difficult task as I have tried over the years but nothing was found. But I know I will find them someday and somehow.

As the gate opened, I stepped back into the car and drove down to the city.

My appearance was a compelling one, as it always gets some of my workers wagging their tongues.  

I was dressed casually today since I was to stop at GODA to know who that creepy man is and the information he wanted. So I did not want to make my appearance obvious. But no matter how hard I tried to look awkward, it never turned out to be so. Maybe I was never good at it.

My ash brown hair, which I always tied up in a neat ponytail, leaving a few strands to fall to either side of my face, was now all down and touching my shoulders, with a face cap on it and my black sun shades on. I was in a red long-sleeved cotton shirt, which almost looked like a hoodie, over navy blue jeans and a pair of red sneakers with white stripes on them.

I earned some salutations from my workers but I only responded to a few of them and ignored the rest. 

 I finally made my way to my office.  When I entered inside, I sat down on my office chair and spun around a few times, before removing my cap and placing my legs over the table. With a few thoughts passing over my head.

Having rested for a while, I removed my laptop from one of the drawers underneath the table, to access the data of previous works and see how the hotels and restaurants were functioning in other parts of the city.

I mean I have to put up all these, to keep the police's attention away from me. I successfully went through the files and was about to go through those on my computer and finally to the stalk laying on my table when I received an email from a strange number.  I never wanted to click on it since it was not my idea to respond to strange emails, but I had to open it when I saw some funny but ugly-looking pictures. 

"Interested in knowing how your parents were killed, have a good look at the pictures". That was the message attached to the pictures.

 long lost memories were now resurfacing. I clenched my teeth, with my hands holding tightly at the ends of the laptop. As I looked firmly at the message.

I was indecisive about clicking on the picture but I had to. With one click on the first picture, it opened revealing my mother's face and the hole in her forehead as a result of the bullet she received.  Clicking on the second picture came, my father. 

The last picture was what sent me on the verge as I hit the table in front of me so hard, making everything that was on it fall to the black marble floor. Standing up furiously like a lion that has been dared with, I picked up the chair I was sitting on, using all my might, I threw it against the wall and watched it break the flat-screen TV across from me. "Who are you?" I yelled in agony. My voice echoed in the room and I knew that was enough to make the workers rush to my office. None of them could say a word or ask a question. I know they were terrified by the scene in front of them.  I sent them an evil glare and watched them disperse one after the other.

Who is this person and what do they want from me?. I broke k down in tears, remembering how my brother Enzo and I watched our parents killed in front of us. I was only sixty years then and it's been over 8 solid years. I crouched down to the floor with shaking hands as I picked up the laptop, seeing the corpse of two lifeless bodies on top of what looked like a white table. They looked pale and the most agonizing part of it was how they did not have internal organs. What in the world was going on? Who is this person? Was he or she trying to get to me by bringing memories of the past?. 

This was not the time to cry, Renzo. Get your ass up. This is the time to get revenge, To find whoever is doing this. 

I got up from the floor, picked up the laptop, and tried sending a message to the email, but it showed that the email was not found. 

That's it, just another nightmare.  But whoever they were, I was surely going to get them.

I put the laptop into my suitcase.  

Passing by the front desk with my messy appearance, I asked my secretary to go arrange my office and repair everything that needed repairing. I ignored the weird glances being thrown in my direction.  I took the elevator and went downstairs. I opened the door to my car and pushed the suitcase into the back seat, before stepping on the steering wheel. I headed straight home as for the hotel case, I was going to send Macro to have a talk with his sister and come tell me what was going on.

But who could this person be, waiting after all these years to get back at me using those horrible pictures of my parents?  What did they do to them? This was beyond me to figure out.