chapter 20. The mission, part one

Leonardo's  Pov.


I can't wait to get my hands on that girl. She has caused me and my men so much trouble in the last few years.

 She had the nerves to kill one of my men, the one I sent to that hotel to keep an eye on her, and also to get more information about that hotel and how it functions.

Does she not understand that I do not like competitors, and whatever competitor or rival I get, I killed them.

And now she just happened to be one of my preys and I would not let her go, without her being tortured.

Although I have a mission for her, she still has to get tortured severely for killing one of my men. That's a loss to the ROD empire.


You all must be wondering who I am, well, until  Sofia gets my mission done and I know she would not have any choice but to do it.


I have had my eyes on her for a long time and I have seen all that she has been through.

How she ruthlessly murders men and leaves everywhere looking like a bloodbath.

She has been on the headlines of different newspapers and magazines.

And the police have offered a ransom of  

50000 USD to anyone that finds her.

I guess I'm the lucky one to have caught her today, after killing one of my men and thought she could escape as she has been doing with the others.


"Looks like they finally arrived boss Leo"

Alessio smiled, walking into the room I was standing in with his lab coat still on him.

And he knows that I forbid them from walking around carelessly with their lab coat on. I can not afford to get caught, not when I have not started my mission, not when I haven't gotten rid of my biggest competitor.

"Let me go, I owe you nothing".

I heard her shouting when they reached the front door. " Welcome to my humble abode Sofia, you are most welcome".

I said with a smile on my face, taking a step towards the car she was inside.

 The agitation on her face was such that she could kill and kill my next generation if she was given the opportunity. It was dark, but her aura said it all.

"Where the hell is this place?". She asked when the car stopped right in front of the door.

" You could take a walk around to find out what it is, sweetheart. No one is stopping you". I stopped abruptly in front of her, watching her look at me venomously.

I could tell she was furious but there was no turning back.

 "You all, better let me go?"

She sobs and I know that was unlike her. She normally gets her way through things with Wisdom and boldness and so, what is wrong with her this time. 

"Not too quick girl, look, I have gone through a lot of trouble finding and bringing you down here and so there is no way I'm letting you go".

" you killed one of us at the hotel and you think we would let you go that easily". Alessio grumbled behind me.

"One of you, what do you mean by that?. Have you been following me the whole time? Why have you been doing that? I owe you nothing".

" of course, you owe me nothing until I tell you what you have to do for me and you would have no choice but to obey"

I watched her eyes widen and her jaw drop.

"And what makes you think I would do that for you?". She was quite a tough girl, still arguing after she knew that there would be no way out this time.

" Let's go inside first. You must be feeling cold".

I smiled at her doubtful figure, leaning against the car, not willing to move.

"If she doesn't want to move, drag her inside Mateo, I don't have all the time in the whole to sit and bicker words with her". I told them when I noticed she was trying to prove strong. 

Just that she doesn't know who I am, or else she would obey like I was her last hope for freedom.


 I had to keep her till the next day, with my men beside her, because of the way she was acting, I could not keep her alone, because she was going to use that opportunity to try and escape. and I could not let that happen, not after spending all my years watching her from a distance and seeing all that she is capable of doing, and I believe that she is the right person for the mission I would be sending her to.

I locked her in a small room that was based in my lab and had Mateo and Alessio watch her till dawn.

" Hey, go tell them to bring her in".

I told the bald head guy that was standing beside me. "Are you going to talk with her here in the lab or should I ask them to bring her to your special room?".

" bring her to the special room and if she tries anything funny, I will take her to the lab and she would have no other choice than to obey".

I told the bald head guy and walked into the special room to wait for her arrival.

"You don't have to cry sweetheart, when I'm done with you, you'll be free as a bird".

 I said when I saw her crying and begging in a low voice to let her go.

" what do you all want from me?".

She asked within sobs and I just shrugged.

"Something simple, if only you would comply with me".

I walked to her side and bent over to her shoulders, with my nose almost touching her cheeks. I noticed she went tensed as a result of the proximity but didn't say anything.

" Alright, let's get this deal seal". I strode back to my seat across from her. I pushed forward to the table and rested both hands on it, while she looked at me with distaste. I know that look of hers. She hated being around men and being in a room right now with different men, was something she never thought of. If any chance should be given to her at this instance, she would not hesitate to kill me and my men, just like she kills others and destroys their manhood.

"Since you are so eager to know what mission I have for you, then, let's get it done. I have this business competitor and rival, whom I want you to kill, using those skills of you brutally killing men and destroying their manhood. I want you to use those same skills and bring my enemy down to his knees. I want him and his entire empire to bow down to ROD". I looked at her in the face, I saw the uncertainty in those big amber-brown eyes of hers, a character of hers that I only come to notice. She must be wondering how I got to know about that. But I would explain to her when she must be done with my mission. 


"And what makes you think I'm going to do that for your sick and stupid self".

Wow, she got some nerves talking back at me.

"Because you have no other choice but to".

I snapped my fingers to the bald head man behind me.

A few minutes later, he returned with a couple of magazines in his hand. 

"Spread them in front of her". I ordered with a smirk on my face. Let's see if she still has the guts to talk.

"N- no way, h- how...what in the world?". I watched her struggle in the hold of Alessio as she was surprised by the papers in front of her. "How in the world did you get all these, have you been following me and watching my every move?" She asked and I know she was perplexed at the side of the papers spread across her on the table.

There were magazines and photos of her at her crime scene and some of which the police were looking for. 

"You see, you have no choice other than to carry out this mission for me. If not, then you know what would happen.  Guessing you have seen the last magazine.  It is the policy offering 50000 USD, to anyone that finds and brings you to them and you know exactly what I mean".

From the look on her face at this instant, I knew she would consider it and do the job for me and if she refuses again, then I won't hesitate to take her to my lab and show her what I do to heady people like her.

"You know what, to hell with you and the police.  If you were this resourceful, why didn't you use it to find your enemy rather than wasting your time on me?".

She ended that by staring at my face.