chapter 21. The mission two

Leonardo's POV. 

"What should we do with her boss?". Matteo asked, after seeing what the girl just did.  Usually, none of them would do this in my face. They were all taken aback by her reaction. Dino's hand was already up in the air, in an attempt to hit her. But I raise my hand, indicating for him to stop. I was going to deal with her myself. 

 I stood up from my seat and pushed my chair back, before getting completely out of it.

"Bring her to the lab. I wanted this to be simple, but since she wants to complicate it, let me make it easy for her".

"Let go of me. You all will surely regret this".

She warned as they dragged her behind me.


If he was easy to get rid of, as she said, I would not have bothered myself to find her. I would have just sent my men to watch him and bring every information about him to me and I would've gladly welcomed him to my lab.

However, he is such a strategic planner and without proper follow-up and maps of him, you'd never know exactly where he lives and what he does. 

I have tried hard over the past years to get information about him and his younger brother, but nothing. 

Luckily, she checked into the hotel that I sent Liano and Missy to, a location that I have taken close to two years to know existed. She killed Liano and Missy has not returned home since then. I do wonder what made me hire her. She was just as useless as the corpse in my lab.

Liano could only capture a call one of his workers made, that link was used to find the direction he always takes to his home each time he visited town.  And I do wonder what someone as powerful as him would be doing in the outskirts of town. 

And to Sofia, I have been watching her ever since she was about 5 years old. And when I learned about her killings and watched how she was killed, I knew she would be the perfect candidate for this mission, so I had to take her. 

  Then, a thought popped up in my head, maybe she would want money. With that, I turned around to face the two pairs that stopped behind me. She looked scared but trying to be strong for a reason I know nothing about. 

"Perhaps, you want money.  Maybe I should just give you money to do this for me"

"I told you that I don't want anything to do with you. Keep your money to yourself or you hire someone else to do the work for you".

Okay, looks like she does not want to buy my idea. 

Sofia's POV. 

After seeing those papers and photos he showed me back there, I know there is absolutely no way for me to leave this place. Is it either I accept his request or  I face the reciprocation? After walking through a long corridor, we came to an abrupt stop in front of a door to our right, which was painted all white and a warning notice was written on a white paper hanging above the door frame. "Danger"

He looked at me with a cocky smile on his, face before extending his hand forward and pressing the doorknob, before nodding his head over to the man behind me who started pushing me in front.  I so much wanted to send my leg behind and destroy what he was carrying between his legs. He should be thanking his stars that my hands were tied up.

"Increase your steps, you dummy ". Then turn to the side to see one bald head man nudging me. This is their moment.  They should have it while they still can. If I make it out of this place alive, I promise to come back for them.

Immediately after I entered the room; my nose was welcomed by a strong unpleasant smell. The kind of smell that could make a pregnant woman throw up and even throw up her baby.  The interior was painted white just like the door outside.  With sizable white tables in the room. 

My vision almost got blurred and I staggered behind as the man whose name I got as boss Leo, let loose one of the white plastic bags hanging above one of the tables, and a human body landed on top of the table.

 "What is this and what do you do with them?'.

I know that I was supposed to be calling the police now and not asking questions, but what in the name of heaven was this? Who are these people?


"It is a human body and it is exactly what we would do to you if you do not cooperate I want you to do for me"

"Why me? Why did you choose me?. Aren't you and your men capable of killing this rival of yours by yourself?".

I facepalm as I slumped to the floor and cried silently.  I'm tired of all these. Just when I thought I had freedom, I had to kill someone at the hotel and it happened to be one of his men and now I have to pay for it or I go to jail. And he wants me to kill someone even stronger than he is. If he and his man cannot eliminate him, that tells how dangerous he can be and now he is sending me to him.

"Why don't you kill me instead, At least I would be free from all these ".

This was the only option I have now.

He took a deep breath as he looked at me with soft eyes. That's it Sofia, pray he listens to it. 

I waited for a response from him, with a thumping heart. He takes slow steps toward me and crouches down to my level. 

He sent his hand forward and lifted my head. I tried to resist, but he held my head steady between his hands.

"  The only killing that would be done is you killing him and bringing me his manhood. That's an important item in my lab"

"Ok fine, who is this person you want me to kill?". There was no turning back so I had to agree with him. Not after seeing how hideous his lab looks.  It was scary. 

"Good, his name is Renzo Brown Adams. My rival, a competitor, is everything bad to me. I want you to kill him "

He said flatly, getting up on his knees and ordering one of his men to put back the dead body in its position. 


"Boss Leo, Missy just arrived ". The bald head man announced. 

"Bring the idiot in ".

He ordered with a wounded tone and she was brought in. Realization dawned on me when I noticed it was the same woman at the hotel.

Queen of apes. So, she could be this vulnerable when she was all mouthy back at the hotel. 

"You!". She said with wide eyes when she noticed me.

"You killed him. She killed Liano ". She went all teary. The next minute, a thunderous slap visited her cheeks which sent her down to the floor. 

"You could have alerted the security if you were standing by him, but were busy hitting on another's when a man and screaming your dirty ass out, bitch"!. He slammed her head one last time on the table beside her and it started to bleed, but he did not care.

That occurred to me; his type is the last I want to get into trouble with. 

"What information did you bring?".

He asked, picking some liquid on the table and pouring it into his hands, and rubbing them together. 

"Do not make me repeat myself, I asked again, what information do you have?".

That sounded like a death warning. 

"Liano's corpse was taken by the police. And the owner of the hotel would be coming to town tonight and would be going back tomorrow morning ". She manages to say, with her hands on her jaw trying to hold the pain.

"I would spare you your life, for this piece of information ".

He said, looking at me.

"So, Matteo, I don't know how you're going to do this, but, you will take that sex assassin back to that hotel. Try by all possible means, to place her in his path, where only he alone would be able to help her and take her with him".

He said and then turned back to me.

"Make sure to play your cards well. We'll keep in touch while you're in his house.  You would be providing me with every information ".

Wow, Sofia, this is what you get yourself into. 

"Good, but very stupid idea.  How in the world do you think, someone like him would meet a strange girl on the roadside and decide to help her".

That was me. He was insane to think like that.

"I'm not stupid enough, do you understand.  Of course, I would need to break some bones in your body and make you helpless.  So that he would have no choice other than to help you. The better idea now right?".

What,  in the name of heaven, did he just rant about?.