chapter 74. killings.

Renzo's POV 

"This is complicated. Killed Renzo's parents and yours! What did he want from all these killings?. Marco questions with anger evident in his voice. 

"He did what?". Enzo snapped and I blink, what Marco said, down on me. He killed his parents too?.

Goodness!. What did he want?

I have never really asked about their parents. How I could do that. That was so bad of me.

"He was the one that killed your parents, Enzo''. Cheryl repeated, laying much emphasis on the word killed. Renzo shot a hard glare, indicating for her to not say that again,which she did. Still, I still haven't done with her. 

The killing of my parents, what happened to them , how exactly did they die.

If Leonardo didn't kill them, then who did?

"Did he perhaps tell you the reason for all these killings?".

I asked, looking over at Cheryl, who seemed to think for a moment before looking back at me.