chapter 75. Apologies

Renzo's POV. 

We have spent almost an hour trying to make this fellow talk. It's like he doesn't even understand the situation he is in. 

"So, I will ask you for the very last time. Where the fuck did Leonardo ran off to. I promise, I won't give you a chance to talk again after now because you will be death". I snarled in anger and before I could take any other actions, Nicco already had the iron pressed against his bare back, making him let out a heavy scream, which almost made the walls of the hall vibrate.

Marco stood some few feet away and watched in amusement. His only torture weapon, was a gun. He couldn't handle other methods, so he just had to watched carry out our torture.

" to Italy and promised to come back for you". The man who was already half dead, struggled to talk, with the blood in his mouth. Too bad for him that he had to talk only at a time like this. A time where he was going to die nonetheless.