chapter 111. Gone.

Sofia's POV.

Renzo, Marco and Cherry just left for the city. They were going to drop Cheryl off at the hotel, before going down straight to the airport.

That's exactly what Renzo had explained to me the previous night. I didn't know Cheryl will be leaving at the same time as the boys. So right now it was just going to be me, Enzo, and Emilio. It was actually going to be a boring time but there was nothing I could do I went and saw them off outside.

I was currently in the living room sitting down on one of the sofas just staring into thin air , wondering what is going to happen next.

oh I forgot Nicco was also staying behind so it was going to be four of us in the house. Boring as that might sound , that's how it was to me.

I have nothing to do here in the living room. I just wanted to go up to my room and have some rest. It was going to be a very long and boring thing.